
Class StyleType

  • java.lang.Object
    • com.aspose.words.StyleType
public class StyleType 
extends java.lang.Object

Utility class containing constants. Represents type of the style.


Shows how to create a list style and use it in a document.
Document doc = new Document();

// Create a new list style
// List formatting associated with this list style is default numbered
Style listStyle = doc.getStyles().add(StyleType.LIST, "MyListStyle");

// This list defines the formatting of the list style
// Note this list can not be used directly to apply formatting to paragraphs (see below)
List list1 = listStyle.getList();

// Check some basic rules about the list that defines a list style
Assert.assertEquals(listStyle, list1.getStyle());

// Modify formatting of the list style to our liking
for (ListLevel level : list1.getListLevels()) {

// Add some text to our document and use the list style
DocumentBuilder builder = new DocumentBuilder(doc);

builder.writeln("Using list style first time:");

// This creates a list based on the list style
List list2 = doc.getLists().add(listStyle);

// Check some basic rules about the list that references a list style
Assert.assertEquals(listStyle, list2.getStyle());

// Apply the list that references the list style
builder.writeln("Item 1");
builder.writeln("Item 2");

builder.writeln("Using list style second time:");

// Create and apply another list based on the list style
List list3 = doc.getLists().add(listStyle);
builder.writeln("Item 1");
builder.writeln("Item 2");

builder.getDocument().save(getArtifactsDir() + "Lists.CreateAndUseListStyle.docx");

Field Summary
static final intPARAGRAPH = 1
The style is a paragraph style.
static final intCHARACTER = 2
The style is a character style.
static final intTABLE = 3
The style is a table style.
static final intLIST = 4
The style is a list style.

    • Field Detail

      • PARAGRAPH = 1

        public static final int PARAGRAPH
        The style is a paragraph style.
      • CHARACTER = 2

        public static final int CHARACTER
        The style is a character style.
      • TABLE = 3

        public static final int TABLE
        The style is a table style.
      • LIST = 4

        public static final int LIST
        The style is a list style.