
Class RevisionType

  • java.lang.Object
    • com.aspose.words.RevisionType
public class RevisionType 
extends java.lang.Object

Utility class containing constants. Specifies the type of change being tracked in Revision.

Field Summary
static final intINSERTION = 0
New content was inserted in the document.
static final intDELETION = 1
Content was removed from the document.
static final intFORMAT_CHANGE = 2
Change of formatting was applied to the parent node.
static final intSTYLE_DEFINITION_CHANGE = 3
Change of formatting was applied to the parent style.
static final intMOVING = 4
Content was moved in the document.

    • Field Detail

      • INSERTION = 0

        public static final int INSERTION
        New content was inserted in the document.
      • DELETION = 1

        public static final int DELETION
        Content was removed from the document.
      • FORMAT_CHANGE = 2

        public static final int FORMAT_CHANGE
        Change of formatting was applied to the parent node.

        public static final int STYLE_DEFINITION_CHANGE
        Change of formatting was applied to the parent style.
      • MOVING = 4

        public static final int MOVING
        Content was moved in the document.