
Class PaperSize

  • java.lang.Object
    • com.aspose.words.PaperSize
public class PaperSize 
extends java.lang.Object

Utility class containing constants. Specifies paper size.


Shows how to adjust paper size, orientation, margins and other settings for a section.
Document doc = new Document();
DocumentBuilder builder = new DocumentBuilder(doc);


builder.writeln("Hello world."); + "PageSetup.PageMargins.docx");


Shows how to construct an Aspose Words document node by node.
Document doc = new Document();

// A newly created blank document still comes one section, one body and one paragraph
// Calling this method will remove all those nodes to completely empty the document

// This document now has no composite nodes that content can be added to
// If we wish to edit it, we will need to repopulate its node collection,
// which we will start to do with by creating a new Section node
Section section = new Section(doc);

// Append the section to the document

// Lets set some properties for the section

// A section needs a body, which will contain all other nodes that can be edited
Body body = new Body(doc);

// The body needs to have at least one paragraph
// Note that the paragraph has not yet been added to the document, but we have to specify the parent document
// The parent document is needed so the paragraph can correctly work
// with styles and other document-wide information
Paragraph para = new Paragraph(doc);

// We can set some formatting for the paragraph
para.getParagraphFormat().setStyleName("Heading 1");

// Now we can begin adding content to the document
Run run = new Run(doc);
run.setText("Hello World!");

Assert.assertEquals("Hello World!" + ControlChar.SECTION_BREAK_CHAR, doc.getText()); + "Section.CreateFromScratch.docx");

Field Summary
static final intA3 = 0
297 x 420 mm.
static final intA4 = 1
210 x 297 mm.
static final intA5 = 2
148 x 210 mm.
static final intB4 = 3
250 x 353 mm.
static final intB5 = 4
176 x 250 mm.
static final intEXECUTIVE = 5
7.25 x 10.5 inches.
static final intFOLIO = 6
8.5 x 13 inches.
static final intLEDGER = 7
17 x 11 inches.
static final intLEGAL = 8
8.5 x 14 inches.
static final intLETTER = 9
8.5 x 11 inches.
static final intENVELOPE_DL = 10
110 x 220 mm.
static final intQUARTO = 11
8.47 x 10.83 inches.
static final intSTATEMENT = 12
8.5 x 5.5 inches.
static final intTABLOID = 13
11 x 17 inches.
static final intPAPER_10_X_14 = 14
10 x 14 inches.
static final intPAPER_11_X_17 = 15
11 x 17 inches.
static final intCUSTOM = 16
Custom paper size.

    • Field Detail

      • A3 = 0

        public static final int A3
        297 x 420 mm.
      • A4 = 1

        public static final int A4
        210 x 297 mm.
      • A5 = 2

        public static final int A5
        148 x 210 mm.
      • B4 = 3

        public static final int B4
        250 x 353 mm.
      • B5 = 4

        public static final int B5
        176 x 250 mm.
      • EXECUTIVE = 5

        public static final int EXECUTIVE
        7.25 x 10.5 inches.
      • FOLIO = 6

        public static final int FOLIO
        8.5 x 13 inches.
      • LEDGER = 7

        public static final int LEDGER
        17 x 11 inches.
      • LEGAL = 8

        public static final int LEGAL
        8.5 x 14 inches.
      • LETTER = 9

        public static final int LETTER
        8.5 x 11 inches.
      • ENVELOPE_DL = 10

        public static final int ENVELOPE_DL
        110 x 220 mm.
      • QUARTO = 11

        public static final int QUARTO
        8.47 x 10.83 inches.
      • STATEMENT = 12

        public static final int STATEMENT
        8.5 x 5.5 inches.
      • TABLOID = 13

        public static final int TABLOID
        11 x 17 inches.
      • PAPER_10_X_14 = 14

        public static final int PAPER_10_X_14
        10 x 14 inches.
      • PAPER_11_X_17 = 15

        public static final int PAPER_11_X_17
        11 x 17 inches.
      • CUSTOM = 16

        public static final int CUSTOM
        Custom paper size.