
Class LayoutEntityType

  • java.lang.Object
    • com.aspose.words.LayoutEntityType
public class LayoutEntityType 
extends java.lang.Object

Utility class containing constants. Types of the layout entities.

Field Summary
static final intNONE = 0
Default value.
static final intPAGE = 1
Represents page of a document. Page may have COLUMN, HEADER_FOOTER and COMMENT child entities.
static final intCOLUMN = 2
Represents a column of text on a page. Column may have the same child entities as CELL, plus FOOTNOTE, ENDNOTE and NOTE_SEPARATOR entities.
static final intROW = 8
Represents a table row. Row may have CELL as child entities.
static final intCELL = 16
Represents a table cell. Cell may have LINE and ROW child entities.
static final intLINE = 32
Represents line of characters of text and inline objects. Line may have SPAN child entities.
static final intSPAN = 64
Represents one or more characters in a line. This include special characters like field start/end markers, bookmarks and comments. Span may not have child entities.
static final intFOOTNOTE = 256
Represents placeholder for footnote content. Footnote may have LINE and ROW child entities.
static final intENDNOTE = 512
Represents placeholder for endnote content. Endnote may have LINE and ROW child entities.
static final intHEADER_FOOTER = 1024
Represents placeholder for header/footer content on a page. HeaderFooter may have LINE and ROW child entities.
static final intTEXT_BOX = 2048
Represents text area inside of a shape. Textbox may have LINE and ROW child entities.
static final intCOMMENT = 4096
Represents placeholder for comment content. Comment may have LINE and ROW child entities.
static final intNOTE_SEPARATOR = 8192
Represents footnote/endnote separator. NoteSeparator may have LINE and ROW child entities.

    • Field Detail

      • NONE = 0

        public static final int NONE
        Default value.
      • PAGE = 1

        public static final int PAGE
        Represents page of a document. Page may have COLUMN, HEADER_FOOTER and COMMENT child entities.
      • COLUMN = 2

        public static final int COLUMN
        Represents a column of text on a page. Column may have the same child entities as CELL, plus FOOTNOTE, ENDNOTE and NOTE_SEPARATOR entities.
      • ROW = 8

        public static final int ROW
        Represents a table row. Row may have CELL as child entities.
      • CELL = 16

        public static final int CELL
        Represents a table cell. Cell may have LINE and ROW child entities.
      • LINE = 32

        public static final int LINE
        Represents line of characters of text and inline objects. Line may have SPAN child entities.
      • SPAN = 64

        public static final int SPAN
        Represents one or more characters in a line. This include special characters like field start/end markers, bookmarks and comments. Span may not have child entities.
      • FOOTNOTE = 256

        public static final int FOOTNOTE
        Represents placeholder for footnote content. Footnote may have LINE and ROW child entities.
      • ENDNOTE = 512

        public static final int ENDNOTE
        Represents placeholder for endnote content. Endnote may have LINE and ROW child entities.
      • HEADER_FOOTER = 1024

        public static final int HEADER_FOOTER
        Represents placeholder for header/footer content on a page. HeaderFooter may have LINE and ROW child entities.
      • TEXT_BOX = 2048

        public static final int TEXT_BOX
        Represents text area inside of a shape. Textbox may have LINE and ROW child entities.
      • COMMENT = 4096

        public static final int COMMENT
        Represents placeholder for comment content. Comment may have LINE and ROW child entities.
      • NOTE_SEPARATOR = 8192

        public static final int NOTE_SEPARATOR
        Represents footnote/endnote separator. NoteSeparator may have LINE and ROW child entities.