
Class HeightRule

  • java.lang.Object
    • com.aspose.words.HeightRule
public class HeightRule 
extends java.lang.Object

Utility class containing constants. Specifies the rule for determining the height of an object.


Shows how to format rows with a document builder.
Document doc = new Document();
DocumentBuilder builder = new DocumentBuilder(doc);

Table table = builder.startTable();
builder.write("Row 1, cell 1.");

// Start a second row, and then configure its height. The builder will apply these settings to
// its current row, as well as any new rows it creates afterwards.

RowFormat rowFormat = builder.getRowFormat();

builder.write("Row 2, cell 1.");

// The first row was unaffected by the padding reconfiguration and still holds the default values.
Assert.assertEquals(0.0d, table.getRows().get(0).getRowFormat().getHeight());
Assert.assertEquals(HeightRule.AUTO, table.getRows().get(0).getRowFormat().getHeightRule());

Assert.assertEquals(100.0d, table.getRows().get(1).getRowFormat().getHeight());
Assert.assertEquals(HeightRule.EXACTLY, table.getRows().get(1).getRowFormat().getHeightRule()); + "DocumentBuilder.SetRowFormatting.docx");

Field Summary
static final intAT_LEAST = 0
The height will be at least the specified height in points. It will grow, if needed, to accommodate all text inside an object.
static final intEXACTLY = 1
The height is specified exactly in points. Please note that if the text cannot fit inside the object of this height, it will appear truncated.
static final intAUTO = 2
The height will grow automatically to accommodate all text inside an object.

    • Field Detail

      • AT_LEAST = 0

        public static final int AT_LEAST
        The height will be at least the specified height in points. It will grow, if needed, to accommodate all text inside an object.
      • EXACTLY = 1

        public static final int EXACTLY
        The height is specified exactly in points. Please note that if the text cannot fit inside the object of this height, it will appear truncated.
      • AUTO = 2

        public static final int AUTO
        The height will grow automatically to accommodate all text inside an object.