
Class FieldSeparator

  • All Implemented Interfaces:
    public class FieldSeparator 
    extends FieldChar

Represents a Word field separator that separates the field code from the field result.

FieldSeparator is an inline-level node and represented by the ControlChar.FIELD_SEPARATOR_CHAR control character in the document.

FieldSeparator can only be a child of Paragraph.

A complete field in a Microsoft Word document is a complex structure consisting of a field start character, field code, field separator character, field result and field end character. Some fields only have field start, field code and field end.

To easily insert a new field into a document, use the DocumentBuilder.insertField(java.lang.String) method.


Shows how to work with a collection of fields.
public void fieldCollection() throws Exception
    Document doc = new Document();
    DocumentBuilder builder = new DocumentBuilder(doc);

    builder.insertField(" DATE \\@ \"dddd, d MMMM yyyy\" ");
    builder.insertField(" TIME ");
    builder.insertField(" REVNUM ");
    builder.insertField(" AUTHOR  \"John Doe\" ");
    builder.insertField(" SUBJECT \"My Subject\" ");
    builder.insertField(" QUOTE \"Hello world!\" ");

    // This collection stores all of a document's fields.
    FieldCollection fields = doc.getRange().getFields();

    Assert.assertEquals(6, fields.getCount());

    // Iterate over the field collection, and print contents and type
    // of every field using a custom visitor implementation.
    FieldVisitor fieldVisitor = new FieldVisitor();

    Iterator<Field> fieldEnumerator = fields.iterator();

    while (fieldEnumerator.hasNext()) {
        if ( != null) {
            Field currentField =;

            if (currentField.getSeparator() != null) {
        } else {
            System.out.println("There are no fields in the document.");


/// <summary>
/// Document visitor implementation that prints field info.
/// </summary>
public static class FieldVisitor extends DocumentVisitor {
    public FieldVisitor() {
        mBuilder = new StringBuilder();

    /// <summary>
    /// Gets the plain text of the document that was accumulated by the visitor.
    /// </summary>
    public String getText() {
        return mBuilder.toString();

    /// <summary>
    /// Called when a FieldStart node is encountered in the document.
    /// </summary>
    public int visitFieldStart(final FieldStart fieldStart) {
        mBuilder.append("Found field: " + fieldStart.getFieldType() + "\r\n");
        mBuilder.append("\tField code: " + fieldStart.getField().getFieldCode() + "\r\n");
        mBuilder.append("\tDisplayed as: " + fieldStart.getField().getResult() + "\r\n");

        return VisitorAction.CONTINUE;

    /// <summary>
    /// Called when a FieldSeparator node is encountered in the document.
    /// </summary>
    public int visitFieldSeparator(final FieldSeparator fieldSeparator) {
        mBuilder.append("\tFound separator: " + fieldSeparator.getText() + "\r\n");

        return VisitorAction.CONTINUE;

    /// <summary>
    /// Called when a FieldEnd node is encountered in the document.
    /// </summary>
    public int visitFieldEnd(final FieldEnd fieldEnd) {
        mBuilder.append("End of field: " + fieldEnd.getFieldType() + "\r\n");

        return VisitorAction.CONTINUE;

    private /*final*/ StringBuilder mBuilder;

Property Getters/Setters Summary
Gets the document to which this node belongs.
Returns the type of the field. The value of the property is FieldType integer constant.
Provides access to the font formatting of this object.
Returns true if this node can contain other nodes.
Returns true if this object was deleted in Microsoft Word while change tracking was enabled.
           Gets or sets whether the current result of the field is no longer correct (stale) due to other modifications made to the document.
Returns true if formatting of the object was changed in Microsoft Word while change tracking was enabled.
Returns true if this object was inserted in Microsoft Word while change tracking was enabled.
           Gets or sets whether the parent field is locked (should not recalculate its result).
Returns true if this object was moved (deleted) in Microsoft Word while change tracking was enabled.
Returns true if this object was moved (inserted) in Microsoft Word while change tracking was enabled.
Gets the node immediately following this node.
Returns NodeType.FIELD_SEPARATOR. The value of the property is NodeType integer constant.
Gets the immediate parent of this node.
Retrieves the parent Paragraph of this node.
Gets the node immediately preceding this node.
Returns a Range object that represents the portion of a document that is contained in this node.
Method Summary
booleanaccept(DocumentVisitor visitor)
Accepts a visitor.
NodedeepClone(boolean isCloneChildren)
Creates a duplicate of the node.
CompositeNodegetAncestor(int ancestorType)
Gets the first ancestor of the specified NodeType.
CompositeNodegetAncestor(java.lang.Class ancestorType)
Gets the first ancestor of the specified object type.
Returns a field for the field char.
Gets the special character that this node represents.
NodenextPreOrder(Node rootNode)
Gets next node according to the pre-order tree traversal algorithm.
NodepreviousPreOrder(Node rootNode)
Gets the previous node according to the pre-order tree traversal algorithm.
Removes itself from the parent.
java.lang.StringtoString(SaveOptions saveOptions)
Exports the content of the node into a string using the specified save options.
java.lang.StringtoString(int saveFormat)
Exports the content of the node into a string in the specified format.

    • Property Getters/Setters Detail

      • getDocument

        public DocumentBase getDocument()
        Gets the document to which this node belongs.

        The node always belongs to a document even if it has just been created and not yet added to the tree, or if it has been removed from the tree.


        Shows how to create a node and set its owning document.
        // Open a file from disk
        Document doc = new Document();
        // Creating a new node of any type requires a document passed into the constructor
        Paragraph para = new Paragraph(doc);
        // The new paragraph node does not yet have a parent
        System.out.println("Paragraph has no parent node: " + (para.getParentNode() == null));
        // But the paragraph node knows its document
        System.out.println("Both nodes' documents are the same: " + (para.getDocument() == doc));
        // The fact that a node always belongs to a document allows us to access and modify 
        // properties that reference the document-wide data such as styles or lists
        para.getParagraphFormat().setStyleName("Heading 1");
        // Now add the paragraph to the main text of the first section
        // The paragraph node is now a child of the Body node
        System.out.println("Paragraph has a parent node: " + (para.getParentNode() != null));
      • getFieldType

        public int getFieldType()
        Returns the type of the field. The value of the property is FieldType integer constant.


        Shows how to work with a FieldStart node.
        Document doc = new Document();
        DocumentBuilder builder = new DocumentBuilder(doc);
        FieldDate field = (FieldDate) builder.insertField(FieldType.FIELD_DATE, true);
        field.getFormat().setDateTimeFormat("dddd, MMMM dd, yyyy");
        FieldChar fieldStart = field.getStart();
        Assert.assertEquals(FieldType.FIELD_DATE, fieldStart.getFieldType());
        Assert.assertEquals(false, fieldStart.isDirty());
        Assert.assertEquals(false, fieldStart.isLocked());
        // Retrieve the facade object which represents the field in the document.
        field = (FieldDate)fieldStart.getField();
        Assert.assertEquals(false, field.isLocked());
        Assert.assertEquals(" DATE  \\@ \"dddd, MMMM dd, yyyy\"", field.getFieldCode());
        // Update the field to show the current date.
      • getFont

        public Font getFont()
        Provides access to the font formatting of this object.


        Shows how to construct an Aspose Words document node by node.
        Document doc = new Document();
        // A newly created blank document still comes one section, one body and one paragraph
        // Calling this method will remove all those nodes to completely empty the document
        // This document now has no composite nodes that content can be added to
        // If we wish to edit it, we will need to repopulate its node collection,
        // which we will start to do with by creating a new Section node
        Section section = new Section(doc);
        // Append the section to the document
        // Lets set some properties for the section
        // A section needs a body, which will contain all other nodes that can be edited
        Body body = new Body(doc);
        // The body needs to have at least one paragraph
        // Note that the paragraph has not yet been added to the document, but we have to specify the parent document
        // The parent document is needed so the paragraph can correctly work
        // with styles and other document-wide information
        Paragraph para = new Paragraph(doc);
        // We can set some formatting for the paragraph
        para.getParagraphFormat().setStyleName("Heading 1");
        // Now we can begin adding content to the document
        Run run = new Run(doc);
        run.setText("Hello World!");
        Assert.assertEquals("Hello World!" + ControlChar.SECTION_BREAK_CHAR, doc.getText());
        + "Section.CreateFromScratch.docx");
      • isComposite

        public boolean isComposite()
        Returns true if this node can contain other nodes. This method returns false as Node cannot have child nodes.


        Shows how to efficiently visit all direct and indirect children of a composite node.
        public void recurseAllNodes() throws Exception {
            Document doc = new Document(getMyDir() + "Paragraphs.docx");
            // Any node that can contain child nodes, such as the document itself, is composite
            // Invoke the recursive function that will go through and print all the child nodes of a composite node
            traverseAllNodes(doc, 0);
        /// <summary>
        /// Recursively traverses a node tree while printing the type of each node with an indent depending on depth as well as the contents of all inline nodes.
        /// </summary>
        @Test(enabled = false)
        public void traverseAllNodes(CompositeNode parentNode, int depth) {
            // Loop through immediate children of a node
            for (Node childNode = parentNode.getFirstChild(); childNode != null; childNode = childNode.getNextSibling()) {
                System.out.println(MessageFormat.format("{0}{1}", String.format("    ", depth), Node.nodeTypeToString(childNode.getNodeType())));
                // Recurse into the node if it is a composite node
                if (childNode.isComposite()) {
                    traverseAllNodes((CompositeNode) childNode, depth + 1);
                } else if (childNode instanceof Inline) {
                    System.out.println(" - \"{childNode.GetText().Trim()}\"");
                } else {
      • isDeleteRevision

        public boolean isDeleteRevision()
        Returns true if this object was deleted in Microsoft Word while change tracking was enabled.


        Shows how to view revision-related properties of Inline nodes.
        Document doc = new Document(getMyDir() + "Revision runs.docx");
        // This document has 6 revisions
        Assert.assertEquals(doc.getRevisions().getCount(), 6);
        // The parent node of a revision is the run that the revision concerns, which is an Inline node
        Run run = (Run) doc.getRevisions().get(0).getParentNode();
        // Get the parent paragraph
        Paragraph firstParagraph = run.getParentParagraph();
        RunCollection runs = firstParagraph.getRuns();
        Assert.assertEquals(runs.getCount(), 6);
        // The text in the run at index #2 was typed after revisions were tracked, so it will count as an insert revision
        // The font was changed, so it will also be a format revision
        // If one node was moved from one place to another while changes were tracked,
        // the node will be placed at the departure location as a "move to revision",
        // and a "move from revision" node will be left behind at the origin, in case we want to reject changes
        // Highlighting text and dragging it to another place with the mouse and cut-and-pasting (but not copy-pasting) both count as "move revisions"
        // The node with the "IsMoveToRevision" flag is the arrival of the move operation, and the node with the "IsMoveFromRevision" flag is the departure point
        // If an Inline node gets deleted while changes are being tracked, it will leave behind a node with the IsDeleteRevision flag set to true until changes are accepted
      • isDirty/isDirty

        public boolean isDirty() / public void isDirty(boolean value)
        Gets or sets whether the current result of the field is no longer correct (stale) due to other modifications made to the document.


        Shows how to work with a FieldStart node.
        Document doc = new Document();
        DocumentBuilder builder = new DocumentBuilder(doc);
        FieldDate field = (FieldDate) builder.insertField(FieldType.FIELD_DATE, true);
        field.getFormat().setDateTimeFormat("dddd, MMMM dd, yyyy");
        FieldChar fieldStart = field.getStart();
        Assert.assertEquals(FieldType.FIELD_DATE, fieldStart.getFieldType());
        Assert.assertEquals(false, fieldStart.isDirty());
        Assert.assertEquals(false, fieldStart.isLocked());
        // Retrieve the facade object which represents the field in the document.
        field = (FieldDate)fieldStart.getField();
        Assert.assertEquals(false, field.isLocked());
        Assert.assertEquals(" DATE  \\@ \"dddd, MMMM dd, yyyy\"", field.getFieldCode());
        // Update the field to show the current date.
      • isFormatRevision

        public boolean isFormatRevision()
        Returns true if formatting of the object was changed in Microsoft Word while change tracking was enabled.


        Shows how to view revision-related properties of Inline nodes.
        Document doc = new Document(getMyDir() + "Revision runs.docx");
        // This document has 6 revisions
        Assert.assertEquals(doc.getRevisions().getCount(), 6);
        // The parent node of a revision is the run that the revision concerns, which is an Inline node
        Run run = (Run) doc.getRevisions().get(0).getParentNode();
        // Get the parent paragraph
        Paragraph firstParagraph = run.getParentParagraph();
        RunCollection runs = firstParagraph.getRuns();
        Assert.assertEquals(runs.getCount(), 6);
        // The text in the run at index #2 was typed after revisions were tracked, so it will count as an insert revision
        // The font was changed, so it will also be a format revision
        // If one node was moved from one place to another while changes were tracked,
        // the node will be placed at the departure location as a "move to revision",
        // and a "move from revision" node will be left behind at the origin, in case we want to reject changes
        // Highlighting text and dragging it to another place with the mouse and cut-and-pasting (but not copy-pasting) both count as "move revisions"
        // The node with the "IsMoveToRevision" flag is the arrival of the move operation, and the node with the "IsMoveFromRevision" flag is the departure point
        // If an Inline node gets deleted while changes are being tracked, it will leave behind a node with the IsDeleteRevision flag set to true until changes are accepted
      • isInsertRevision

        public boolean isInsertRevision()
        Returns true if this object was inserted in Microsoft Word while change tracking was enabled.


        Shows how to view revision-related properties of Inline nodes.
        Document doc = new Document(getMyDir() + "Revision runs.docx");
        // This document has 6 revisions
        Assert.assertEquals(doc.getRevisions().getCount(), 6);
        // The parent node of a revision is the run that the revision concerns, which is an Inline node
        Run run = (Run) doc.getRevisions().get(0).getParentNode();
        // Get the parent paragraph
        Paragraph firstParagraph = run.getParentParagraph();
        RunCollection runs = firstParagraph.getRuns();
        Assert.assertEquals(runs.getCount(), 6);
        // The text in the run at index #2 was typed after revisions were tracked, so it will count as an insert revision
        // The font was changed, so it will also be a format revision
        // If one node was moved from one place to another while changes were tracked,
        // the node will be placed at the departure location as a "move to revision",
        // and a "move from revision" node will be left behind at the origin, in case we want to reject changes
        // Highlighting text and dragging it to another place with the mouse and cut-and-pasting (but not copy-pasting) both count as "move revisions"
        // The node with the "IsMoveToRevision" flag is the arrival of the move operation, and the node with the "IsMoveFromRevision" flag is the departure point
        // If an Inline node gets deleted while changes are being tracked, it will leave behind a node with the IsDeleteRevision flag set to true until changes are accepted
      • isLocked/isLocked

        public boolean isLocked() / public void isLocked(boolean value)
        Gets or sets whether the parent field is locked (should not recalculate its result).


        Shows how to work with a FieldStart node.
        Document doc = new Document();
        DocumentBuilder builder = new DocumentBuilder(doc);
        FieldDate field = (FieldDate) builder.insertField(FieldType.FIELD_DATE, true);
        field.getFormat().setDateTimeFormat("dddd, MMMM dd, yyyy");
        FieldChar fieldStart = field.getStart();
        Assert.assertEquals(FieldType.FIELD_DATE, fieldStart.getFieldType());
        Assert.assertEquals(false, fieldStart.isDirty());
        Assert.assertEquals(false, fieldStart.isLocked());
        // Retrieve the facade object which represents the field in the document.
        field = (FieldDate)fieldStart.getField();
        Assert.assertEquals(false, field.isLocked());
        Assert.assertEquals(" DATE  \\@ \"dddd, MMMM dd, yyyy\"", field.getFieldCode());
        // Update the field to show the current date.
      • isMoveFromRevision

        public boolean isMoveFromRevision()
        Returns true if this object was moved (deleted) in Microsoft Word while change tracking was enabled.


        Shows how to view revision-related properties of Inline nodes.
        Document doc = new Document(getMyDir() + "Revision runs.docx");
        // This document has 6 revisions
        Assert.assertEquals(doc.getRevisions().getCount(), 6);
        // The parent node of a revision is the run that the revision concerns, which is an Inline node
        Run run = (Run) doc.getRevisions().get(0).getParentNode();
        // Get the parent paragraph
        Paragraph firstParagraph = run.getParentParagraph();
        RunCollection runs = firstParagraph.getRuns();
        Assert.assertEquals(runs.getCount(), 6);
        // The text in the run at index #2 was typed after revisions were tracked, so it will count as an insert revision
        // The font was changed, so it will also be a format revision
        // If one node was moved from one place to another while changes were tracked,
        // the node will be placed at the departure location as a "move to revision",
        // and a "move from revision" node will be left behind at the origin, in case we want to reject changes
        // Highlighting text and dragging it to another place with the mouse and cut-and-pasting (but not copy-pasting) both count as "move revisions"
        // The node with the "IsMoveToRevision" flag is the arrival of the move operation, and the node with the "IsMoveFromRevision" flag is the departure point
        // If an Inline node gets deleted while changes are being tracked, it will leave behind a node with the IsDeleteRevision flag set to true until changes are accepted
      • isMoveToRevision

        public boolean isMoveToRevision()
        Returns true if this object was moved (inserted) in Microsoft Word while change tracking was enabled.


        Shows how to view revision-related properties of Inline nodes.
        Document doc = new Document(getMyDir() + "Revision runs.docx");
        // This document has 6 revisions
        Assert.assertEquals(doc.getRevisions().getCount(), 6);
        // The parent node of a revision is the run that the revision concerns, which is an Inline node
        Run run = (Run) doc.getRevisions().get(0).getParentNode();
        // Get the parent paragraph
        Paragraph firstParagraph = run.getParentParagraph();
        RunCollection runs = firstParagraph.getRuns();
        Assert.assertEquals(runs.getCount(), 6);
        // The text in the run at index #2 was typed after revisions were tracked, so it will count as an insert revision
        // The font was changed, so it will also be a format revision
        // If one node was moved from one place to another while changes were tracked,
        // the node will be placed at the departure location as a "move to revision",
        // and a "move from revision" node will be left behind at the origin, in case we want to reject changes
        // Highlighting text and dragging it to another place with the mouse and cut-and-pasting (but not copy-pasting) both count as "move revisions"
        // The node with the "IsMoveToRevision" flag is the arrival of the move operation, and the node with the "IsMoveFromRevision" flag is the departure point
        // If an Inline node gets deleted while changes are being tracked, it will leave behind a node with the IsDeleteRevision flag set to true until changes are accepted
      • getNextSibling

        public Node getNextSibling()
        Gets the node immediately following this node. If there is no next node, a null is returned.


        Shows how to enumerate immediate child nodes of a composite node using NextSibling.
        Document doc = new Document(getMyDir() + "Paragraphs.docx");
        // Loop starting from the first child until we reach null
        for (Node node = doc.getFirstSection().getBody().getFirstChild(); node != null; node = node.getNextSibling()) {
            // Output the types of the nodes that we come across


        Shows how to efficiently visit all direct and indirect children of a composite node.
        public void recurseAllNodes() throws Exception {
            Document doc = new Document(getMyDir() + "Paragraphs.docx");
            // Any node that can contain child nodes, such as the document itself, is composite
            // Invoke the recursive function that will go through and print all the child nodes of a composite node
            traverseAllNodes(doc, 0);
        /// <summary>
        /// Recursively traverses a node tree while printing the type of each node with an indent depending on depth as well as the contents of all inline nodes.
        /// </summary>
        @Test(enabled = false)
        public void traverseAllNodes(CompositeNode parentNode, int depth) {
            // Loop through immediate children of a node
            for (Node childNode = parentNode.getFirstChild(); childNode != null; childNode = childNode.getNextSibling()) {
                System.out.println(MessageFormat.format("{0}{1}", String.format("    ", depth), Node.nodeTypeToString(childNode.getNodeType())));
                // Recurse into the node if it is a composite node
                if (childNode.isComposite()) {
                    traverseAllNodes((CompositeNode) childNode, depth + 1);
                } else if (childNode instanceof Inline) {
                    System.out.println(" - \"{childNode.GetText().Trim()}\"");
                } else {
      • getNodeType

        public int getNodeType()
        Returns NodeType.FIELD_SEPARATOR. The value of the property is NodeType integer constant.


        Shows how to efficiently visit all direct and indirect children of a composite node.
        public void recurseAllNodes() throws Exception {
            Document doc = new Document(getMyDir() + "Paragraphs.docx");
            // Any node that can contain child nodes, such as the document itself, is composite
            // Invoke the recursive function that will go through and print all the child nodes of a composite node
            traverseAllNodes(doc, 0);
        /// <summary>
        /// Recursively traverses a node tree while printing the type of each node with an indent depending on depth as well as the contents of all inline nodes.
        /// </summary>
        @Test(enabled = false)
        public void traverseAllNodes(CompositeNode parentNode, int depth) {
            // Loop through immediate children of a node
            for (Node childNode = parentNode.getFirstChild(); childNode != null; childNode = childNode.getNextSibling()) {
                System.out.println(MessageFormat.format("{0}{1}", String.format("    ", depth), Node.nodeTypeToString(childNode.getNodeType())));
                // Recurse into the node if it is a composite node
                if (childNode.isComposite()) {
                    traverseAllNodes((CompositeNode) childNode, depth + 1);
                } else if (childNode instanceof Inline) {
                    System.out.println(" - \"{childNode.GetText().Trim()}\"");
                } else {
      • getParentNode

        public CompositeNode getParentNode()
        Gets the immediate parent of this node.

        If a node has just been created and not yet added to the tree, or if it has been removed from the tree, the parent is null.


        Shows how to access the parent node.
        Document doc = new Document();
        // Get the document's first paragraph and append a child node to it in the form of a run with text
        Paragraph para = doc.getFirstSection().getBody().getFirstParagraph();
        // When inserting a new node, the document that the node will belong to must be provided as an argument
        Run run = new Run(doc, "Hello world!");
        // The node lineage can be traced back to the document itself
        Assert.assertEquals(para, run.getParentNode());
        Assert.assertEquals(doc.getFirstSection().getBody(), para.getParentNode());
        Assert.assertEquals(doc.getFirstSection(), doc.getFirstSection().getBody().getParentNode());
        Assert.assertEquals(doc, doc.getFirstSection().getParentNode());


        Shows how to create a node and set its owning document.
        // Open a file from disk
        Document doc = new Document();
        // Creating a new node of any type requires a document passed into the constructor
        Paragraph para = new Paragraph(doc);
        // The new paragraph node does not yet have a parent
        System.out.println("Paragraph has no parent node: " + (para.getParentNode() == null));
        // But the paragraph node knows its document
        System.out.println("Both nodes' documents are the same: " + (para.getDocument() == doc));
        // The fact that a node always belongs to a document allows us to access and modify 
        // properties that reference the document-wide data such as styles or lists
        para.getParagraphFormat().setStyleName("Heading 1");
        // Now add the paragraph to the main text of the first section
        // The paragraph node is now a child of the Body node
        System.out.println("Paragraph has a parent node: " + (para.getParentNode() != null));
      • getParentParagraph

        public Paragraph getParentParagraph()
        Retrieves the parent Paragraph of this node.


        Shows how to view revision-related properties of Inline nodes.
        Document doc = new Document(getMyDir() + "Revision runs.docx");
        // This document has 6 revisions
        Assert.assertEquals(doc.getRevisions().getCount(), 6);
        // The parent node of a revision is the run that the revision concerns, which is an Inline node
        Run run = (Run) doc.getRevisions().get(0).getParentNode();
        // Get the parent paragraph
        Paragraph firstParagraph = run.getParentParagraph();
        RunCollection runs = firstParagraph.getRuns();
        Assert.assertEquals(runs.getCount(), 6);
        // The text in the run at index #2 was typed after revisions were tracked, so it will count as an insert revision
        // The font was changed, so it will also be a format revision
        // If one node was moved from one place to another while changes were tracked,
        // the node will be placed at the departure location as a "move to revision",
        // and a "move from revision" node will be left behind at the origin, in case we want to reject changes
        // Highlighting text and dragging it to another place with the mouse and cut-and-pasting (but not copy-pasting) both count as "move revisions"
        // The node with the "IsMoveToRevision" flag is the arrival of the move operation, and the node with the "IsMoveFromRevision" flag is the departure point
        // If an Inline node gets deleted while changes are being tracked, it will leave behind a node with the IsDeleteRevision flag set to true until changes are accepted
      • getPreviousSibling

        public Node getPreviousSibling()
        Gets the node immediately preceding this node. If there is no preceding node, a null is returned.


        Shows how to use of methods of Node and CompositeNode to remove a section before the last section in the document.
        Document doc = new Document();
        DocumentBuilder builder = new DocumentBuilder(doc);
        // Create a second section by inserting a section break and add text to both sections
        builder.writeln("Section 1 text.");
        builder.writeln("Section 2 text.");
        // Both sections are siblings of each other
        Section lastSection = (Section) doc.getLastChild();
        Section firstSection = (Section) lastSection.getPreviousSibling();
        // Remove a section based on its sibling relationship with another section
        if (lastSection.getPreviousSibling() != null)
        // The section we removed was the first one, leaving the document with only the second
        Assert.assertEquals("Section 2 text.", doc.getText().trim());
      • getRange

        public Range getRange()
        Returns a Range object that represents the portion of a document that is contained in this node.


        Shows how to delete all characters of a range.
        // Insert two sections into a blank document
        Document doc = new Document();
        DocumentBuilder builder = new DocumentBuilder(doc);
        builder.write("Section 1. ");
        builder.write("Section 2.");
        // Verify the whole text of the document
        Assert.assertEquals("Section 1. \fSection 2.", doc.getText().trim());
        // Delete the first section from the document
        // Check the first section was deleted by looking at the text of the whole document again
        Assert.assertEquals("Section 2.", doc.getText().trim());
    • Method Detail

      • accept

        public boolean accept(DocumentVisitor visitor)
                      throws java.lang.Exception
        Accepts a visitor.

        Calls DocumentVisitor.visitFieldSeparator(com.aspose.words.FieldSeparator).

        For more info see the Visitor design pattern.

        visitor - The visitor that will visit the node.
        False if the visitor requested the enumeration to stop.


        Shows how to work with a collection of fields.
        public void fieldCollection() throws Exception
            Document doc = new Document();
            DocumentBuilder builder = new DocumentBuilder(doc);
            builder.insertField(" DATE \\@ \"dddd, d MMMM yyyy\" ");
            builder.insertField(" TIME ");
            builder.insertField(" REVNUM ");
            builder.insertField(" AUTHOR  \"John Doe\" ");
            builder.insertField(" SUBJECT \"My Subject\" ");
            builder.insertField(" QUOTE \"Hello world!\" ");
            // This collection stores all of a document's fields.
            FieldCollection fields = doc.getRange().getFields();
            Assert.assertEquals(6, fields.getCount());
            // Iterate over the field collection, and print contents and type
            // of every field using a custom visitor implementation.
            FieldVisitor fieldVisitor = new FieldVisitor();
            Iterator<Field> fieldEnumerator = fields.iterator();
            while (fieldEnumerator.hasNext()) {
                if ( != null) {
                    Field currentField =;
                    if (currentField.getSeparator() != null) {
                } else {
                    System.out.println("There are no fields in the document.");
        /// <summary>
        /// Document visitor implementation that prints field info.
        /// </summary>
        public static class FieldVisitor extends DocumentVisitor {
            public FieldVisitor() {
                mBuilder = new StringBuilder();
            /// <summary>
            /// Gets the plain text of the document that was accumulated by the visitor.
            /// </summary>
            public String getText() {
                return mBuilder.toString();
            /// <summary>
            /// Called when a FieldStart node is encountered in the document.
            /// </summary>
            public int visitFieldStart(final FieldStart fieldStart) {
                mBuilder.append("Found field: " + fieldStart.getFieldType() + "\r\n");
                mBuilder.append("\tField code: " + fieldStart.getField().getFieldCode() + "\r\n");
                mBuilder.append("\tDisplayed as: " + fieldStart.getField().getResult() + "\r\n");
                return VisitorAction.CONTINUE;
            /// <summary>
            /// Called when a FieldSeparator node is encountered in the document.
            /// </summary>
            public int visitFieldSeparator(final FieldSeparator fieldSeparator) {
                mBuilder.append("\tFound separator: " + fieldSeparator.getText() + "\r\n");
                return VisitorAction.CONTINUE;
            /// <summary>
            /// Called when a FieldEnd node is encountered in the document.
            /// </summary>
            public int visitFieldEnd(final FieldEnd fieldEnd) {
                mBuilder.append("End of field: " + fieldEnd.getFieldType() + "\r\n");
                return VisitorAction.CONTINUE;
            private /*final*/ StringBuilder mBuilder;
      • deepClone

        public Node deepClone(boolean isCloneChildren)
        Creates a duplicate of the node.

        This method serves as a copy constructor for nodes. The cloned node has no parent, but belongs to the same document as the original node.

        This method always performs a deep copy of the node. The isCloneChildren parameter specifies whether to perform copy all child nodes as well.

        isCloneChildren - True to recursively clone the subtree under the specified node; false to clone only the node itself.
        The cloned node.


        Shows how to clone composite nodes with and without their child nodes.
        Document doc = new Document();
        Paragraph para = doc.getFirstSection().getBody().getFirstParagraph();
        para.appendChild(new Run(doc, "Hello world!"));
        // Clone the paragraph and the child nodes
        Node cloneWithChildren = para.deepClone(true);
        Assert.assertTrue(((CompositeNode) cloneWithChildren).hasChildNodes());
        Assert.assertEquals("Hello world!", cloneWithChildren.getText().trim());
        // Clone the paragraph without its clild nodes
        Node cloneWithoutChildren = para.deepClone(false);
        Assert.assertFalse(((CompositeNode) cloneWithoutChildren).hasChildNodes());
        Assert.assertEquals("", cloneWithoutChildren.getText().trim());
      • getAncestor

        public CompositeNode getAncestor(int ancestorType)
        Gets the first ancestor of the specified NodeType.
        ancestorType - A NodeType value. The node type of the ancestor to retrieve.
        The ancestor of the specified type or null if no ancestor of this type was found.


        Shows how to find out if a table contains another table or if the table itself is nested inside another table.
        public void calculateDepthOfNestedTables() throws Exception {
            Document doc = new Document(getMyDir() + "Nested tables.docx");
            NodeCollection tables = doc.getChildNodes(NodeType.TABLE, true);
            for (int i = 0; i < tables.getCount(); i++) {
                // First lets find if any cells in the table have tables themselves as children
                int count = getChildTableCount((Table) tables.get(i));
                System.out.println(MessageFormat.format("Table #{0} has {1} tables directly within its cells", i, count));
                // Now let's try the other way around, lets try find if the table is nested inside another table and at what depth
                int tableDepth = getNestedDepthOfTable((Table) tables.get(i));
                if (tableDepth > 0)
                    System.out.println(MessageFormat.format("Table #{0} is nested inside another table at depth of {1}", i, tableDepth));
                    System.out.println(MessageFormat.format("Table #{0} is a non nested table (is not a child of another table)", i));
         * Calculates what level a table is nested inside other tables.
         * @returns An integer containing the level the table is nested at.
         * 0 = Table is not nested inside any other table
         * 1 = Table is nested within one parent table
         * 2 = Table is nested within two parent tables etc..
        private static int getNestedDepthOfTable(final Table table) {
            int depth = 0;
            int type = table.getNodeType();
            // The parent of the table will be a Cell, instead attempt to find a grandparent that is of type Table
            Node parent = table.getAncestor(table.getNodeType());
            while (parent != null) {
                // Every time we find a table a level up we increase the depth counter and then try to find an
                // ancestor of type table from the parent
                parent = parent.getAncestor(Table.class);
            return depth;
         * Determines if a table contains any immediate child table within its cells.
         * Does not recursively traverse through those tables to check for further tables.
         * @returns Returns true if at least one child cell contains a table.
         * Returns false if no cells in the table contains a table.
        private static int getChildTableCount(final Table table) {
            int tableCount = 0;
            // Iterate through all child rows in the table
            for (Row row : table.getRows()) {
                // Iterate through all child cells in the row
                for (Cell cell : row.getCells()) {
                    // Retrieve the collection of child tables of this cell
                    TableCollection childTables = cell.getTables();
                    // If this cell has a table as a child then return true
                    if (childTables.getCount() > 0) tableCount++;
            // No cell contains a table
            return tableCount;
      • getAncestor

        public CompositeNode getAncestor(java.lang.Class ancestorType)
        Gets the first ancestor of the specified object type.

        The ancestor type matches if it is equal to ancestorType or derived from ancestorType.

        ancestorType - The object type of the ancestor to retrieve.
        The ancestor of the specified type or null if no ancestor of this type was found.


        Shows how to find out if a table contains another table or if the table itself is nested inside another table.
        public void calculateDepthOfNestedTables() throws Exception {
            Document doc = new Document(getMyDir() + "Nested tables.docx");
            NodeCollection tables = doc.getChildNodes(NodeType.TABLE, true);
            for (int i = 0; i < tables.getCount(); i++) {
                // First lets find if any cells in the table have tables themselves as children
                int count = getChildTableCount((Table) tables.get(i));
                System.out.println(MessageFormat.format("Table #{0} has {1} tables directly within its cells", i, count));
                // Now let's try the other way around, lets try find if the table is nested inside another table and at what depth
                int tableDepth = getNestedDepthOfTable((Table) tables.get(i));
                if (tableDepth > 0)
                    System.out.println(MessageFormat.format("Table #{0} is nested inside another table at depth of {1}", i, tableDepth));
                    System.out.println(MessageFormat.format("Table #{0} is a non nested table (is not a child of another table)", i));
         * Calculates what level a table is nested inside other tables.
         * @returns An integer containing the level the table is nested at.
         * 0 = Table is not nested inside any other table
         * 1 = Table is nested within one parent table
         * 2 = Table is nested within two parent tables etc..
        private static int getNestedDepthOfTable(final Table table) {
            int depth = 0;
            int type = table.getNodeType();
            // The parent of the table will be a Cell, instead attempt to find a grandparent that is of type Table
            Node parent = table.getAncestor(table.getNodeType());
            while (parent != null) {
                // Every time we find a table a level up we increase the depth counter and then try to find an
                // ancestor of type table from the parent
                parent = parent.getAncestor(Table.class);
            return depth;
         * Determines if a table contains any immediate child table within its cells.
         * Does not recursively traverse through those tables to check for further tables.
         * @returns Returns true if at least one child cell contains a table.
         * Returns false if no cells in the table contains a table.
        private static int getChildTableCount(final Table table) {
            int tableCount = 0;
            // Iterate through all child rows in the table
            for (Row row : table.getRows()) {
                // Iterate through all child cells in the row
                for (Cell cell : row.getCells()) {
                    // Retrieve the collection of child tables of this cell
                    TableCollection childTables = cell.getTables();
                    // If this cell has a table as a child then return true
                    if (childTables.getCount() > 0) tableCount++;
            // No cell contains a table
            return tableCount;
      • getField

        public Field getField()
        Returns a field for the field char. A new Field object is created each time the method is called.
        A field for the field char.


        Shows how to work with a FieldStart node.
        Document doc = new Document();
        DocumentBuilder builder = new DocumentBuilder(doc);
        FieldDate field = (FieldDate) builder.insertField(FieldType.FIELD_DATE, true);
        field.getFormat().setDateTimeFormat("dddd, MMMM dd, yyyy");
        FieldChar fieldStart = field.getStart();
        Assert.assertEquals(FieldType.FIELD_DATE, fieldStart.getFieldType());
        Assert.assertEquals(false, fieldStart.isDirty());
        Assert.assertEquals(false, fieldStart.isLocked());
        // Retrieve the facade object which represents the field in the document.
        field = (FieldDate)fieldStart.getField();
        Assert.assertEquals(false, field.isLocked());
        Assert.assertEquals(" DATE  \\@ \"dddd, MMMM dd, yyyy\"", field.getFieldCode());
        // Update the field to show the current date.
      • getText

        public java.lang.String getText()
        Gets the special character that this node represents.
        The string that contains the character that this node represents.
      • nextPreOrder

        public Node nextPreOrder(Node rootNode)
        Gets next node according to the pre-order tree traversal algorithm.
        rootNode - The top node (limit) of traversal.
        Next node in pre-order order. Null if reached the rootNode.


        Shows how to delete all images from a document using pre-order tree traversal.
        Document doc = new Document(getMyDir() + "Images.docx");
        Assert.assertEquals(doc.getChildNodes(NodeType.SHAPE, true).getCount(), 10);
        Node curNode = doc;
        while (curNode != null) {
            Node nextNode = curNode.nextPreOrder(doc);
            if (curNode.previousPreOrder(doc) != null && nextNode != null) {
                Assert.assertEquals(curNode, nextNode.previousPreOrder(doc));
            if (curNode.getNodeType() == NodeType.SHAPE) {
                Shape shape = (Shape) curNode;
                // Several shape types can have an image including image shapes and OLE objects
                if (shape.hasImage()) {
            curNode = nextNode;
        // The only remaining shape doesn't have an image
        Assert.assertEquals(1, doc.getChildNodes(NodeType.SHAPE, true).getCount());
        Assert.assertFalse(((Shape) doc.getChild(NodeType.SHAPE, 0, true)).hasImage());
      • previousPreOrder

        public Node previousPreOrder(Node rootNode)
        Gets the previous node according to the pre-order tree traversal algorithm.
        rootNode - The top node (limit) of traversal.
        Previous node in pre-order order. Null if reached the rootNode.


        Shows how to delete all images from a document using pre-order tree traversal.
        Document doc = new Document(getMyDir() + "Images.docx");
        Assert.assertEquals(doc.getChildNodes(NodeType.SHAPE, true).getCount(), 10);
        Node curNode = doc;
        while (curNode != null) {
            Node nextNode = curNode.nextPreOrder(doc);
            if (curNode.previousPreOrder(doc) != null && nextNode != null) {
                Assert.assertEquals(curNode, nextNode.previousPreOrder(doc));
            if (curNode.getNodeType() == NodeType.SHAPE) {
                Shape shape = (Shape) curNode;
                // Several shape types can have an image including image shapes and OLE objects
                if (shape.hasImage()) {
            curNode = nextNode;
        // The only remaining shape doesn't have an image
        Assert.assertEquals(1, doc.getChildNodes(NodeType.SHAPE, true).getCount());
        Assert.assertFalse(((Shape) doc.getChild(NodeType.SHAPE, 0, true)).hasImage());
      • remove

        public void remove()
        Removes itself from the parent.


        Shows how to delete all images from a document.
        Document doc = new Document(getMyDir() + "Images.docx");
        Assert.assertEquals(doc.getChildNodes(NodeType.SHAPE, true).getCount(), 10);
        // Here we get all shapes from the document node, but you can do this for any smaller
        // node too, for example delete shapes from a single section or a paragraph
        NodeCollection shapes = doc.getChildNodes(NodeType.SHAPE, true);
        // We cannot delete shape nodes while we enumerate through the collection
        // One solution is to add nodes that we want to delete to a temporary array and delete afterwards
        ArrayList shapesToDelete = new ArrayList();
        for (Shape shape : (Iterable<Shape>) shapes) {
            // Several shape types can have an image including image shapes and OLE objects
            if (shape.hasImage()) {
        // Now we can delete shapes
        for (Shape shape : (Iterable<Shape>) shapesToDelete)
        // The only remaining shape doesn't have an image
        Assert.assertEquals(1, doc.getChildNodes(NodeType.SHAPE, true).getCount());
        Assert.assertFalse(((Shape) doc.getChild(NodeType.SHAPE, 0, true)).hasImage());


        Shows how to remove all nodes of a specific type from a composite node.
        Document doc = new Document(getMyDir() + "Tables.docx");
        Assert.assertEquals(2, doc.getChildNodes(NodeType.TABLE, true).getCount());
        // Select the first child node in the body
        Node curNode = doc.getFirstSection().getBody().getFirstChild();
        while (curNode != null) {
            // Save the next sibling node as a variable in case we want to move to it after deleting this node
            Node nextNode = curNode.getNextSibling();
            // A section body can contain Paragraph and Table nodes
            // If the node is a Table, remove it from the parent
            if (curNode.getNodeType() == NodeType.TABLE) {
            // Continue going through child nodes until null (no more siblings) is reached
            curNode = nextNode;
        Assert.assertEquals(0, doc.getChildNodes(NodeType.TABLE, true).getCount());
      • toString

        public java.lang.String toString(SaveOptions saveOptions)
                       throws java.lang.Exception
        Exports the content of the node into a string using the specified save options.
        saveOptions - Specifies the options that control how the node is saved.
        The content of the node in the specified format.


        Exports the content of a node to String in HTML format.
        Document doc = new Document(getMyDir() + "Document.docx");
        // Extract the last paragraph in the document to convert to HTML
        Node node = doc.getLastSection().getBody().getLastParagraph();
        // When ToString is called using the html SaveFormat overload then the node is converted directly to html
        Assert.assertEquals("<p style=\"margin-top:0pt; margin-bottom:8pt; line-height:108%; font-size:12pt\">" +
                "<span style=\"font-family:'Times New Roman'\">Hello World!</span>" +
                "</p>", node.toString(SaveFormat.HTML));
        // We can also modify the result of this conversion using a SaveOptions object
        HtmlSaveOptions saveOptions = new HtmlSaveOptions();
        Assert.assertEquals("<p style=\"margin-top:0pt; margin-bottom:8pt; line-height:108%\">" +
                "<span style=\"font-family:'Times New Roman'\">Hello World!</span>" +
                "</p>", node.toString(saveOptions));
      • toString

        public java.lang.String toString(int saveFormat)
                       throws java.lang.Exception
        Exports the content of the node into a string in the specified format.
        The content of the node in the specified format.
        saveFormat - A SaveFormat value.


        Shows how to extract the label of each paragraph in a list as a value or a String.
        Document doc = new Document(getMyDir() + "Rendering.docx");
        int listParaCount = 1;
        for (Paragraph paragraph : (Iterable<Paragraph>) doc.getChildNodes(NodeType.PARAGRAPH, true)) {
            // Find if we have the paragraph list. In our document our list uses plain arabic numbers,
            // which start at three and ends at six
            if (paragraph.getListFormat().isListItem()) {
                System.out.println(MessageFormat.format("List item paragraph #{0}", listParaCount));
                // This is the text we get when actually getting when we output this node to text format
                // The list labels are not included in this text output. Trim any paragraph formatting characters
                String paragraphText = paragraph.toString(SaveFormat.TEXT).trim();
                System.out.println("Exported Text: " + paragraphText);
                ListLabel label = paragraph.getListLabel();
                // This gets the position of the paragraph in current level of the list. If we have a list with multiple level then this
                // will tell us what position it is on that particular level
                System.out.println("\tNumerical Id: " + label.getLabelValue());
                // Combine them together to include the list label with the text in the output
                System.out.println("\tList label combined with text: " + label.getLabelString() + " " + paragraphText);


        Exports the content of a node to String in HTML format.
        Document doc = new Document(getMyDir() + "Document.docx");
        // Extract the last paragraph in the document to convert to HTML
        Node node = doc.getLastSection().getBody().getLastParagraph();
        // When ToString is called using the html SaveFormat overload then the node is converted directly to html
        Assert.assertEquals("<p style=\"margin-top:0pt; margin-bottom:8pt; line-height:108%; font-size:12pt\">" +
                "<span style=\"font-family:'Times New Roman'\">Hello World!</span>" +
                "</p>", node.toString(SaveFormat.HTML));
        // We can also modify the result of this conversion using a SaveOptions object
        HtmlSaveOptions saveOptions = new HtmlSaveOptions();
        Assert.assertEquals("<p style=\"margin-top:0pt; margin-bottom:8pt; line-height:108%\">" +
                "<span style=\"font-family:'Times New Roman'\">Hello World!</span>" +
                "</p>", node.toString(saveOptions));


        Shows the difference between calling the GetText and ToString methods on a node.
        Document doc = new Document();
        DocumentBuilder builder = new DocumentBuilder(doc);
        builder.insertField("MERGEFIELD Field");
        // GetText will retrieve the visible text as well as field codes and special characters.
        Assert.assertEquals("\u0013MERGEFIELD Field\u0014«Field»\u0015\f", doc.getText());
        // ToString will give us the document's appearance if saved to a passed save format.
        Assert.assertEquals("«Field»\r\n", doc.toString(SaveFormat.TEXT));