
Class DropCapPosition

  • java.lang.Object
    • com.aspose.words.DropCapPosition
public class DropCapPosition 
extends java.lang.Object

Utility class containing constants. Specifies the position for a drop cap text.

Field Summary
static final intNONE = 0
The paragraph does not have a drop cap.
static final intNORMAL = 1
The drop cap is positioned inside the text margin on the anchor paragraph.
static final intMARGIN = 2
The drop cap is positioned outside the text margin on the anchor paragraph.

    • Field Detail

      • NONE = 0

        public static final int NONE
        The paragraph does not have a drop cap.
      • NORMAL = 1

        public static final int NORMAL
        The drop cap is positioned inside the text margin on the anchor paragraph.
      • MARGIN = 2

        public static final int MARGIN
        The drop cap is positioned outside the text margin on the anchor paragraph.