FieldType Properties

The FieldType type exposes the following members.

Public propertyStatic memberDateTime
Current date and time in default date time format for the rendering application. Read-only FieldType.
Public propertyStatic memberDateTime1
Current date and time in a first predefined format (MM/DD/YYYY for english). Read-only FieldType.
Public propertyStatic memberDateTime10
Current date and time in a tenth predefined format (hh:mm for english). Read-only FieldType.
Public propertyStatic memberDateTime11
Current date and time in a eleventh predefined format (hh:mm:ss for english). Read-only FieldType.
Public propertyStatic memberDateTime12
Current date and time in a twelfth predefined format (hh:mm AM/PM for english). Read-only FieldType.
Public propertyStatic memberDateTime13
Current date and time in a thirteenth predefined format (hh:mm:ss AM/PM for english). Read-only FieldType.
Public propertyStatic memberDateTime2
Current date and time in a second predefined format (Day, Month DD, YYYY for english). Read-only FieldType.
Public propertyStatic memberDateTime3
Current date and time in a third predefined format (DD Month YYYY for english). Read-only FieldType.
Public propertyStatic memberDateTime4
Current date and time in a fourth predefined format (Month DD, YYYY for english). Read-only FieldType.
Public propertyStatic memberDateTime5
Current date and time in a fifth predefined format (DD-Mon-YY for english). Read-only FieldType.
Public propertyStatic memberDateTime6
Current date and time in a sixth predefined format (Month YY for english). Read-only FieldType.
Public propertyStatic memberDateTime7
Current date and time in a seventh predefined format (Mon-YY for english). Read-only FieldType.
Public propertyStatic memberDateTime8
Current date and time in a eighth predefined format (MM/DD/YYYY hh:mm AM/PM for english). Read-only FieldType.
Public propertyStatic memberDateTime9
Current date and time in a ninth predefined format (MM/DD/YYYY hh:mm:ss AM/PM for english). Read-only FieldType.
Public propertyStatic memberFooter
Slide's footer. Read-only FieldType.
Public propertyStatic memberHeader
Slide's header. Read-only FieldType.
Public propertyInternalString
Returns the internal name of this FieldType object. Read/write String.
Public propertyStatic memberSlideNumber
Current slide's number. Read-only FieldType.
See Also