BasePortionFormat Properties

The BasePortionFormat type exposes the following members.

Public propertyAlternativeLanguageId
Returns or sets the Id of an alternative language. Read/write String.
Public propertyComplexScriptFont
Returns or sets the complex script font info. Null means font is undefined and should be inherited from the Master. Read/write IFontData.
Public propertyEastAsianFont
Returns or sets the East Asian font info. Null means font is undefined and should be inherited from the Master. Read/write IFontData.
Public propertyEffectFormat
Returns the text EffectFormat properties. No inheritance applied. Read-only IEffectFormat.
Public propertyEscapement
Returns or sets the superscript or subscript text. Value from -100% (subscript) to 100% (superscript). float.NaN means value is undefined and should be inherited from the Master. Read/write Single.
Public propertyFillFormat
Returns the text FillFormat properties. No inheritance applied. Read-only IFillFormat.
Public propertyFontBold
Determines whether the font is bold. No inheritance applied. Read/write NullableBool.
Public propertyFontHeight
Returns or sets the font height of a portion. float.NaN means height is undefined and should be inherited from the Master. Read/write Single.
Public propertyFontItalic
Determines whether the font is itallic. No inheritance applied. Read/write NullableBool.
Public propertyFontUnderline
Returns or sets the text underline type. No inheritance applied. Read/write TextUnderlineType.
Public propertyHighlightColor
Returns the color used to highlight a text. No inheritance applied. Read-only IColorFormat.
Public propertyIsHardUnderlineFill
Determines whether the underline style has own FillFormat properties or inherits it from the FillFormat properties of the text. Read/write NullableBool.
Public propertyIsHardUnderlineLine
Determines whether the underline style has own LineFormat properties or inherits it from the LineFormat properties of the text. Read/write NullableBool.
Public propertyKerningMinimalSize
Returns or sets the minimal font size, for which kerning should be switched on. float.NaN means value is undefined and should be inherited from the Master. Read/write Single.
Public propertyKumimoji
Determines whether the numbers should ignore text eastern language-specific vertical text layout. No inheritance applied. Read/write NullableBool.
Public propertyLanguageId
Returns or sets the Id of a proofing language. Used for checking spelling and grammar. Read/write String.
Public propertyLatinFont
Returns or sets the Latin font info. Null means font is undefined and should be inherited from the Master. Read/write IFontData.
Public propertyLineFormat
Returns the LineFormat properties for text outlining. No inheritance applied. Read-only ILineFormat.
Public propertyNormaliseHeight
Determines whether the height of a text should be normalized. No inheritance applied. Read/write NullableBool.
Public propertyProofDisabled
Determines whether the text shouldn't be proofed. No inheritance applied. Read/write NullableBool.
Public propertySpacing
Returns or sets the intercharacter spacing increment. float.NaN means value is undefined and should be inherited from the Master. Read/write Single.
Public propertyStrikethroughType
Returns or sets the strikethrough type of a text. No inheritance applied. Read/write TextStrikethroughType.
Public propertySymbolFont
Returns or sets the symbolic font info. Null means font is undefined and should be inherited from the Master. Read/write IFontData.
Public propertyTextCapType
Returns or sets the type of text capitalization. No inheritance applied. Read/write TextCapType.
Public propertyUnderlineFillFormat
Returns the underline line FillFormat properties. No inheritance applied. Read-only IFillFormat.
Public propertyUnderlineLineFormat
Returns the LineFormat properties used to outline underline line. No inheritance applied. Read-only ILineFormat.
See Also