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Aspose.Slides Namespace

Contains classes for work with Microsoft PowerPoint presentations without utilizing Microsoft PowerPoint.
Public classAdjustValue
Represents a geometry shape's adjustment value. These values affect shape's form.
Public classAdjustValueCollection
Reprasents a collection of shape's adjustments.
Public classAudio
Represents an embedded audio file.
Public classAudioCollection
Represents a collection of embedded audio files.
Public classAudioFrame
Represents an audio clip on a slide.
Public classAutoShape
Represents an AutoShape.
Public classAutoShapeLock
Determines which operations are disabled on the parent AutoshapeEx.
Public classBackdrop3DScene
Defines a plane in which effects, such as glow and shadow, are applied in relation to the shape they are being applied to.
Public classBackground
Represents background of a slide.
Public classBaseHandoutNotesSlideHeaderFooterManager
Represents manager which holds behavior of the placeholders, including header placeholder for all types handout and notes slides.
Public classBaseHeaderFooterManager
Represents manager which holds behavior of the footer, date-time, page number placeholders for all slide types.
Public classBasePortionFormat
Common text portion formatting properties.
Public classBaseShapeLock
Represents a base class for locks (disabled operation).
Public classBaseSlide
Represents common data for all slide types.
Public classBaseSlideHeaderFooterManager
Represents manager which holds behavior of the footer, date-time, page number placeholders for all slide types.
Public classBlobManagementOptions
Represents options which can be used to manage BLOB handling rules and other BLOB settings.
Public classBuildVersionInfo
Contains information about version of Aspose.Slides.
Public classBulletFormat
Represents paragraph bullet formatting properties.
Public classCamera
Represents Camera.
Public classCell
Represents a cell of a table.
Public classCellCollection
Represents a collection of cells.
Public classCellFormat
Represents format of a table cell.
Public classColorFormat
Represents a color used in a presentation.
Public classColorOperation
Represents different color operations used for color transformations. Immutable object.
Public classColorOperationCollection
Represents a collection of color transform operations.
Public classColumn
Represents a column in a table.
Public classColumnCollection
Represents collection of columns in a table.
Public classColumnFormat
Represents format of a table column.
Public classComment
Represents a comment on a slide.
Public classCommentAuthor
Represents an author of comments.
Public classCommentAuthorCollection
Represents a collection of comment authors.
Public classCommentCollection
Represents a collection of comments of one author.
Public classCommonSlideViewProperties
Represents common slide view properties.
Public classConnector
Represents a connector.
Public classConnectorLock
Determines which operations are disabled on the parent Connector.
Public classControl
Represents an ActiveX control.
Public classControlCollection
A collection of ActiveX controls.
Public classControlPropertiesCollection
A collection of AcitveX properties.
Public classCustomData
Represents container for custom data.
Public classCustomXmlPart
Represents custom xml part.
Public classCustomXmlPartCollection
Represents collection of custom xml parts.
Public classDigitalSignature
Digital signature in signed file.
Public classDigitalSignatureCollection
Represents a collection of digital signatures attached to a document.
Public classDocumentProperties
Represents properties of a presentation.
Public classEffectFormat
Represents effect properties of shape.
Public classField
Represents a field.
Public classFieldType
Represents a type of field. This value determines which text will be set to the field portion when it will be updated.
Public classFillFormat
Represents a fill formatting options.
Public classFontData
Represents a font definition. Immutable.
Public classFontDataFactory
FontData factory
Public classFontFallBackRule
Represents font fallback rule
Public classFontFallBackRulesCollection
Represents a collection of FontFallBack rules, defined by user
Public classFonts
Fonts collection.
Public classFontsLoader
Class for loading custom fonts defined by user. Should be used before creating any presentation objects.
Public classFontsManager
Manages fonts across the presentation.
Public classFontSources
Provides file and memory sources for external fonts.
Public classFontSubstRule
Represents font subtituition information
Public classFontSubstRuleCollection
Public classFormatFactory
Allows to create formats via COM interface.
Public classGeometryShape
Represents the parent class for all geometric shapes.
Public classGlobalLayoutSlideCollection
Represents a collection of all layout slides in presentation. Extends LayoutSlideCollection class with methods for adding/cloning layout slides in context of uniting of the individual collections of master's layout slides.
Public classGradientFormat
Represent a gradient format.
Public classGradientStop
Represent a gradient format.
Public classGradientStopCollection
Represnts a collection of gradient stops.
Public classGradientStopCollectionEffectiveData
Represents a collection of GradientStopData objects.
Public classGradientStopEffectiveData
Immutable object which represents a gradient stop.
Public classGraphicalObject
Represents abstract graphical object.
Public classGraphicalObjectLock
Determines which operations are disabled on the parent GraphicalObject.
Public classGroupShape
Represents a group of shapes on a slide.
Public classGroupShapeLock
Determines which operations are disabled on the parent GroupShape.
Public classHyperlink
Represents a hyperlink.
Public classHyperlinkManager
Provide hyperlinks management (adding, removing).
Public classHyperlinkQueries
Provide easy access to contained hyperlinks.
Public classImageCollection
Represents collection of PPImage.
Public classImageWrapper
System.Drawing.Image wrapper for COM interface.
Public classImageWrapperFactory
This class allows to initialize IBitmapWrapper.
Public classInterruptionToken
This class represents the token to use for signaling long running tasks whether the interruption was requested.
Public classInterruptionTokenSource
Represents the source of InterruptionToken.
Public classInvalidPasswordException
Exception which thrown when presentation file format is unsupported.
Public classLayoutSlide
Represents a layout slide.
Public classLayoutSlideCollection
Represents a base class for collection of a layout slides.
Public classLayoutSlideHeaderFooterManager
Represents manager which holds behavior of the layout slide footer, date-time, page number placeholders and all child placeholders. Child placeholders mean placeholders are contained on depending slides. Depending slides use and depend on layout slide.
Public classLegacyDiagram
Represents a legacy diagram object.
Public classCode exampleLicense
Provides methods to license the component.
Public classLightRig
Represents LightRig.
Public classLineFillFormat
Represents properties for lines filling.
Public classLineFormat
Represents format of a line.
Public classLoadOptions
Allows to specify additional options (such as format or default font) when loading a presentation.
Public classMasterHandoutSlide
Represents master slide for handouts.
Public classMasterHandoutSlideHeaderFooterManager
Represents manager which holds behavior of the master handout slide placeholders, including header placeholder.
Public classMasterLayoutSlideCollection
Represents a collections of all layout slides of defined master slide. Extends LayoutSlideCollection class with methods for adding/inserting/removing/cloning/reordering layout slides in context of the individual collections of master's layout slides.
Public classMasterNotesSlide
Represents master slide for notes.
Public classMasterNotesSlideHeaderFooterManager
Represents manager which holds behavior of the master notes slide footer, date-time, page number placeholders and all child placeholders. Child placeholders mean placeholders are contained on depending notes slides. Depending notes slides use and depend on master notes slide.
Public classMasterSlide
Represents a master slide in a presentation.
Public classMasterSlideCollection
Represents a collection of master slides.
Public classMasterSlideHeaderFooterManager
Represents manager which holds behavior of the master slide footer, date-time, page number placeholders and all child placeholders. Child placeholders mean placeholders are contained on depending layout slides and depending slides. Depending layout slides and slides use and depend on master slide.
Public classCode exampleMetered
Provides methods to set metered key.
Public classNormalViewProperties
Represents normal view properties. The normal view consists of three content regions: the slide itself, a side content region, and a bottom content region.
Public classNormalViewRestoredProperties
Specifies the sizing of the slide region ((width when a child of restoredTop, height when a child of restoredLeft) of the normal view, when the region is of a variable restored size(neither minimized nor maximized).
Public classNotesSize
Represents a size of notes slide.
Public classNotesSlide
Represents a notes slide in a presentation.
Public classNotesSlideHeaderFooterManager
Represents manager which holds behavior of the notes slide placeholders, including header placeholder.
Public classNotesSlideManager
Notes slide manager.
Public classOdpException
Represents a standard internal exception type.
Public classOdpReadException
Represents an exception which thrown on presentation reading errors.
Public classOleObjectFrame
Represents an OLE object on a slide.
Public classOOXMLCorruptFileException
Exception which thrown when Office Open XML file format is corrupted.
Public classOOXMLException
Represents a standard internal exception type related to Office Open XML file format.
Public classParagraph
Represents a paragraph of text.
Public classParagraphCollection
Represents a collection of a paragraphs.
Public classParagraphFactory
Allows to create paragraphs
Public classParagraphFormat
This class contains the paragraph formatting properties. Unlike ParagraphFormatEffectiveData, all properties of this class are writeable.
Public classPatternFormat
Represents a pattern to fill a shape.
Public classPicture
Represents a picture in a presentation.
Public classPictureFillFormat
Represents a picture fill style.
Public classPictureFrame
Represents a frame with a picture inside.
Public classPictureFrameLock
Determines which operations are disabled on the parent PictureFrame.
Public classPlaceholder
Represents a placeholder on a slide.
Public classPortion
Represents a portion of text inside a text paragraph.
Public classPortionCollection
Represents a collection of portions.
Public classPortionFactory
Allows to create test portions
Public classPortionFormat
This class contains the text portion formatting properties. Unlike PortionFormatEffectiveData, all properties of this class are writeable.
Public classPPImage
Represents an image in a presentation.
Public classPptCorruptFileException
Exception which thrown when presentation file is probably corrupt.
Public classPptEditException
Represents an exception thrown when edit presentation error is detected.
Public classPptException
Represents a standard internal exception type.
Public classPptReadException
Represents an exception which thrown on presentation reading errors.
Public classPptUnsupportedFormatException
Exception which thrown when presentation file format is unsupported.
Public classPptxEditException
Represents an exception thrown when edit presentation error is detected.
Public classPptxException
Represents a standard internal exception type.
Public classPptxReadException
Represents an exception which thrown on presentation reading errors.
Public classPptxUnsupportedFormatException
Exception which thrown when presentation file format is unsupported.
Public classPresentation
Represents a Microsoft PowerPoint presentation.
Public classPresentationFactory
Allows to create presentation via COM interface
Public classPresentationHeaderFooterManager
Represents manager which holds behavior of all footer, date-time and page number placeholders of presentation.
Public classPresentationInfo
Information about presentation file
Public classPresentationText
Represents the text extracted from the presentation
Public classProtectionManager
Presentation password protestion management.
Public classPVIObject
Encapsulates basic service infrastructure for objects can be a subject of property value inheritance.
Public classRow
Represents a row in a table.
Public classRowCollection
Represents table row collection.
Public classRowFormat
Represents format of a table row.
Public classSection
Represents section of slides.
Public classSectionCollection
Represents a collection of sections.
Public classSectionSlideCollection
Represents a collection of slides in the section.
Public classShape
Represents a shape on a slide.
Public classShapeBevel
Contains the properties of shape's main face relief.
Public classShapeCollection
Represents a collection of a shapes.
Public classShapeElement
Represents a part of shape with same outline and fill properties.
Public classShapeFrame
Represents shape frame's properties.
Public classShapeStyle
Represent shape's style reference.
Public classSlide
Represents a slide in a presentation.
Public classSlideCollection
Represents a collection of a slides.
Public classSlideHeaderFooterManager
Represents manager which holds behavior of the slide footer, date-time, page number placeholders.
Public classSlideSize
Represents a size of slide.
Public classStreamWrapper
Aspose.IO.Stream wrapper for COM interface.
Public classStreamWrapperFactory
Factory of StreamWrappers. For COM interface.
Public classSvgImage
Represents an SVG image.
Public classTab
Represents a tabulation for a text.
Public classTabCollection
Represents a collection of tabs.
Public classTabFactory
Allows to create ITab instances
Public classTable
Represents a table on a slide.
Public classTableFormat
Represents format of a table.
Public classTagCollection
Represents the collection of tags (user defined pairs of strings)
Public classTextFrame
Represents a TextFrame.
Public classTextFrameFormat
Contains the TextFrame's formatTextFrameFormatting properties.
Public classTextHighlightingOptions
Represents options which can be used to highlight text in text frame.
Public classTextStyle
This class contains the text style formatting properties.
Public classThreeDFormat
Represents 3-D properties.
Public classVideo
Represents an image embedded into a presentation.
Public classVideoCollection
Represents a collection of Video objects.
Public classVideoFrame
Represents a video clip on a slide.
Public classViewProperties
Presentation wide view properties.
Public interfaceIAdjustValue
Represents a geometry shape's adjustment value. These values affect shape's form.
Public interfaceIAdjustValueCollection
Reprasents a collection of shape's adjustments.
Public interfaceIAnimationTimeLine
Public interfaceIAudio
Public interfaceIAudioCollection
Represents a collection of embedded audio files.
Public interfaceIAudioFrame
Represents an audio clip on a slide.
Public interfaceIAutoShape
Represents an AutoShape.
Public interfaceIAutoShapeLock
Determines which operations are disabled on the parent AutoshapeEx.
Public interfaceIBackdrop3DScene
Public interfaceIBackground
Public interfaceIBackgroundEffectiveData
Immutable object which contains effective background properties.
Public interfaceIBaseHandoutNotesSlideHeaderFooterManag
Represents manager which holds behavior of the placeholders, including header placeholder for all types handout and notes slides.
Public interfaceIBaseHeaderFooterManager
Represents manager which holds behavior of the footer, date-time, page number placeholders for all slide types.
Public interfaceIBasePortionFormat
This class contains the text portion formatting properties. Unlike IPortionFormatEffectiveData, all properties of this class are writeable.
Public interfaceIBasePortionFormatEffectiveData
Base interface for immutable objects which contain effective text portion formatting properties.
Public interfaceIBaseShapeLock
Public interfaceIBaseSlide
Represents common data for all slide types.
Public interfaceIBaseSlideHeaderFooterManager
Represents manager which holds behavior of the footer, date-time, page number placeholders for all slide types.
Public interfaceIBaseTableFormatEffectiveData
Base interface for immutable objects which contain effective table formatting properties.
Public interfaceIBlobManagementOptions
A Binary Large Object (BLOB) is a binary data stored as a single entity - i.e. BLOB can be an audio, video or presentation itself. A number of techniques are used to optimize memory consumption while working with BLOBs - which was already stored in the presentation or be added later programmatically. Using IBlobManagementOptions you can change a different behavior aspects regarding BLOBs handling for the IPresentation instance lifetime.
Public interfaceIBulkTextFormattable
Represents an object with possibility of bulk setting child text elements' formats.
Public interfaceIBulletFormat
Represents paragraph bullet formatting properties.
Public interfaceIBulletFormatEffectiveData
Immutable object which contains effective paragraph bullet formatting properties.
Public interfaceICamera
Public interfaceICameraEffectiveData
Immutable object which contains effective camera properties.
Public interfaceICell
Represents a cell in a table.
Public interfaceICellCollection
Represents a collection of cells.
Public interfaceICellFormat
Represents format of a table cell.
Public interfaceICellFormatEffectiveData
Immutable object which contains effective table cell formatting properties.
Public interfaceIColorFormat
Represents a color used in a presentation.
Public interfaceIColorOperation
Public interfaceIColorOperationCollection
Represents a collection of color transform operations.
Public interfaceIColumn
Represents a column in a table.
Public interfaceIColumnCollection
Represents collection of columns in a table.
Public interfaceIColumnFormat
Represents format of a table column.
Public interfaceIColumnFormatEffectiveData
Immutable object which contains effective table column formatting properties.
Public interfaceIComment
Represents a comment on a slide.
Public interfaceICommentAuthor
Represents an author of comments.
Public interfaceICommentAuthorCollection
Represents a collection of comment authors.
Public interfaceICommentCollection
Represents a collection of comments of one author.
Public interfaceICommonSlideViewProperties
Represents common slide view properties.
Public interfaceIConnector
Represents a connector.
Public interfaceIConnectorLock
Public interfaceIControl
Represents an ActiveX control.
Public interfaceIControlCollection
A collection of ActiveX controls.
Public interfaceIControlPropertiesCollection
A collection of ActiveX controls.
Public interfaceICustomData
Represents container for custom data.
Public interfaceICustomXmlPart
Represents custom xml part.
Public interfaceICustomXmlPartCollection
Represents collection of custom xml parts.
Public interfaceIDigitalSignature
Digital signature in signed file.
Public interfaceIDigitalSignatureCollection
Represents a collection of digital signatures attached to a document.
Public interfaceIDocumentProperties
Represents properties of a presentation.
Public interfaceIEffectFormat
Represents effect properties of shape.
Public interfaceIEffectFormatEffectiveData
Imutable object which contains effective effect formatting properties.
Public interfaceIEffectParamSource
Auxiliary effect parameters interface.
Public interfaceIField
Represents a field.
Public interfaceIFieldType
Represents a type of field. This value determines which text will be set to the field portion when it will be updated.
Public interfaceIFillFormat
Represents a fill formatting options.
Public interfaceIFillFormatEffectiveData
Immutable object which contains effective fill formatting properties.
Public interfaceIFillParamSource
Auxiliary fill parameters interface.
Public interfaceIFontData
Public interfaceIFontDataFactory
FontData factory interface
Public interfaceIFontFallBackRule
Represents font fallback rule
Public interfaceIFontFallBackRulesCollection
Represents a collection of FontFallBack rules, defined by user
Public interfaceIFonts
Public interfaceIFontsEffectiveData
Immutable object which contains effective fonts set.
Public interfaceIFontsLoader
Class for loading custom fonts defined by user. Should be used before creating any presentation objects.
Public interfaceIFontsManager
Manages fonts across the presentation.
Public interfaceIFontSources
Provides file and memory sources for external fonts.
Public interfaceIFontSubstRule
Represents font subtituition information
Public interfaceIFontSubstRuleCollection
Public interfaceIFormatFactory
Allows to create formats via COM interface.
Public interfaceIGenericCloneableT
Represents generic version of ICloneable
Public interfaceIGenericCollectionT
Auxiliary generic collection interface.
Public interfaceIGeometryShape
Represents the parent class for all geometric shapes.
Public interfaceIGlobalLayoutSlideCollection
Represents a collection of all layout slides in presentation. Extends ILayoutSlideCollection interface with methods for adding/cloning layout slides in context of uniting of the individual collections of master's layout slides.
Public interfaceIGradientFormat
Represent a gradient format.
Public interfaceIGradientFormatEffectiveData
Imutable object which contains effective gradient filling properties.
Public interfaceIGradientStop
Public interfaceIGradientStopCollection
Represnts a collection of gradient stops.
Public interfaceIGradientStopCollectionEffectiveData
Represents a collection of GradientStopDataEx objects.
Public interfaceIGradientStopEffectiveData
immutable object which represents a gradient stop.
Public interfaceIGraphicalObject
Represents abstract graphical object.
Public interfaceIGraphicalObjectLock
Determines which operations are disabled on the parent GraphicalObjectEx.
Public interfaceIGroupShape
Public interfaceIGroupShapeLock
Public interfaceIHyperlink
Represents a hyperlink.
Public interfaceIHyperlinkContainer
Public interfaceIHyperlinkManager
Provide hyperlinks management (adding, removing).
Public interfaceIHyperlinkQueries
Provide easy access to contained hyperlinks.
Public interfaceIImageCollection
Represents collection of PPImage.
Public interfaceIImageWrapper
System.Drawing.Image wrapper for COM interface.
Public interfaceIImageWrapperFactory
This interface allows to initialize IBitmapWrapper.
Public interfaceIInterruptionToken
This class represents the token to use for signaling long running tasks whether the interruption was requested.
Public interfaceIInterruptionTokenSource
Represents the source of IInterruptionToken.
Public interfaceILayoutSlide
Public interfaceILayoutSlideCollection
Represents a base class for collection of a layout slides.
Public interfaceILayoutSlideHeaderFooterManager
Represents manager which holds behavior of the layout slide footer, date-time, page number placeholders and all child placeholders. Child placeholders mean placeholders are contained on depending slides. Depending slides use and depend on layout slide.
Public interfaceILegacyDiagram
Represents a legacy diagram object
Public interfaceCode exampleILicense
Provides methods to license the component.
Public interfaceILightRig
Public interfaceILightRigEffectiveData
Immutable object which contains effective light rig properties.
Public interfaceILineFillFormat
Represents properties for lines filling.
Public interfaceILineFillFormatEffectiveData
Immutable object which contains effective line filling properties.
Public interfaceILineFormat
Represents format of a line.
Public interfaceILineFormatEffectiveData
Immutable object which contains effective line formatting properties.
Public interfaceILineParamSource
Auxiliary line parameters interface.
Public interfaceILoadOptions
Allows to specify additional options (such as format or default font) when loading a presentation.
Public interfaceIMasterHandoutSlide
Represents master slide for handouts.
Public interfaceIMasterHandoutSlideHeaderFooterManager
Represents manager which holds behavior of the master handout slide placeholders, including header placeholder.
Public interfaceIMasterHandoutSlideManager
Master handout slide manager.
Public interfaceIMasterLayoutSlideCollection
Represents a collections of all layout slides of defined master slide. Extends ILayoutSlideCollection interface with methods for adding/inserting/removing/cloning layout slides in context of the individual collections of master's layout slides.
Public interfaceIMasterNotesSlide
Public interfaceIMasterNotesSlideHeaderFooterManager
Represents manager which holds behavior of the master notes slide footer, date-time, page number placeholders and all child placeholders. Child placeholders mean placeholders are contained on depending notes slides. Depending notes slides use and depend on master notes slide.
Public interfaceIMasterNotesSlideManager
Master notes slide manager.
Public interfaceIMasterSlide
Public interfaceIMasterSlideCollection
Public interfaceIMasterSlideHeaderFooterManager
Represents manager which holds behavior of the master slide footer, date-time, page number placeholders and all child placeholders. Child placeholders mean placeholders are contained on depending layout slides and depending slides. Depending layout slides and slides use and depend on master slide.
Public interfaceIMetered
Provides methods to set metered key.
Public interfaceINormalViewProperties
Represents normal view properties. The normal view consists of three content regions: the slide itself, a side content region, and a bottom content region.
Public interfaceINormalViewRestoredProperties
Specifies the sizing of the slide region ((width when a child of restoredTop, height when a child of restoredLeft) of the normal view, when the region is of a variable restored size(neither minimized nor maximized).
Public interfaceINotesSize
Public interfaceINotesSlide
Represents a notes slide in a presentation.
Public interfaceINotesSlideHeaderFooterManager
Represents manager which holds behavior of the notes slide placeholders, including header placeholder.
Public interfaceINotesSlideManager
Notes slide manager.
Public interfaceIOleEmbeddedDataInfo
Represents embedded data info for OLE object.
Public interfaceIOleObjectFrame
Represents an OLE object on a slide.
Public interfaceIParagraph
Represents a paragraph of a text.
Public interfaceIParagraphCollection
Represents a collection of a paragraphs.
Public interfaceIParagraphFactory
Allows to create paragraphs
Public interfaceIParagraphFormat
This class contains the paragraph formatting properties. Unlike IParagraphFormatEffectiveData, all properties of this class are writeable.
Public interfaceIParagraphFormatEffectiveData
Immutable object which contains effective paragraph formatting properties.
Public interfaceIPatternFormat
Represents a pattern to fill a shape.
Public interfaceIPatternFormatEffectiveData
Immutable object which contains effective pattern filling properties.
Public interfaceIPictureEffectiveData
Immutable object which contains effective picture properties.
Public interfaceIPictureFillFormat
Represents a picture fill style.
Public interfaceIPictureFillFormatEffectiveData
Immutable object which contains the properties of picture fill.
Public interfaceIPictureFrame
Represents a frame with a picture inside.
Public interfaceIPictureFrameLock
Determines which operations are disabled on the parent PictureFrameEx.
Public interfaceIPlaceholder
Represents a placeholder on a slide.
Public interfaceIPortion
Represents a portion of text inside a text paragraph.
Public interfaceIPortionCollection
Represents a collection of a portions.
Public interfaceIPortionFactory
Allows to create test portions
Public interfaceIPortionFormat
This class contains the text portion formatting properties. Unlike IPortionFormatEffectiveData, all properties of this class are writeable.
Public interfaceIPortionFormatEffectiveData
Immutable object which contains effective text portion formatting properties.
Public interfaceIPPImage
Represents an image in a presentation.
Public interfaceIPresentation
Presentaiton document
Public interfaceIPresentationComponent
Represents a component of a presentation.
Public interfaceIPresentationFactory
Allows to create presentation via COM interface
Public interfaceIPresentationHeaderFooterManager
Represents manager which holds behavior of all footer, date-time and page number placeholders of presentation.
Public interfaceIPresentationInfo
Information about presentation file
Public interfaceIPresentationText
Represents the text extracted from the slide
Public interfaceIProgressCallback
Represents a callback object for saving progress updates in percentage.
Public interfaceIProtectionManager
Presentation password protestion management.
Public interfaceIResourceLoadingArgs
Interface for external resource loading arguments.
Public interfaceIResourceLoadingCallback
Callback interface used to manage external resources loading.
Public interfaceIRow
Represents a row in a table.
Public interfaceIRowCollection
Represents table row collection.
Public interfaceIRowFormat
Represents format of a table row.
Public interfaceIRowFormatEffectiveData
Immutable object which contains effective table row formatting properties.
Public interfaceISection
Represents section of slides.
Public interfaceISectionCollection
Represents a collection of sections.
Public interfaceISectionSlideCollection
Represents a collection of a slides in the section.
Public interfaceIShape
Represents a shape on a slide.
Public interfaceIShapeBevel
Public interfaceIShapeBevelEffectiveData
Immutable object which contains effective shape's face relief properties.
Public interfaceIShapeCollection
Represents a collection of a shapes.
Public interfaceIShapeElement
Represents a part of shape with same outline and fill properties.
Public interfaceIShapeFrame
Represents shape frame's properties.
Public interfaceIShapeStyle
Represent shape's style reference.
Public interfaceISlide
Represents a slide in a presentation.
Public interfaceISlideCollection
Public interfaceISlideComponent
Represents a component of a slide.
Public interfaceISlideHeaderFooterManager
Represents manager which holds behavior of the slide footer, date-time, page number placeholders.
Public interfaceISlideShowTransition
Represents slide show transition.
Public interfaceISlideSize
Represents a size of slide.
Public interfaceISlidesPicture
Represents a picture in a presentation.
Public interfaceISlideText
Represents the text extracted from the slide
Public interfaceIStreamWrapper
Aspose.IO.Stream wrapper for COM interface.
Public interfaceIStreamWrapperFactory
Factory of StreamWrappers. For COM interface.
Public interfaceISvgImage
Represents an SVG image.
Public interfaceITab
Represents a tabulation for a text.
Public interfaceITabCollection
Represents a collection of tabs.
Public interfaceITabEffectiveData
Immutable object which contains effective text's tabulation stop properties.
Public interfaceITabFactory
Allow to create ITab instances
Public interfaceITable
Represents a table on a slide.
Public interfaceITableFormat
Represents format of a table.
Public interfaceITableFormatEffectiveData
Immutable object which contains effective table formatting properties.
Public interfaceITagCollection
Public interfaceITextFrame
Represents a TextFrame.
Public interfaceITextFrameFormat
Contains the TextFrame's formatting properties.
Public interfaceITextFrameFormatEffectiveData
Immutable object which contains effective text frame formatting properties.
Public interfaceITextHighlightingOptions
Represents options which can be used to highlight text in text frame.
Public interfaceITextStyle
Text style formatting properties.
Public interfaceITextStyleEffectiveData
Immutable object which contains effective text style properties.
Public interfaceIThreeDFormat
Represents 3-D properties.
Public interfaceIThreeDFormatEffectiveData
Immutable object which represents effective 3-D formatting properties.
Public interfaceIThreeDParamSource
3D properties source auxiliary interface
Public interfaceIVideo
Represents a video embedded into a presentation.
Public interfaceIVideoCollection
Public interfaceIVideoFrame
Represents a video clip on a slide.
Public interfaceIViewProperties
Presentation wide view properties.
Public enumerationAudioPlayModePreset
Constants which define how a sound is played.
Public enumerationAudioVolumeMode
Constants which define audio volume.
Public enumerationBackgroundType
Defines the slide background fill source.
Public enumerationBevelPresetType
Constants which define 3D bevel of shape.
Public enumerationBlackWhiteMode
Determines how colored shape should be transformed into black and white.
Public enumerationBulletType
Represents the type of the extended bullets.
Public enumerationCameraPresetType
Constants which define camera preset type.
Public enumerationColorSchemeIndex
Represents an index in a colorscheme.
Public enumerationColorStringFormat
Represents a type of hyperlink action.
Public enumerationColorTransformOperation
Defines color transform operation.
Public enumerationColorType
Represents different color modes.
Public enumerationControlType
Defines a control type which should be embedded by AddControl(ControlType, Single, Single, Single, Single).
Public enumerationFillBlendMode
Determines blend mode.
Public enumerationFillType
Specifies the interior fill type of various visual objects.
Public enumerationFontAlignment
Represents vertical font alignment.
Public enumerationFontCollectionIndex
Represents font's index in a collection.
Public enumerationFontSubstCondition
Represents a rule fot font substitution
Public enumerationGradientDirection
Represents the gradient style.
Public enumerationGradientShape
Represents the shape of gradient fill.
Public enumerationHyperlinkActionType
Represents a type of hyperlink action.
Public enumerationHyperlinkColorSource
Represents source of hyperlink color.
Public enumerationLightingDirection
Constants which define light directions.
Public enumerationLightRigPresetType
Constants which define light preset types.
Public enumerationLineAlignment
Represents the lines alignment type.
Public enumerationLineArrowheadLength
Represents the length of an arrowhead.
Public enumerationLineArrowheadStyle
Represents the style of an arrowhead.
Public enumerationLineArrowheadWidth
Represents the width of an arrowhead.
Public enumerationLineCapStyle
Represents the line cap style.
Public enumerationLineDashStyle
Represents the line dash style.
Public enumerationLineJoinStyle
Represents the lines join style.
Public enumerationLineStyle
Represents the style of a line.
Public enumerationLoadFormat
Indicates the format of the document that is to be loaded.
Public enumerationLoadingStreamBehavior
The Stream passed to a method is considered as a Binary Large Object (BLOB) (see IBlobManagementOptions description). Values of this enumeration identify how the Stream should be treated when it passed to the method. Depending on the requirements, different decisions could be made to provide the most efficient behavior.
Public enumerationMaterialPresetType
Constants which define material of shape.
Public enumerationNullableBool
Represents triple boolean values.
Public enumerationNumberedBulletStyle
Represents the style of the numbered bullets.
Public enumerationOrientation
Represents the orientation of a shape.
Public enumerationPatternStyle
Represents the pattern style.
Public enumerationPersistenceType
Specifies the method used to store properties of the ActiveX control.
Public enumerationPictureFillMode
Determines how picture will fill area.
Public enumerationPlaceholderSize
Represents the size of a placeholder.
Public enumerationPlaceholderType
Represents the type of a placeholder.
Public enumerationPPImageFormat
Image formats. This enum is replacement for System.Drawing.Imaging.ImageFormat class. It's needed for COM compatibility.
Public enumerationCode examplePresentationLockingBehavior
Represents the behavior regarding treating the IPresentation source (file or Stream) while loading and working with an instance of IPresentation.
The source is the parameter passed to the IPresentation constructor. In the example below, the source is the "pres.pptx" file:
LoadOptions loadOptions = new LoadOptions { 
  BlobManagementOptions = { PresentationLockingBehavior = PresentationLockingBehavior.KeepLocked } };
using (IPresentation pres = new Presentation("pres.pptx", loadOptions)) { }
For this example, the source ("pres.pptx" file) will be locked for a IPresentation instance lifetime, i.e. can't be changed or deleted by the other process.
Public enumerationPresetColor
Represents predefined color presets.
Public enumerationPresetShadowType
Represents a preset for a shadow effect.
Public enumerationRectangleAlignment
Defines 2-dimension allignment.
Public enumerationResourceLoadingAction
Specifies the mode of external resource loading.
Public enumerationSchemeColor
Represents colors in a color scheme.
Public enumerationShapeElementFillSource
Represents how shape element should be filled.
Public enumerationShapeElementStrokeSource
Represents how shape element should be drawn.
Public enumerationShapeThumbnailBounds
Enumeration of types of shape thumbnail bounds.
Public enumerationShapeType
Represents preset geometry of geometry shapes.
Public enumerationSlideLayoutType
Represents the slide layout type.
Public enumerationSlideOrienation
Represents the slide orientation.
Public enumerationSlideSizeScaleType
Represents the scale type of slide content.
Public enumerationSlideSizeType
Represents the slide size preset.
Public enumerationSourceFormat
Represents source file format.
Public enumerationSplitterBarStateType
Specifies the state that the splitter bar should be shown in. The splitter bar separates a primary and secondary region within a viewing area.
Public enumerationSystemColor
Represents predefined system colors.
Public enumerationTabAlignment
Represents the tab alignment.
Public enumerationTableStylePreset
Represents builtin table styles.
Public enumerationTextAlignment
Represents different text alignment styles.
Public enumerationTextAnchorType
text box alignment within a text area.
Public enumerationTextAutofitType
Represents text autofit mode.
Public enumerationTextCapType
Represents the type of text capitalisation.
Public enumerationTextExtractionArrangingMode
Represents the mode to use during text extraction
Public enumerationTextShapeType
Represents text wrapping shape.
Public enumerationTextStrikethroughType
Represents the type of text strikethrough.
Public enumerationTextUnderlineType
Represents the type of text underline.
Public enumerationTextVerticalOverflowType
Represents text vertical overflow type.
Public enumerationTextVerticalType
Determines vertical writing mode for a text.
Public enumerationTileFlip
Defines tile flipping mode.
Public enumerationVideoPlayModePreset
Constants which define how a video is played.
Public enumerationViewType
Presentation view types