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Aspose.Slides.Export Namespace

Contains classes for exporting Microsoft PowerPoint presentations to different formats like Html, Pdf, Svg, Xps and others.
Public classEmbedAllFontsHtmlController
The formatting controller class to use for embedding all presentation fonts in WOFF format.
Public classEmbeddedEotFontsHtmlController
The formatting controller class to use for fonts embedding in EOT format
Public classEmbeddedWoffFontsHtmlController
The formatting controller class to use for fonts embedding in WOFF format
Public classHtmlFormatter
Represents HTML file template.
Public classHtmlGenerator
Html generator.
Public classHtmlOptions
Represents a HTML exporting options.
Public classNotesCommentsLayoutingOptions
Provides options that control the look of layouting of notes and comments in exported document.
Public classPdfOptions
Provides options that control how a presentation is saved in Pdf format.
Public classPptOptions
Provides options that control how a presentation is saved in PPT format.
Public classPptxOptions
Represents options for saving OpenXml presentations (PPTX, PPSX, POTX, PPTM, PPSM, POTM).
Public classResponsiveHtmlController
Responsive HTML Controller
Public classSaveOptions
Abstract class with options that control how a presentation is saved.
Public classSaveOptionsFactory
Allows to create save options' instances
Public classSlideImageFormat
Determines format in which slide image will be saved for presentation to HTML export.
Public classSVGOptions
Represents an SVG options.
Public classSvgShape
Represents options for SVG shape.
Public classSwfOptions
Provides options that control how a presentation is saved in Swf format.
Public classTextToHtmlConversionOptions
Options for extracting HTML from the Pptx text.
Public classTiffOptions
Provides options that control how a presentation is saved in TIFF format.
Public classVideoPlayerHtmlController
This class allows export of video and audio files into a HTML
Public classVideoPlayerHtmlControllerFactory
Allows to create VideoPlayerHtmlController.
Public classXpsOptions
Provides options that control how a presentation is saved in XPS format.
Public interfaceIEmbeddedEotFontsHtmlController
Embedded Eot fonts HTML controller.
Public interfaceIEmbeddedWoffFontsHtmlController
Embedded woff fonts html controller.
Public interfaceIHtmlFormatter
Represents HTML file template.
Public interfaceIHtmlFormattingController
Controls a html file generation.
Public interfaceIHtmlGenerator
Html generator.
Public interfaceIHtmlOptions
Represents a HTML exporting options.
Public interfaceILinkEmbedController
Callback interface used to determine how object should be processed during saving.
Public interfaceINotesCommentsLayoutingOptions
Provides options that control the look of layouting of notes and comments in exported document.
Public interfaceIPdfOptions
Provides options that control how a presentation is saved in Pdf format.
Public interfaceIPptOptions
Provides options that control how a presentation is saved in PPT format.
Public interfaceIPptxOptions
Represents options for saving OpenXml presentations (PPTX, PPSX, POTX, PPTM, PPSM, POTM).
Public interfaceIResponsiveHtmlController
Responsive HTML Controller
Public interfaceISaveOptions
Options that control how a presentation is saved.
Public interfaceISaveOptionsFactory
Allows to create save options' instances
Public interfaceISlideImageFormat
Determines format in which slide image will be saved for presentation to HTML export.
Public interfaceISVGOptions
Represents an SVG options.
Public interfaceISvgShape
Represents options for SVG shape.
Public interfaceISvgShapeFormattingController
Controls SVG shape generation.
Public interfaceISwfOptions
Provides options that control how a presentation is saved in SWF format.
Public interfaceITextToHtmlConversionOptions
Options for extracting HTML from the Pptx text.
Public interfaceITiffOptions
Provides options that control how a presentation is saved in TIFF format.
Public interfaceIVideoPlayerHtmlController
This class allows export of video and audio files into a HTML
Public interfaceIVideoPlayerHtmlControllerFactory
Allows to create VideoPlayerHtmlController.
Public interfaceIXpsOptions
Provides options that control how a presentation is saved in XPS format.
Public enumerationCommentsPositions
Represents the rule to render comments into exported document
Public enumerationConformance
Specifies the conformance class to which the PresentationML document conforms.
Public enumerationEmbedFontCharacters
Represents the rule to use for adding new embedding font into IPresentation
Public enumerationImagePixelFormat
Specifies the pixel format for the generated images.
Public enumerationLinkEmbedDecision
Determines how object will be processed during saving.
Public enumerationNotesPositions
Represents the rule to render notes into exported document
Public enumerationPdfAccessPermissions
Contains a set of flags specifying which access permissions should be granted when the document is opened with user access.
Public enumerationPdfCompliance
Constants which define the PDF standards compliance level.
Public enumerationPdfTextCompression
Constants which define the type of a compression applied to all content in the PDF file except images.
Public enumerationPicturesCompression
Represents the pictures compression level
Public enumerationSaveFormat
Constants which define the format of a saved presentation.
Public enumerationSvgCoordinateUnit
Represents CSS2 coordinate units used to define SVG coordinates.
Public enumerationSvgEvent
Represents options for SVG shape.
Public enumerationSvgExternalFontsHandling
Represents a way to handle external fonts used for text drawing.
Public enumerationTextInheritanceLimit
Controls the depth of the text properties inheritance.
Public enumerationTiffCompressionTypes
Provides options that control how a presentation is compressed in TIFF format.