ISequence Methods

The ISequence type exposes the following members.

Public methodCode exampleAddEffect(IParagraph, EffectType, EffectSubtype, EffectTriggerType)
Add new animation effect for paragraph to the end of sequence.
Public methodAddEffect(IShape, EffectType, EffectSubtype, EffectTriggerType)
Add new effect to the end of sequence.
Public methodAddEffect(IChart, EffectChartMajorGroupingType, Int32, EffectType, EffectSubtype, EffectTriggerType)
Adds the new chart animation effect for category or series to the end of sequence.
Public methodAddEffect(IChart, EffectChartMinorGroupingType, Int32, Int32, EffectType, EffectSubtype, EffectTriggerType)
Adds the new chart animation effect for elements in category or series to the end of sequence.
Public methodClear
Removes all effects from a collection.
Public methodGetCount
Returns count of effects for the specified shape.
Public methodGetEffectsByParagraph
Returns array of effects for the specified paragraph.
Public methodGetEffectsByShape
Returns array of effects for the specified shape.
Public methodGetEnumerator (Inherited from IEnumerableIEffect.)
Public methodRemove
Removes specified effect from a collection.
Public methodRemoveAt
Removes an effect from a collection.
Public methodRemoveByShape
Remove effect for the specified shape.
See Also