ICommandEffect Properties

The ICommandEffect type exposes the following members.

Public propertyAccumulate
Represents whether animation behaviors are accumulated. Read/write NullableBool.
(Inherited from IBehavior.)
Public propertyAdditive
Represents whether the current animation behavior is combined with other running animations. Read/write BehaviorAdditiveType.
(Inherited from IBehavior.)
Public propertyAsIBehavior
Allows to get base IBehavior interface. Read-only IBehavior.
Public propertyCommandString
Defines command string. Read/write String.
Public propertyProperties
Represents properties of behavior. Read-only IBehaviorPropertyCollection.
(Inherited from IBehavior.)
Public propertyShapeTarget
Defines shape target of command effect. Read/write IShape.
Public propertyTiming
Represents timing properties for the effect behavior. Read/write ITiming.
(Inherited from IBehavior.)
Public propertyType
Defines command effect type of behavior. Read/write CommandEffectType.
See Also