




Class FieldType

  • java.lang.Object
    • com.aspose.slides.FieldType
  • All Implemented Interfaces:

    public final class FieldType
    extends java.lang.Object
    implements IFieldType

    Represents a type of field. This value determines which text will be set to the field portion when it will be updated.

    • Constructor Summary

      Constructor and Description
      FieldType(java.lang.String str)
      Initializes a new instance of FieldType class.
    • Constructor Detail

      • FieldType

        public FieldType(java.lang.String str)

        Initializes a new instance of FieldType class.

    • Method Detail

      • getInternalString

        public final java.lang.String getInternalString()

        Returns the internal name of this FieldType object. Read/write String.

        Specified by:
        getInternalString in interface IFieldType
      • setInternalString

        public final void setInternalString(java.lang.String value)

        Returns the internal name of this FieldType object. Read/write String.

        Specified by:
        setInternalString in interface IFieldType
      • equals

        public boolean equals(java.lang.Object obj)

        Checks if this field is equal to another.

        equals in class java.lang.Object
        obj - Field to compare.
        True if fields are equal.
      • hashCode

        public int hashCode()

        Returns hashcode for this object.

        hashCode in class java.lang.Object
        Hashcode int.
      • op_Equality

        public static boolean op_Equality(FieldType a,
                                          FieldType b)

        Checks if two FieldType objects is equal.

        a - First FieldType to compare.
        b - Second FieldType to compare.
        True if FieldType objects are equal.
      • op_Inequality

        public static boolean op_Inequality(FieldType a,
                                            FieldType b)

        Checks if two FieldType objects is inequal.

        a - First FieldType to compare.
        b - Second FieldType to compare.
        True if FieldType objects aren't equal.
      • getSlideNumber

        public static FieldType getSlideNumber()

        Current slide's number. Read-only FieldType.

      • getDateTime

        public static FieldType getDateTime()

        Current date and time in default date time format for the rendering application. Read-only FieldType.

      • getDateTime1

        public static FieldType getDateTime1()

        Current date and time in a first predefined format (MM/DD/YYYY for english). Read-only FieldType.

      • getDateTime2

        public static FieldType getDateTime2()

        Current date and time in a second predefined format (Day, Month DD, YYYY for english). Read-only FieldType.

      • getDateTime3

        public static FieldType getDateTime3()

        Current date and time in a third predefined format (DD Month YYYY for english). Read-only FieldType.

      • getDateTime4

        public static FieldType getDateTime4()

        Current date and time in a fourth predefined format (Month DD, YYYY for english). Read-only FieldType.

      • getDateTime5

        public static FieldType getDateTime5()

        Current date and time in a fifth predefined format (DD-Mon-YY for english). Read-only FieldType.

      • getDateTime6

        public static FieldType getDateTime6()

        Current date and time in a sixth predefined format (Month YY for english). Read-only FieldType.

      • getDateTime7

        public static FieldType getDateTime7()

        Current date and time in a seventh predefined format (Mon-YY for english). Read-only FieldType.

      • getDateTime8

        public static FieldType getDateTime8()

        Current date and time in a eighth predefined format (MM/DD/YYYY hh:mm AM/PM for english). Read-only FieldType.

      • getDateTime9

        public static FieldType getDateTime9()

        Current date and time in a ninth predefined format (MM/DD/YYYY hh:mm:ss AM/PM for english). Read-only FieldType.

      • getDateTime10

        public static FieldType getDateTime10()

        Current date and time in a tenth predefined format (hh:mm for english). Read-only FieldType.

      • getDateTime11

        public static FieldType getDateTime11()

        Current date and time in a eleventh predefined format (hh:mm:ss for english). Read-only FieldType.

      • getDateTime12

        public static FieldType getDateTime12()

        Current date and time in a twelfth predefined format (hh:mm AM/PM for english). Read-only FieldType.

      • getDateTime13

        public static FieldType getDateTime13()

        Current date and time in a thirteenth predefined format (hh:mm:ss AM/PM for english). Read-only FieldType.