System::Net Namespace Reference




class  Cookie
 Represents an HTTP cookie. Objects of this class should only be allocated using System::MakeObject() function. Never create instance of this type on stack or using operator new, as it will result in runtime errors and/or assertion faults. Always wrap this class into System::SmartPtr pointer and use this pointer to pass it to functions as argument. More...
class  CookieComparer
 Used to compare the Cookie class instances. Objects of this class should only be allocated using System::MakeObject() function. Never create instance of this type on stack or using operator new, as it will result in runtime errors and/or assertion faults. Always wrap this class into System::SmartPtr pointer and use this pointer to pass it to functions as argument. More...
class  CookieParser
 Used to parse a cookie header and create an instance of the Cookie class. Objects of this class should only be allocated using System::MakeObject() function. Never create instance of this type on stack or using operator new, as it will result in runtime errors and/or assertion faults. Always wrap this class into System::SmartPtr pointer and use this pointer to pass it to functions as argument. More...
class  CookieCollection
 Represents a list of sorted cookies. Objects of this class should only be allocated using System::MakeObject() function. Never create instance of this type on stack or using operator new, as it will result in runtime errors and/or assertion faults. Always wrap this class into System::SmartPtr pointer and use this pointer to pass it to functions as argument. More...
class  HeaderVariantInfo
 Used to match the cookie name and specification. Objects of this class should only be allocated using System::MakeObject() function. Never create instance of this type on stack or using operator new, as it will result in runtime errors and/or assertion faults. Always wrap this class into System::SmartPtr pointer and use this pointer to pass it to functions as argument. More...
class  PathList
 Represents the list of the CookieCollection class instances. Objects of this class should only be allocated using System::MakeObject() function. Never create instance of this type on stack or using operator new, as it will result in runtime errors and/or assertion faults. Always wrap this class into System::SmartPtr pointer and use this pointer to pass it to functions as argument. More...
class  CookieContainer
 Provides a container for the CookieCollection-class instances. Objects of this class should only be allocated using System::MakeObject() function. Never create instance of this type on stack or using operator new, as it will result in runtime errors and/or assertion faults. Always wrap this class into System::SmartPtr pointer and use this pointer to pass it to functions as argument. More...
class  Details_CookieException
 Represents an exception thrown when the size of CookieContainer is greater than the MaxCookieSize property value. Never create instances of this class manually. Use the CookieException class instead. Never wrap the CookieException class instances into System::SmartPtr. More...
class  CredentialCache
 Provides the credentials storage. Objects of this class should only be allocated using System::MakeObject() function. Never create instance of this type on stack or using operator new, as it will result in runtime errors and/or assertion faults. Always wrap this class into System::SmartPtr pointer and use this pointer to pass it to functions as argument. More...
class  Dns
 Provides methods to work with DNS. More...
class  DnsEndPoint
 Contains information used by the application to connect to the service. Objects of this class should only be allocated using System::MakeObject() function. Never create instance of this type on stack or using operator new, as it will result in runtime errors and/or assertion faults. Always wrap this class into System::SmartPtr pointer and use this pointer to pass it to functions as argument. More...
class  EndPoint
 The abstract class contains a network address. Objects of this class should only be allocated using System::MakeObject() function. Never create instance of this type on stack or using operator new, as it will result in runtime errors and/or assertion faults. Always wrap this class into System::SmartPtr pointer and use this pointer to pass it to functions as argument. More...
class  FileWebRequest
 Provides implementation of the WebRequest abstract class to work with the file system. Objects of this class should only be allocated using System::MakeObject() function. Never create instance of this type on stack or using operator new, as it will result in runtime errors and/or assertion faults. Always wrap this class into System::SmartPtr pointer and use this pointer to pass it to functions as argument. More...
class  FileWebResponse
 Provides implementation of the WebResponse abstract class to work with the file system. Objects of this class should only be allocated using System::MakeObject() function. Never create instance of this type on stack or using operator new, as it will result in runtime errors and/or assertion faults. Always wrap this class into System::SmartPtr pointer and use this pointer to pass it to functions as argument. More...
class  HttpKnownHeaderNames
 Contains the string values of the known header names. More...
class  HttpRequestHeaderExtensions
 Contains utility methods to work with the HttpRequestHeader enumeration values. More...
class  HttpResponseHeaderExtensions
 Contains utility methods to work with the HttpResponseHeader enumeration values. More...
class  HttpStatusDescription
 Contains the utility methods to get the string representation of the HTTP status. More...
class  HttpVersion
 Contains versions of HTTP. More...
class  HttpWebRequest
 Represents the HTTP web request. Objects of this class should only be allocated using System::MakeObject() function. Never create instance of this type on stack or using operator new, as it will result in runtime errors and/or assertion faults. Always wrap this class into System::SmartPtr pointer and use this pointer to pass it to functions as argument. More...
class  HttpWebResponse
 Represents the HTTP web response. Objects of this class should only be allocated using System::MakeObject() function. Never create instance of this type on stack or using operator new, as it will result in runtime errors and/or assertion faults. Always wrap this class into System::SmartPtr pointer and use this pointer to pass it to functions as argument. More...
class  ICredentials
 Provides the authentication interface. Objects of this class should only be allocated using System::MakeObject() function. Never create instance of this type on stack or using operator new, as it will result in runtime errors and/or assertion faults. Always wrap this class into System::SmartPtr pointer and use this pointer to pass it to functions as argument. More...
class  ICredentialsByHost
 Provides the authentication interface for retrieving credentials for a host, port, and authentication type. Objects of this class should only be allocated using System::MakeObject() function. Never create instance of this type on stack or using operator new, as it will result in runtime errors and/or assertion faults. Always wrap this class into System::SmartPtr pointer and use this pointer to pass it to functions as argument. More...
class  IPAddress
 Represents the IP address. Objects of this class should only be allocated using System::MakeObject() function. Never create instance of this type on stack or using operator new, as it will result in runtime errors and/or assertion faults. Always wrap this class into System::SmartPtr pointer and use this pointer to pass it to functions as argument. More...
class  IPEndPoint
 Represents a network endpoint that contains an IP address and a port. Objects of this class should only be allocated using System::MakeObject() function. Never create instance of this type on stack or using operator new, as it will result in runtime errors and/or assertion faults. Always wrap this class into System::SmartPtr pointer and use this pointer to pass it to functions as argument. More...
class  IPHostEntry
 Represents information about an internet host address. Objects of this class should only be allocated using System::MakeObject() function. Never create instance of this type on stack or using operator new, as it will result in runtime errors and/or assertion faults. Always wrap this class into System::SmartPtr pointer and use this pointer to pass it to functions as argument. More...
class  IWebProxy
 This interface used for implementation of proxy access to the WebRequest class. Objects of this class should only be allocated using System::MakeObject() function. Never create instance of this type on stack or using operator new, as it will result in runtime errors and/or assertion faults. Always wrap this class into System::SmartPtr pointer and use this pointer to pass it to functions as argument. More...
class  IWebRequestCreate
 Provides the methods for creating the WebRequest class instances. Objects of this class should only be allocated using System::MakeObject() function. Never create instance of this type on stack or using operator new, as it will result in runtime errors and/or assertion faults. Always wrap this class into System::SmartPtr pointer and use this pointer to pass it to functions as argument. More...
class  NetworkCredential
 Provides credentials for the password-based authentication schemes. Objects of this class should only be allocated using System::MakeObject() function. Never create instance of this type on stack or using operator new, as it will result in runtime errors and/or assertion faults. Always wrap this class into System::SmartPtr pointer and use this pointer to pass it to functions as argument. More...
class  ServicePoint
 Provides HTTP connection management. Objects of this class should only be allocated using System::MakeObject() function. Never create instance of this type on stack or using operator new, as it will result in runtime errors and/or assertion faults. Always wrap this class into System::SmartPtr pointer and use this pointer to pass it to functions as argument. More...
class  ServicePointManager
 Manages the lifecycle stages (creating, maintaining, and deleting) of the ServicePoint class instances. Objects of this class should only be allocated using System::MakeObject() function. Never create instance of this type on stack or using operator new, as it will result in runtime errors and/or assertion faults. Always wrap this class into System::SmartPtr pointer and use this pointer to pass it to functions as argument. More...
class  SocketAddress
 Used to store serialized information about the EndPoint class instances. Objects of this class should only be allocated using System::MakeObject() function. Never create instance of this type on stack or using operator new, as it will result in runtime errors and/or assertion faults. Always wrap this class into System::SmartPtr pointer and use this pointer to pass it to functions as argument. More...
class  UriScheme
 Represent the scheme for URI. Objects of this class should only be allocated using System::MakeObject() function. Never create instance of this type on stack or using operator new, as it will result in runtime errors and/or assertion faults. Always wrap this class into System::SmartPtr pointer and use this pointer to pass it to functions as argument. More...
class  WebClient
 WebClient provides common methods for sending and receiving data. Objects of this class should only be allocated using System::MakeObject() function. Never create instance of this type on stack or using operator new, as it will result in runtime errors and/or assertion faults. Always wrap this class into System::SmartPtr pointer and use this pointer to pass it to functions as argument. More...
class  Details_WebException
 Represents the exception that is thrown by WebRequest when an error occurs. Never create instances of this class manually. Use the WebException class instead. Never wrap the WebException class instances into System::SmartPtr. More...
class  WebHeaderCollection
 Represents the collection of the protocol headers. Objects of this class should only be allocated using System::MakeObject() function. Never create instance of this type on stack or using operator new, as it will result in runtime errors and/or assertion faults. Always wrap this class into System::SmartPtr pointer and use this pointer to pass it to functions as argument. More...
class  WebProxy
 Represents an http web-proxy server. Objects of this class should only be allocated using System::MakeObject() function. Never create instance of this type on stack or using operator new, as it will result in runtime errors and/or assertion faults. Always wrap this class into System::SmartPtr pointer and use this pointer to pass it to functions as argument. More...
class  WebRequest
 Represents a web request. Objects of this class should only be allocated using System::MakeObject() function. Never create instance of this type on stack or using operator new, as it will result in runtime errors and/or assertion faults. Always wrap this class into System::SmartPtr pointer and use this pointer to pass it to functions as argument. More...
class  WebRequestMethods
 Represents the string constants of web requests. More...
class  WebResponse
 Represents a web response. Objects of this class should only be allocated using System::MakeObject() function. Never create instance of this type on stack or using operator new, as it will result in runtime errors and/or assertion faults. Always wrap this class into System::SmartPtr pointer and use this pointer to pass it to functions as argument. More...
class  FtpWebResponse
 Dummy class making it possible linking ported code with FtpWebResponse references, but not executing it. Contains no properly implemented members. Objects of this class should only be allocated using System::MakeObject() function. Never create instance of this type on stack or using operator new, as it will result in runtime errors and/or assertion faults. Always wrap this class into System::SmartPtr pointer and use this pointer to pass it to functions as argument. More...
class  FtpWebRequest
 Implements a File Transfer Protocol (FTP) client. Dummy class making it possible linking ported code with FtpWebRequest references, but not executing it. Contains no properly implemented members. More...


using CookieException = System::ExceptionWrapper< Details_CookieException >
using BindIPEndPoint = System::MulticastDelegate< System::SharedPtr< IPEndPoint >(System::SharedPtr< ServicePoint >, System::SharedPtr< IPEndPoint >, int32_t)>
using WebException = System::ExceptionWrapper< Details_WebException >


enum class  AuthenticationSchemes {
  None = 0x00000000 , Digest = 0x00000001 , Negotiate = 0x00000002 , Ntlm = 0x00000004 ,
  Basic = 0x00000008 , Anonymous = 0x00008000 , IntegratedWindowsAuthentication = static_cast<int32_t>(Negotiate | Ntlm)
 Enumerates the authentication schemes. More...
enum class  CookieVariant {
  Unknown , Plain , Rfc2109 , Rfc2965 ,
  Default = static_cast<int32_t>(Rfc2109)
 Enumerates the cookie specifications. More...
enum class  DecompressionMethods { None = 0 , GZip = 1 , Deflate = 2 }
 Enumerates the compression-decompression algorithm. More...
enum class  HttpRequestHeader {
  CacheControl = 0 , Connection = 1 , Date = 2 , KeepAlive = 3 ,
  Pragma = 4 , Trailer = 5 , TransferEncoding = 6 , Upgrade = 7 ,
  Via = 8 , Warning = 9 , Allow = 10 , ContentLength = 11 ,
  ContentType = 12 , ContentEncoding = 13 , ContentLanguage = 14 , ContentLocation = 15 ,
  ContentMd5 = 16 , ContentRange = 17 , Expires = 18 , LastModified = 19 ,
  Accept = 20 , AcceptCharset = 21 , AcceptEncoding = 22 , AcceptLanguage = 23 ,
  Authorization = 24 , Cookie = 25 , Expect = 26 , From = 27 ,
  Host = 28 , IfMatch = 29 , IfModifiedSince = 30 , IfNoneMatch = 31 ,
  IfRange = 32 , IfUnmodifiedSince = 33 , MaxForwards = 34 , ProxyAuthorization = 35 ,
  Referer = 36 , Range = 37 , Te = 38 , Translate = 39 ,
  UserAgent = 40
 Enumerates the request headers. More...
enum class  HttpResponseHeader {
  CacheControl = 0 , Connection = 1 , Date = 2 , KeepAlive = 3 ,
  Pragma = 4 , Trailer = 5 , TransferEncoding = 6 , Upgrade = 7 ,
  Via = 8 , Warning = 9 , Allow = 10 , ContentLength = 11 ,
  ContentType = 12 , ContentEncoding = 13 , ContentLanguage = 14 , ContentLocation = 15 ,
  ContentMd5 = 16 , ContentRange = 17 , Expires = 18 , LastModified = 19 ,
  AcceptRanges = 20 , Age = 21 , ETag = 22 , Location = 23 ,
  ProxyAuthenticate = 24 , RetryAfter = 25 , Server = 26 , SetCookie = 27 ,
  Vary = 28 , WwwAuthenticate = 29
 Enumerates the http response headers. More...
enum class  HttpStatusCode {
  Continue = 100 , SwitchingProtocols = 101 , OK = 200 , Created = 201 ,
  Accepted = 202 , NonAuthoritativeInformation = 203 , NoContent = 204 , ResetContent = 205 ,
  PartialContent = 206 , MultipleChoices = 300 , Ambiguous = 300 , MovedPermanently = 301 ,
  Moved = 301 , Found = 302 , Redirect = 302 , SeeOther = 303 ,
  RedirectMethod = 303 , NotModified = 304 , UseProxy = 305 , Unused = 306 ,
  TemporaryRedirect = 307 , RedirectKeepVerb = 307 , PermanentRedirect = 308 , BadRequest = 400 ,
  Unauthorized = 401 , PaymentRequired = 402 , Forbidden = 403 , NotFound = 404 ,
  MethodNotAllowed = 405 , NotAcceptable = 406 , ProxyAuthenticationRequired = 407 , RequestTimeout = 408 ,
  Conflict = 409 , Gone = 410 , LengthRequired = 411 , PreconditionFailed = 412 ,
  RequestEntityTooLarge = 413 , RequestUriTooLong = 414 , UnsupportedMediaType = 415 , RequestedRangeNotSatisfiable = 416 ,
  ExpectationFailed = 417 , UpgradeRequired = 426 , InternalServerError = 500 , NotImplemented = 501 ,
  BadGateway = 502 , ServiceUnavailable = 503 , GatewayTimeout = 504 , HttpVersionNotSupported = 505
enum class  SecurityProtocolType {
  SystemDefault = 0 , Ssl3 = 48 , Tls = 192 , Tls11 = 768 ,
  Tls12 = 3072
 Enumerates the security protocol types. More...
enum class  TransportType {
  Udp = 1 , Connectionless = Udp , Tcp = 2 , ConnectionOriented = Tcp ,
  All = 3
 Defines the transport type allowed for the socket. More...
enum class  WebExceptionStatus {
  Success = 0 , NameResolutionFailure = 1 , ConnectFailure = 2 , ReceiveFailure = 3 ,
  SendFailure = 4 , PipelineFailure = 5 , RequestCanceled = 6 , ProtocolError = 7 ,
  ConnectionClosed = 8 , TrustFailure = 9 , SecureChannelFailure = 10 , ServerProtocolViolation = 11 ,
  KeepAliveFailure = 12 , Pending = 13 , Timeout = 14 , ProxyNameResolutionFailure = 15 ,
  UnknownError = 16 , MessageLengthLimitExceeded = 17 , CacheEntryNotFound = 18 , RequestProhibitedByCachePolicy = 19 ,
  RequestProhibitedByProxy = 20
 Enumerates the status codes of the WebException class. More...
enum class  WebHeaderCollectionType : uint8_t { Unknown , WebRequest , WebResponse }
 Enumerates the types of the protocol headers collection. More...


 DECLARE_ENUM_OPERATORS (System::Net::AuthenticationSchemes)
 Declaration of template arithmetic operators for values of the AuthenticationSchemes enum type. More...
 DECLARE_ENUM_OPERATORS (System::Net::DecompressionMethods)
 Declaration of template arithmetic operators for values of DecompressionMethods enum type. More...
 DECLARE_ENUM_OPERATORS (System::Net::SecurityProtocolType)
 Declaration of template arithmetic operators for values of the DecompressionMethods enum type. More...

Typedef Documentation

◆ BindIPEndPoint

◆ CookieException

◆ WebException

Enumeration Type Documentation

◆ AuthenticationSchemes

Enumerates the authentication schemes.


No authentication is required.


Digest access authentication.


Negotiates with the client which authentication scheme will be used (NTML or Kerberos).


NTLM authentication.


Basic authentication.


Anonymous authentication.


Windows authentication.

◆ CookieVariant

Enumerates the cookie specifications.


The unknown cookie specification.


The plain cookie specification.


The 'RFC 2109' cookie specification.


The 'RFC 2965' cookie specification.


The default value equal to 'Rfc2109'.

◆ DecompressionMethods

Enumerates the compression-decompression algorithm.


The compression-decompression algorithm is not used.


The gZip compression-decompression algorithm.


The deflate compression-decompression algorithm.

◆ HttpRequestHeader

Enumerates the request headers.


The 'Cache-Control' header.


The 'Connection' header.


The 'Date' header.


The 'Keep-Alive' header.


The 'Pragma' header.


The 'Trailer' header.


The 'Transfer-Encoding' header.


The 'Upgrade' header.


The 'Via' header.


The 'Warning' header.


The 'Allow' header.


The 'Content-Length' header.


The 'Content-Type' header.


The 'Content-Encoding' header.


The 'Content-Language' header.


The 'Content-Location' header.


The 'Content-MD5' header.


The 'Content-Range' header.


The 'Expires' header.


The 'Last-Modified' header.


The 'Accept' header.


The 'Accept-Charset' header.


The 'Accept-Encoding' header.


The 'Accept-Language' header.


The 'Authorization' header.


The 'Cookie' header.


The 'Expect' header.


The 'From' header.


The 'Host' header.


The 'If-Match' header.


The 'If-Modified-Since' header.


The 'If-None-Match' header.


The 'If-Range' header.


The 'If-Unmodified-Since' header.


The 'Max-Forwards' header.


The 'Proxy-Authorization' header.


The 'Referer' header.


The 'Range' header.


The 'TE' header.


The 'Translate' header.


The 'User-Agent' header.

◆ HttpResponseHeader

Enumerates the http response headers.


The 'Cache-Control' header.


The 'Connection' header.


The 'Date' header.


The 'Keep-Alive' header.


The 'Pragma' header.


The 'Trailer' header.


The 'Transfer-Encoding' header.


The 'Upgrade' header.


The 'Via' header.


The 'Warning' header.


The 'Allow' header.


The 'Content-Length' header.


The 'Content-Type' header.


The 'Content-Encoding' header.


The 'Content-Language' header.


The 'Content-Location' header.


The 'Content-MD5' header.


The 'Content-Range' header.


The 'Expires' header.


The 'Last-Modified' header.


The 'Accept-Ranges' header.


The 'Age' header.


The 'ETag' header.


The 'Location' header.


The 'Proxy-Authenticate' header.


The 'Retry-After' header.


The 'Server' header.


The 'Set-Cookie' header.


The 'Vary' header.


The 'WWW-Authenticate' header.

◆ HttpStatusCode


The 'Continue' status code that equals to HTTP status 100.


The 'Switching Protocol' status code that equals to HTTP status 101.


The 'OK' status code that equals to HTTP status 200.


The 'Created' status code that equals to HTTP status 201.


The 'Accepted' status code that equals to HTTP status 202.


The 'Non-Authoritative Information' status code that equals to HTTP status 203.


The 'No Content' status code that equals to HTTP status 204.


The 'Reset Content' status code that equals to HTTP status 205.


The 'Partial Content' status code that equals to HTTP status 206.


The 'Multiple Choice' status code that equals to HTTP status 300.


The 'Ambiguous' status code that equals to HTTP status 300.


The 'Moved Permanently' status code that equals to HTTP status 301.


The 'Moved' status code that equals to HTTP status 301.


The 'Found' status code that equals to HTTP status 302.


The 'Redirect' status code that equals to HTTP status 302.


The 'See Other' status code that equals to HTTP status 303.


The 'Redirect' status code that equals to HTTP status 303.


The 'Not Modified' status code that equals to HTTP status 304.


The 'Use Proxy' status code that equals to HTTP status 305.


The 'Switch Proxy' status code that equals to HTTP status 306.


The 'Temporary Redirect' status code that equals to HTTP status 307.


The 'Redirect Keep Verb' status code that equals to HTTP status 307.


The 'Permanent Redirect' status code that equals to HTTP status 308.


The 'Bad Request' status code that equals to HTTP status 400.


The 'Unauthorized' status code that equals to HTTP status 401.


The 'Payment Required' status code that equals to HTTP status 402.


The 'Forbidden' status code that equals to HTTP status 403.


The 'Not Found' status code that equals to HTTP status 404.


The 'Method Not Allowed' status code that equals to HTTP status 405.


The 'Not Acceptable' status code that equals to HTTP status 406.


The 'Proxy Authentication Required' status code that equals to HTTP status 407.


The 'Request Timeout' status code that equals to HTTP status 408.


The 'Conflict' status code that equals to HTTP status 409.


The 'Gone' status code that equals to HTTP status 410.


The 'Length Required' status code that equals to HTTP status 411.


The 'Precondition Failed' status code that equals to HTTP status 412.


The 'Request Entity Too Large' status code that equals to HTTP status 413.


The 'Request-URI Too Long' status code that equals to HTTP status 414.


The 'Unsupported Media Type' status code that equals to HTTP status 415.


The 'Requested Range Not Satisfiable' status code that equals to HTTP status 416.


The 'Expectation Failed' status code that equals to HTTP status 417.


The 'Upgrade Required' status code that equals to HTTP status 426.


The 'Internal Server Error' status code that equals to HTTP status 500.


The 'Not Implemented' status code that equals to HTTP status 501.


The 'Bad Gateway' status code that equals to HTTP status 502.


The 'Service Unavailable' status code that equals to HTTP status 503.


The 'Gateway Timeout' status code that equals to HTTP status 504.


The 'HTTP Version Not Supported' status code that equals to HTTP status 505.

◆ SecurityProtocolType

Enumerates the security protocol types.


The default system value must be used.


The SSL 3.0 protocol.


The TLS 1.0 protocol.


The TLS 1.1 protocol.


The TLS 1.2 protocol.

◆ TransportType

Defines the transport type allowed for the socket.


The UDP transport type.


The transport type is connectionless.


The TCP transport type.


The transport is connection oriented.


All transport types.

◆ WebExceptionStatus

Enumerates the status codes of the WebException class.


No errors occurred.


The name resolver service could not resolve the host name.


The remote service point could not be contacted at the transport level.


A complete response is not received from the remote server.


A complete request could not be sent to the remote server.


The request was a pipelined request and the connection was closed before the response was received.


The request was canceled or an unclassifiable error occurred.


The response received from the server was complete but indicated a protocol-level error.


The connection was prematurely closed.


A server certificate could not be validated.


An error occurred while establishing a connection using SSL.


The server response was not a valid HTTP response.


The connection for a request that specifies the 'Keep-Alive' header was closed unexpectedly.


An internal asynchronous request is pending.


No response was received during the time-out period for a request.


The name resolver service could not resolve the proxy host name.


An exception of unknown type has occurred.


A message that exceeded the specified limit was received.


The specified cache entry was not found.


The request was not permitted by the cache policy.


This request was not permitted by the proxy.

◆ WebHeaderCollectionType

Enumerates the types of the protocol headers collection.


A collection contains an unknown type elements.


A collection contains the headers of web requests.


A collection contains the headers of web response.

Function Documentation


System::Net::DECLARE_ENUM_OPERATORS ( System::Net::AuthenticationSchemes  )

Declaration of template arithmetic operators for values of the AuthenticationSchemes enum type.


System::Net::DECLARE_ENUM_OPERATORS ( System::Net::DecompressionMethods  )

Declaration of template arithmetic operators for values of DecompressionMethods enum type.


System::Net::DECLARE_ENUM_OPERATORS ( System::Net::SecurityProtocolType  )

Declaration of template arithmetic operators for values of the DecompressionMethods enum type.