Classes | |
class | CornerDirectionTransition |
Corner direction slide transition effect. More... | |
class | EightDirectionTransition |
Eight direction slide transition effect. More... | |
class | EmptyTransition |
Empty slide transition effect. More... | |
class | FlyThroughTransition |
Fly-through slide transition effect. More... | |
class | GlitterTransition |
Glitter slide transition effect. More... | |
class | ICornerDirectionTransition |
Corner direction slide transition effect. More... | |
class | IEightDirectionTransition |
Eight direction slide transition effect. More... | |
class | IEmptyTransition |
Empty slide transition effect. More... | |
class | IFlyThroughTransition |
Fly-through slide transition effect. More... | |
class | IGlitterTransition |
Glitter slide transition effect. More... | |
class | IInOutTransition |
In-Out slide transition effect. More... | |
class | ILeftRightDirectionTransition |
Left-right direction slide transition effect. More... | |
class | IMorphTransition |
Ripple slide transition effect. More... | |
class | InOutTransition |
In-Out slide transition effect. More... | |
class | IOptionalBlackTransition |
Optional black slide transition effect. More... | |
class | IOrientationTransition |
Orientation slide transition effect. More... | |
class | IRevealTransition |
Reveal slide transition effect. More... | |
class | IRippleTransition |
Ripple slide transition effect. More... | |
class | IShredTransition |
Shred slide transition effect. More... | |
class | ISideDirectionTransition |
Side direction slide transition effect. More... | |
class | ISplitTransition |
Split slide transition effect. More... | |
class | ITransitionValueBase |
Represents base class for slide transition effects. More... | |
class | IWheelTransition |
Wheel slide transition effect. More... | |
class | LeftRightDirectionTransition |
Left-right direction slide transition effect. More... | |
class | MorphTransition |
Ripple slide transition effect. More... | |
class | OptionalBlackTransition |
Optional black slide transition effect. More... | |
class | OrientationTransition |
Orientation slide transition effect. More... | |
class | RevealTransition |
Reveal slide transition effect. More... | |
class | RippleTransition |
Ripple slide transition effect. More... | |
class | ShredTransition |
Shred slide transition effect. More... | |
class | SideDirectionTransition |
Side direction slide transition effect. More... | |
class | SlideShowTransition |
Represents slide show transition. More... | |
class | SplitTransition |
Split slide transition effect. More... | |
class | TransitionValueBase |
Base class for slide transition effects. More... | |
class | WheelTransition |
Wheel slide transition effect. More... | |
Enumerations | |
enum class | TransitionCornerAndCenterDirectionType { LeftDown = 0 , LeftUp , RightDown , RightUp , Center } |
Specifies a direction restricted to the corners and center. More... | |
enum class | TransitionCornerDirectionType { LeftDown = 0 , LeftUp , RightDown , RightUp } |
Represent corner direction transition types. More... | |
enum class | TransitionEightDirectionType { LeftDown = 0 , LeftUp , RightDown , RightUp , Left , Up , Down , Right } |
Represent eight direction transition types. More... | |
enum class | TransitionInOutDirectionType { In = 0 , Out } |
Represent in or out direction transition types. More... | |
enum class | TransitionLeftRightDirectionType { Left = 0 , Right } |
Specifies a direction restricted to the values of left and right. More... | |
enum class | TransitionMorphType { ByObject = 0 , ByWord , ByChar } |
Represent a type of morph transition. More... | |
enum class | TransitionPattern { Diamond = 0 , Hexagon } |
Specifies a geometric pattern that tiles together to fill a larger area. More... | |
enum class | TransitionShredPattern { Strip = 0 , Rectangle } |
Specifies a geometric shape that tiles together to fill a larger area. More... | |
enum class | TransitionSideDirectionType { Left = 0 , Up , Down , Right } |
Represent side direction transition types. More... | |
enum class | TransitionSoundMode { NotDefined = -1 , StartSound , StopPrevoiusSound } |
Represent sound mode of transition. More... | |
enum class | TransitionSpeed { Fast = 0 , Medium , Slow } |
Represent transition speed types. More... | |
enum class | TransitionType { None = 0 , Blinds , Checker , Circle , Comb , Cover , Cut , Diamond , Dissolve , Fade , Newsflash , Plus , Pull , Push , Random , RandomBar , Split , Strips , Wedge , Wheel , Wipe , Zoom , Vortex , Switch , Flip , Ripple , Honeycomb , Cube , Box , Rotate , Orbit , Doors , Window , Ferris , Gallery , Conveyor , Pan , Glitter , Warp , Flythrough , Flash , Shred , Reveal , WheelReverse , FallOver , Drape , Curtains , Wind , Prestige , Fracture , Crush , PeelOff , PageCurlDouble , PageCurlSingle , Airplane , Origami , Morph } |
Represent slide show transition type. More... | |
strong |
Represent a type of morph transition.
strong |
strong |
strong |
strong |
Represent slide show transition type.
Enumerator | |
None | |
Blinds | |
Checker | |
Circle | Relates to transition Shape (with option Circle) in PowerPoint 2010. |
Comb | |
Cover | |
Cut | |
Diamond | Relates to transition Shape (with option Diamond) in PowerPoint 2010. |
Dissolve | |
Fade | |
Newsflash | |
Plus | Relates to transition Shape (with option Plus) in PowerPoint 2010. |
Pull | |
Push | |
Random | |
RandomBar | |
Split | Equivalent to transition Wipe in PowerPoint 2010. |
Strips | |
Wedge | Relates to transition Clock (with option Wedge) in PowerPoint 2010. |
Wheel | Relates to transition Clock (with option Clockwise) in PowerPoint 2010. |
Wipe | |
Zoom | Relates to transition Shape (with options In/Out) in PowerPoint 2010. See also TransitionType::Warp that relates to transition Zoom in PowerPoint 2010. |
Vortex | Available in PowerPoint 2010. |
Switch | Available in PowerPoint 2010. |
Flip | Available in PowerPoint 2010. |
Ripple | Available in PowerPoint 2010. |
Honeycomb | Available in PowerPoint 2010. |
Cube | Available in PowerPoint 2010. |
Box | Available in PowerPoint 2010. |
Rotate | Available in PowerPoint 2010. |
Orbit | Available in PowerPoint 2010. |
Doors | Available in PowerPoint 2010. |
Window | Available in PowerPoint 2010. |
Ferris | Available in PowerPoint 2010. |
Gallery | Available in PowerPoint 2010. |
Conveyor | Available in PowerPoint 2010. |
Pan | Available in PowerPoint 2010. |
Glitter | Available in PowerPoint 2010. |
Warp | Relates to transition Zoom in PowerPoint 2010. Available in PowerPoint 2010. |
Flythrough | Available in PowerPoint 2010. |
Flash | Available in PowerPoint 2010. |
Shred | Available in PowerPoint 2010. |
Reveal | Available in PowerPoint 2010. |
WheelReverse | Relates to transition Clock (with option Counterclockwise) in PowerPoint 2010. Available in PowerPoint 2010. |
FallOver | Available in PowerPoint 2013. |
Drape | Available in PowerPoint 2013. |
Curtains | Available in PowerPoint 2013. |
Wind | Available in PowerPoint 2013. |
Prestige | Available in PowerPoint 2013. |
Fracture | Available in PowerPoint 2013. |
Crush | Available in PowerPoint 2013. |
PeelOff | Available in PowerPoint 2013. |
PageCurlDouble | Available in PowerPoint 2013. |
PageCurlSingle | Available in PowerPoint 2013. |
Airplane | Available in PowerPoint 2013. |
Origami | Available in PowerPoint 2013. |
Morph | Relates to transition Morph (with option Type) in PowerPoint 2019. |