




Class GlobalLayoutSlideCollection

    • Method Detail

      • addClone

        public ILayoutSlide addClone(ILayoutSlide sourceLayout)

        Adds a copy of a specified layout slide to the presentation.

        Specified by:
        addClone in interface IGlobalLayoutSlideCollection
        sourceLayout - Slide to clone.

        When cloning a layout between different presentations layout's master can be cloned too to keep source formatting. Internal registry is used to track automatically cloned masters to prevent creation of multiple clones of the same master slide. Manual cloning of master slides will be neither prevented nor registered.
        Added slide.
      • addClone

        public ILayoutSlide addClone(ILayoutSlide sourceLayout,
                                     IMasterSlide destMaster)

        Adds a copy of a specified layout slide to the presentation.

        Specified by:
        addClone in interface IGlobalLayoutSlideCollection
        sourceLayout - Slide to clone.
        destMaster - Master slide for a new layout.

        1) New layout will be linked with defined master in destination presentation. So this is analogue of copy/paste with "Use Destination Theme" option in PowerPoint. 2) Analogue of this method is method IMasterLayoutSlideCollection.AddClone(ILayoutSlide) accessed with IMasterSlide.LayoutSlides property.
        Added slide.
      • add

        public ILayoutSlide add(IMasterSlide master,
                                byte layoutType,
                                java.lang.String layoutName)

        Adds a new layout slide to the presentation.

        Specified by:
        add in interface IGlobalLayoutSlideCollection
        master - Master slide for a new layout.
        layoutType - Layout type for a new layout. Supported layout types: Title, TitleOnly, Blank, TitleAndObject, VerticalText, VerticalTitleAndText, TwoObjects, SectionHeader, TwoTextAndTwoObjects, TitleObjectAndCaption, PictureAndCaption, Custom. Other layout types are not supported now: Text, TwoColumnText, Table, TextAndChart, ChartAndText, Diagram, Chart, TextAndClipArt, ClipArtAndText, TextAndObject, ObjectAndText, Object, TextAndMedia, MediaAndText, ObjectOverText, TextOverObject, TextAndTwoObjects, TwoObjectsAndText, TwoObjectsOverText, FourObjects, ClipArtAndVerticalText, VerticalTitleAndTextOverChart, ObjectAndTwoObject, TwoObjectsAndObject.
        layoutName - Name for a new layout. If passed name is already in use the ArgumentException will be thrown. If null parameter is passed then name genarated atomatically in regards to passed layout type (for example "Title Slide" or "1_Title Slide", "2_..", etc.).

        1) Added layout for value SlideLayoutType.Custom of layoutType contains no placeholders and no shapes. 2) Analogue of this method is method IMasterLayoutSlideCollection.Add(SlideLayoutType, string) accessed with IMasterSlide.LayoutSlides property.
        Added slide.
        Throws: - Thrown if unsupported value of parameter layoutType is passed. Layout types that are not supported now: Text, TwoColumnText, Table, TextAndChart, ChartAndText, Diagram, Chart, TextAndClipArt, ClipArtAndText, TextAndObject, ObjectAndText, Object, TextAndMedia, MediaAndText, ObjectOverText, TextOverObject, TextAndTwoObjects, TwoObjectsAndText, TwoObjectsOverText, FourObjects, ClipArtAndVerticalText, VerticalTitleAndTextOverChart, ObjectAndTwoObject, TwoObjectsAndObject. - Thrown if master is null. - Thrown if master belongs to the other presentation. - Thrown if layout name value layoutName is already in use in collection of the layouts of master.