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Aspose.Pdf Namespace
The Aspose.Pdf is a root namespace for all classes of Aspose.Pdf library which are either directly in it like Document or indirectly through several subnamespaces.
Public classArtifact
Class represetns PDF Artifact object.
Public classArtifactCollection
Class represents artifact collection.
Public classBackgroundArtifact
Class descibes background artifact. This artifact allows to set background of the page.
Public classBaseActionCollection
Class incapsulates basic actions wuth page/annotation/field interactive actions
Public classBaseOperatorCollection
Represents base class for operator collection.
Public classBaseParagraph
Represents a abstract base object can be added to the page(doc.Paragraphs.Add()).
Public classBorderInfo
This class represents border for graphics elements.
Public classBuildVersionInfo
This class provides information about current product build.
Public classCell
Represents a cell of the table's row.
Public classCells
Represents a cells collection of row.
Public classCgmImportOptions
Import option for import from Computer Graphics Metafile(CGM) format.
Public classCgmLoadOptions
Contains options for loading/importing CGM file into pdf document.
Public classCollection
Represents class for Collection(12.3.5 Collections).
Public classColor
Represents class for color value which can be expressed in different color space.
Public classColumnInfo
This class represents a columns info.
Public classComHelper
Provides methods for COM clients to load a document into Aspose.Pdf.
Public classCompositingParameters
Represents an object containing graphics compositing parameters of current graphics state.
Public classDestinationCollection
Class represents the collection of all destinations (a name tree mapping name strings to destinations (see, "Named Destinations") and (see 7.7.4, "Name Dictionary")) in the pdf document.
Public classDocSaveOptions
Save options for export to Doc format
Public classDocument
Class representing PDF document
Public classDocumentOptimizationOptions Obsolete.
Class which describes document optimization algorithm. Instance of this class may be used as parameter of OptimizeResources() method.
Public classDocumentFactory
Class which allows to create/load documents of different types.
Public classDocumentInfo
Represents meta information of PDF document.
Public classEmbeddedFileCollection
Class representing embedded files collection.
Public classEmptyValueException
Exception which thrown when requirested value does not exists.
Public classEpubLoadOptions
Contains options for loading/importing EPUB file into pdf document.
Public classEpubSaveOptions
Save options for export to EPUB format
Public classExcelSaveOptions
Save options for export to Excel format
Public classFileHyperlink
Represents file hyperlink object.
Public classFileParams
Defines an embedded file parameter dictionary that shall contain additional file-specific information.
Public classFileSpecification
Class representing embedded file.
Public classFloatingBox
Public classFontEmbeddingException
The exception that is thrown when an attempt to embed font became failed
Public classFontNotFoundException
The exception that is thrown when a font is not found.
Public classFooterArtifact
Describes footer artifact. This may be used to set footer of the page.
Public classFormattedFragment
Represents abstract formatted fragment.
Public classGraphInfo
Represents graphics info.
Public classGroup
A group attributes class specifying the attributes of the page’s page group for use in the transparent imaging model.
Public classHeaderArtifact
Class describes Heaader artifact. This artifacgt may be used to set heading of the page.
Public classHeaderFooter
Class represents header or footer pdf page.
Public classHeading
Represents heading.
Public classHtmlFragment
Represents html fragment.
Public classHtmlLoadOptions
Represents options for loading/importing html file into pdf document.
Public classHtmlSaveOptions
Save options for export to Html format
Public classHtmlSaveOptionsCssSavingInfo
This class represents set of data that related to custom saving of CSS during conversion of PDF to HTML format
Public classHtmlSaveOptionsCssUrlRequestInfo
Represents set of data that related to request from converter to custom code aimed to get desirable URL (or URL template)of subject CSS
Public classHtmlSaveOptionsHtmlImageSavingInfo
This class represents set of data that related to external resource image file's saving during PDF to HTML conversion.
Public classHtmlSaveOptionsHtmlPageMarkupSavingInfo
If SplitToPages property of HtmlSaveOptions, then several HTML-files (one HTML file per converted page) are created during conversion of PDF to HTML. This class represents set of data that related to custom saving of one HTML-page's markup during conversion of PDF to HTML
Public classHyperlink
Represents abstract hyperlink.
Public classCode exampleId
Represents file identifier structure.
Public classImage
Represents image.
Public classCode exampleImagePlacement
Represents characteristics of an image placed to Pdf document page.
Public classCode exampleImagePlacementAbsorber
Represents an absorber object of image placement objects. Performs search of image usages and provides access to search results via ImagePlacements collection.
Public classImagePlacementCollection
Represents an image placements collection
Public classImageStamp
Reresents graphic stamp.
Public classImportOptions
ImportOptions type hold level of abstraction on individual import options.
Public classIncorrectCMapUsageException
The exception that is thrown when font usage is incorrect.
Public classIncorrectFontUsageException
The exception that is thrown when font usage is incorrect.
Public classInvalidCgmFileFormatException
The exception that is thrown when a Cgm file is invalid.
Public classInvalidFileFormatException
The exception that is thrown when a file is invalid.
Public classInvalidFormTypeOperationException
The exception that is thrown when an operation with form type is not valid.
Public classInvalidPasswordException
The exception that is thrown when invalid password is provided by user.
Public classInvalidPdfFileFormatException
The exception that is thrown when a pdf file is invalid.
Public classInvalidValueFormatException
Exception which thrown when requested value has incorrect format.
Public classJavaScriptCollection
This class represnets collection of JavaScript
Public classLatexFragment
Represents LaTeX fragment.
Public classLatexLoadOptions
Represents options for loading/importing TeX file into PDF document.
Public classLaTeXSaveOptions
Save options for export to TeX format
Public classLayer
Represents page layer.
Public classLevelFormat
Represents format of the table of contents.
Public classLicense
Provides methods to license the component.
Public classLoadOptions
LoadOptions type holds level of abstraction on individual load options
Public classLoadOptionsResourceLoadingResult
Result of custom loading of resource
Public classLocalHyperlink
Represents local hyperlink object.
Public classMarginInfo
This class represents a margin for different objects.
Public classMatrix
Class represents transformation matrix.
Public classMatrix3D
Class represents transformation matrix.
Public classMdLoadOptions
Load options for MArkdown format conversion.
Public classMetadata
Provides access to XMP metadata stream.
Public classCode exampleMetered
Provides methods to set metered key.
Public classMhtLoadOptions
Represents options for loading/importing of .mht-file into pdf document.
Public classMobiXmlSaveOptions
Save options for export to Xml format
Public classNamedDestinationCollection
Class represents the collection of all destinations (a name tree mapping name strings to destinations (see, "Named Destinations") and (see 7.7.4, "Name Dictionary")) in the pdf document.
Public classNote
This class represents generator paragraph note.
Public classOperator
Abstract class representing operator.
Public classOperatorCollection
Class represents collection of operators
Public classOperatorSelector
This class is used for selecting operators using Visitor template idea.
Public classOpi
Represents The Open Prepress Interface (OPI) is a mechanism for creating low-resolution placeholders, or proxies, for such high-resolution images.
Public classOutlineCollection
Represents document outline hierarchy.
Public classOutlineItemCollection
Represents outline entry in outline hierarchy of PDF document.
Public classOutlines
Class describes collection of outlines.
Public classPage
Class representing page of PDF document.
Public classPageActionCollection
This class describes page actions
Public classPageCollection
Collection of PDF document pages.
Public classPageInfo
Represents the page information.
Public classPageLabel
Class representing Page Label range.
Public classPageLabelCollection
Class represeingting page label collection.
Public classPageNumberStamp
Represents page number stamp and used to number pages.
Public classPageSize
Class representing size of page in PDF document.
Public classParagraphs
This class represents paragraph collection.
Public classPclLoadOptions
Represents options for loading(import) PCL file into pdf document.
Public classPdfANonSpecificationFlags
This class holds flags to control PDF/A conversion for cases when source PDF document doesn't correspond to PDF specification. If flags of this clas are used it decreases performance but it's necessary when source PDF document can't be convert into PDF/A format by usual way. By default all flags are set to false.
Public classPdfASymbolicFontEncodingStrategy
This class describes rules which can be used to tune process of copy encoding data for cases when TrueType symbolic font has more than one encoding. Some PDF documents after conversion into PDF/A format could have error "More than one encoding in symbolic TrueType font's cmap". What is a reason of this error? All TrueType symbolic fonts have special table "cmap" in it's internal data. This table maps character codes to glyph indices. And this table could contain different encoding subtables which describe encodings used. See advanced info about cmap tables at Usually cmap table contains several encoding subtables, but PDF/A standard requires that only one encoding subtable (3,0) must be leaved for this font in PDF/A document. And key question here - what data must be taken from another subtables to copy into destination encoding table (3,0)? Majority of fonts have 'well-formed' cmap tables where every encoding subtable is fully consistent with another subtable. But some fonts have cmap tables with collisions - where for example one subtable has glyph index 100 for unicode 100, but another subtable has glyph index 200 for the same unicode 100. To solve this problems special strategy needed. By default following strategy used: mac subtable(1,0) is looked for. If this table is found, only this data used to fill destination table (3,0). If mac subtable is not found then all subtables except (3,0) are iterated and used to copy data into destination (3,0) subtable. Also mapping for every unicode(unicode, glyph index) is copied into destination table only if destination table has no this unicode at current moment. So, for example if first subtabe has glyph index 100 for unicode 100, and next subtable has glyph index 200 for the same unicode 100, only data from first subtable (unicode=100, glyph index = 100) will be copied. So each previous subtable takes precedence over the next. Properties of this class PdfASymbolicFontEncodingStrategy help tune default behaviour. If property PreferredCmapEncodingTable of type PdfASymbolicFontEncodingStrategyQueueItemCMapEncodingTableType is set, then relevant subtable will be used in precedence to mac subtable(1,0). Value 'MacTable' from enumeration PdfASymbolicFontEncodingStrategyQueueItemCMapEncodingTableType has no sense in this case, cause it points on the same mac subtable (1,0) which will be used by default. Property CmapEncodingTablesPriorityQueue discards all priorities for any subtable. If this property is set, then only subtables from declared queue will be used in specified order. If subtables specified are not found then default iteration of all subtables and copy strategy described above will be used. Object PdfASymbolicFontEncodingStrategyQueueItem specifies encoding subtable used. This subtable can be set via combination of members(PlatformID, PlatformSpecificID) or via PdfASymbolicFontEncodingStrategyQueueItemCMapEncodingTableType enumeration.
Public classPdfASymbolicFontEncodingStrategyQueueItem
Specifies encoding subtable. Each encoding subtable has unique combination of parameters (PlatformID, PlatformSpecificID). Enumeration PdfASymbolicFontEncodingStrategyQueueItemCMapEncodingTableType and property CMapEncodingTable were implemented to make easier set of encoding subtable needed.
Public classPdfException
Represents errors that occur during PDF application execution.
Public classPdfFormatConversionOptions
represents set of options for convert PDF document
Public classPdfPageStamp
Class represents stamp which uses PDF page as stamp.
Public classPdfSaveOptions
Save options for export to Pdf format
Public classPoint
Represent point with fractional coordinates.
Public classPoint3D
Represent point with fractional coordinates.
Public classPptxSaveOptions
Save options for export to SVG format
Public classPrintController
Represents print controller.
Public classPsLoadOptions
Represents options for loading/importing of .mht-file into pdf document.
Public classRectangle
Class represents rectangle.
Public classRenderingOptions
Represents rendering options.
Public classResourceLoadingEventArgs
Represents resource loading event arguments.
Public classResourceLoadingResult
Represents resource loading result object.
Public classResources
Class representing page resources.
Public classRgbToDeviceGrayConversionStrategy
Represents rgb to device gray color spaces conversion strategy.
Public classRow
Represents a row of the table.
Public classRows
Represents a rows collection of table.
Public classSaveOptions
SaveOptions type hold level of abstraction on individual save options
Public classSaveOptionsBorderInfo
Instance of this class represents information about border That can be drown on some result document.
Public classSaveOptionsBorderPartStyle
Represents information of one part of border(top, botom, left side or right side)
Public classSaveOptionsMarginInfo
Instance of this class represents information about page margin That can be drown on some result document.
Public classSaveOptionsMarginPartStyle
Represents information of one part of margin(top, botom, left side or right side)
Public classSaveOptionsResourceSavingInfo
This class represents set of data that related to external resource file's saving that occures during conversion of PDF to some other format (f.e. HTML)
Public classStamp
An abstract class for various kinds of stamps which come as descendants.
Public classSvgLoadOptions
Represents options for loading/importing SVG file into pdf document.
Public classSvgSaveOptions
Save options for export to SVG format
Public classSvgSaveOptionsSvgImageSavingInfo
This class represents set of data that related to external resource image file's saving during PDF to HTML conversion.
Public classTable
Represents a table that can be added to the page.
Public classTextStamp
Reresents textual stamp.
Public classTimestampSettings
Represents the ocsp settings using during signing process.
Public classTocInfo
Represents table of contents info.
Public classUnifiedSaveOptions
This class represents saving options for saving that uses unified conversion way (with unified internal document model)
Public classUnifiedSaveOptionsProgressEventHandlerInfo
This class represents information about conversion progress that can be used in external applicatuion to show conversion progress to end user
Public classUnsupportedFontTypeException
The exception that is thrown when a font type is not supported.
Public classWarningInfo
Immutable object for encapsulating warning information.
Public classWatermark
Represents a watermark of the page.
Public classWatermarkArtifact
Class describes watermark artifact. This may be used to
Public classWebHyperlink
Represents web hyperlink object.
Public classXForm
Class represent XForm
Public classXFormCollection
Class represents collection of XFormCollection.
Public classXImage
Class representing image X-Object.
Public classXImageCollection
Class representing XImage collection.
Public classXmlLoadOptions
Represents options for loading/importing XML file into pdf document.
Public classXmlSaveOptions
Save options for export to Xml format
Public classXmpField
Represents XMP field.
Public classXmpPdfAExtensionField
This schema describes a field in a structured type. It is very similar to the PDF/A Property Value Type schema, but defines a field in a structure instead of a property. Schema namespace URI: Required schema namespace prefix: pdfaField.
Public classXmpPdfAExtensionObject
Represents the base class for field, property, value type instances.
Public classXmpPdfAExtensionProperty
Describes a single property. Schema namespace URI: Required schema namespace prefix: pdfaProperty
Public classXmpPdfAExtensionSchema
Describes the XMP extension schema which is provided by PDF/A-1.
Public classXmpPdfAExtensionSchemaDescription
Represents the description of XMP extension schema which is provided by PDF/A-1.
Public classXmpPdfAExtensionValueType
The PDF/A ValueType schema is required for all property value types which are not defined in the XMP 2004 specification, i.e. for value types outside of the following list: - Array types (these are container types which may contain one or more fields): Alt, Bag, Seq - Basic value types: Boolean, (open and closed) Choice, Date, Dimensions, Integer, Lang Alt, Locale, MIMEType, ProperName, Real, Text, Thumbnail, URI, URL, XPath - Media Management value types: AgentName, RenditionClass, ResourceEvent, ResourceRef, Version - Basic Job/Workflow value type: Job - EXIF schema value types: Flash, CFAPattern, DeviceSettings, GPSCoordinate, OECF/SFR, Rational Schema namespace URI: Required schema namespace prefix: pdfaType
Public classXmpValue
Represents XMP value
Public classXpsLoadOptions
Represents options for loading/importing xps file into pdf document.
Public classXpsSaveOptions
Save options for export to Xps format
Public classXslFoLoadOptions
Represents options for loading/importing XSL-FO file into pdf document.
Public interfaceDocumentIDocumentFontUtilities
Holds functionality to tune fonts
Public interfaceIColorSpaceConversionStrategy
Interface for color space conversion strategies.
Public interfaceIIndexBitmapConverter
This interface declared for customization algorithms of quantization. Users can implement their own realization of this algorithms (for example algorithms based on unmanaged code).
Public interfaceINamedDestinationCollection
Collection of Named Destinations.
Public interfaceIOperatorSelector
Defines Visitor for visiting different pdf operators.
Public interfaceIPageSetOptions
Defines conversion options related to a set of pages to convert.
Public interfaceIPipelineOptions
Defines conversion options related to pipeline configuration.
Public interfaceIResourceLoadingCallback
Resource loading callback.
Public interfaceIWarningCallback
Interface for user's callback mechanism support.
Public delegateDocumentCallBackGetHocr
The call back procedure for hocr recognize.
Public delegateDocumentFontSubstitutionHandler
Represents the method that will handle FontSubstitution event.
Public delegateHtmlSaveOptionsCssSavingStrategy
You can assign to this property custom strategy that implements processing or/and saving of one CSS's part that was created during conversion of PDF to HTML . In such case processing (like saving to stream or disk) must be done in that custom code
Public delegateHtmlSaveOptionsCssUrlMakingStrategy
You can assign to this property delegate created from custom method that implements creation of URL of CSS referenced in generated HTML document. F.e. if You want to make CSS referenced in HTML f.e. as "otherPage.ASPX?CssID=zjjkklj" Then such custom strategy must return "otherPage.ASPX?CssID=zjjkklj"
Public delegateHtmlSaveOptionsHtmlPageMarkupSavingStrategy
Result of conversion can contain one or several HTML-pages ( that also can reference external files like images or fonts) You can assign to this property delegate created from custom method that implements processing of got HTML-page(HTML itself) that was created during conversion. In such case processing (like saving in stream or disk) can be done in that custom code . In such case All the necessary actions for saving of HTML page's markup must be undertaken in code of supplied method, because saving of result in code of converter will be not in use. If processing for this or that case for some reason must be done by converter's code itself, not in custom code, please set in custom code flag 'CustomProcessingCancelled' of 'htmlSavingInfo' parameter's variable : it signals to converter that all the necessary steps for processing of that resource must be done in converter itself in same way as if there was no any external custom saving code .
Public delegateHtmlSaveOptionsResourceSavingStrategy
To this property You can assign delegate created from custom method that implements processing of external resource(Font or Image) that was extracted from PDF and must be saved as external resource during conversion of PDF to HTML. In such case processing (like saving in stream or disk) can be done in that custom code and that custom code must return path(or any another string without quotemarks) that will be afterwards incorporated into generated HTML instead of original supposed path to that image resource. In such case All the necessary actions for saving of image must be undertaken in code of supplied method, because saving of result in code of converter will be not in use . If processing for this or that file for some reason must be done by converter's code itself, not in custom code, please set in custom code flag 'CustomProcessingCancelled' of 'resourceSavingInfo' parameter's variable It signals to converter that all the necessary steps for processing of that resource must be done in converter itself as if there was no any external custom code .
Public delegateLoadOptionsResourceLoadingStrategy
Sometimes it's necessary to avoid usage of internal loader of external resources(like images or CSSes) and supply custom method, that will get requested resources from somewhere. For example during usage of Aspose.Pdf in cloud direct access to referenced files impossible, and some custome code put into special method should be used. This delegate defines signature of such custom method.
Public delegatePageBeforePageGenerate
Procedure for customize header and footer.
Public delegateSvgSaveOptionsEmbeddedImagesSavingStrategy
To property of such type You can assign delegate created from custom method that implements processing of external saving of image that was extracted from SVG created from PDF and must be saved as external resource during conversion of PDF to HTML. In such case processing (like self-made saving into stream or on disk) can be done in that custom code and that custom code must return path(or any another string without quotemarks) that will be afterwards incorporated into generated SVG instead of original supposed path to that image resource. In such case all the necessary actions for saving of image must be undertaken in code of supplied method, because saving of result in code of converter will be not in use. If processing for this or that file for some reason must be done by converter's code itself, not in custom code, please set in custom code flag 'CustomProcessingCancelled' of 'imageSavingInfo' parameter's variable It signals to converter that all the necessary steps for processing of that resource must be done in converter itself as if there was no any external custom code . represents information about saved image that can be use in custom code

Return Value

must return string that represents URL of image that will be put into SVG
Public delegateUnifiedSaveOptionsConversionProgressEventHandler
Represents method that usually supplied by calling side and handles progress events that comes from converter. Usually such suplied customer's handler can be used to show total conversion progress on console or in progress bar. represents information about occured progress event
Public enumerationArtifactArtifactSubtype
Enumeration of possible artifacts subtype.
Public enumerationArtifactArtifactType
Enumeration of possuble artifact types.
Public enumerationBlendMode
The blend modes enumeration.
Public enumerationBorderCornerStyle
Enumerates the border corner styles for border.
Public enumerationBorderSide
Enumerates the border sides.
Public enumerationColorSpace
The color spaces enumeration.
Public enumerationColorType
Specifies color type of elements on page.
Public enumerationColumnAdjustment
Enumerates column adjustment types.
Public enumerationContentDisposition
MIME protocol Content-Disposition header.
Public enumerationConvertErrorAction
This class represents action for conversion errors.
Public enumerationConvertTransparencyAction
This class represents action for conversion of transparency.
Public enumerationCryptoAlgorithm
Represent type of cryptographic algorithm that used in encryption/decryption routines.
Public enumerationDirection
Text direction.
Public enumerationDocSaveOptionsDocFormat
Allows to specify .doc or .docx file format.
Public enumerationDocSaveOptionsRecognitionMode
Allows to control how a PDF document is converted into a word processing document.
Public enumerationEpubSaveOptionsRecognitionMode
When PDF file (that usually has fixed layout) is being converted, the conversion engine tries to perform grouping and multi-level analysis to restore the original document author's intent and produce result in flow layout. This property tunes that conversion for this or that desirable method of recognition of content.
Public enumerationExcelSaveOptionsConversionEngines
Enumerates conversion engines that can be used for conversion
Public enumerationExcelSaveOptionsExcelFormat
Allows to specify .xls/xml or .xlsx file format. Default value is XMLSpreadSheet2003;
Public enumerationExtendedBoolean
Represents boolean type that supports Undefined value.
Public enumerationExtractImageMode
Defines different modes which can be used while extracting images from documents.
Public enumerationFileEncoding
Encoding of the attached file. Possible values: Zip - file is compressed with ZIP, None - file is non compressed.
Public enumerationFontSubsetStrategy
enumerates strategies for font subsetting
Public enumerationHorizontalAlignment
Describes horizontal alignment.
Public enumerationHtmlDocumentType
Represents enumeration of the Html document types.
Public enumerationHtmlMediaType
Specifies possible media types used during rendering.
Public enumerationHtmlSaveOptionsAntialiasingProcessingType
This enum describes possible antialiasing measures during conversion
Public enumerationHtmlSaveOptionsFontEncodingRules
This enumeration defines rules which tune encoding logic
Public enumerationHtmlSaveOptionsFontSavingModes
Enumerates modes that can be used for saving of fonts referenced in saved PDF
Public enumerationHtmlSaveOptionsHtmlImageType
enumerates possible types of image files that can be saved as external resources during Pdf to Html conversion
Public enumerationHtmlSaveOptionsHtmlMarkupGenerationModes
Sometimes specific reqirments to created HTML are present. This enum defines HTML preparing modes that can be used during conversion of PDF to HTML to match such specific requirments.
Public enumerationHtmlSaveOptionsImageParentTypes
Enumerates possible types of image's parents Image can pertain to HTML page or to SVG parent image
Public enumerationHtmlSaveOptionsLettersPositioningMethods
It enumerates possible modes of positioning of letters in words in result HTML
Public enumerationHtmlSaveOptionsPartsEmbeddingModes
This enum enumerates possible modes of embedding of files referenced in HTML It allows to control whether referenced files (HTML, Fonts,Images, CSSes) will be embedded into main HTML file or will be generated as apart binary entities
Public enumerationHtmlSaveOptionsRasterImagesSavingModes
Converted PDF can contain raster images(.png, *.jpeg etc.) This enum defines methods of how raster images can be handled during conversion of PDF to HTML
Public enumerationImageDeleteAction
Action which performed with image object when image is removed from collection. If image object is removed
Public enumerationImageFileType
Enumerates the image file types.
Public enumerationImageFilterType
Enumeration representing image filter type.
Public enumerationImportFormat
Specifies import format.
Public enumerationLoadFormat
Specifies load format.
Public enumerationLoadOptionsMarginsAreaUsageModes
Represents mode of usage of margins area during conversion (like HTML, EPUB etc), defines treatement of instructions of imported format related to usage of margins.
Public enumerationLoadOptionsPageSizeAdjustmentModes
ATTENTION! The feature implemented but did not put yet to public API since blocker issue in OSHARED layer revealed for sample document. Represents mode of usage of page size during conversion. Formats (like HTML, EPUB etc), usually have float design, so, it allows to fit required pagesize. But sometimes content has specifies horizontal positions or size that does not allow put content into required page size. In such case we can define what should be done in this case (i.e when size of content does not fit required initial page size of result PDF document).
Public enumerationNumberingStyle
Enumeration of supported page numbering style for PageLabel class.
Public enumerationPageCoordinateType
Describes page coordinate type.
Public enumerationPageLayout
Descibes page layout.
Public enumerationPageMode
Class descibes used components of the document page.
Public enumerationPasswordType
This enum represents known password types used for password protected pdf documents.
Public enumerationPclLoadOptionsConversionEngines
Enumerates conversion engines that can be used for conversion
Public enumerationPdfASymbolicFontEncodingStrategyQueueItemCMapEncodingTableType
Declares set of some known encoding subtables
Public enumerationPdfFormat
This class represents an pdf format.
Public enumerationPdfFormatConversionOptionsPuaProcessingStrategy
Some PDF documents have special unicode symbols, which are belonged to Private Use Area (PUA), see description at This symbols cause an PDF/A compliant errors like "Text is mapped to Unicode Private Use Area but no ActualText entry is present". This enumeration declares a strategies which can be used to handle PUA symbols.
Public enumerationPdfFormatConversionOptionsRemoveFontsStrategy
Some documens have large size after converison into PDF/A format. To reduce file size for these documents it's necessary to define a strategy of fonts removing. This enumeration declares a strategies which can be used to optimize fonts usage. Every strategy from this enumeration has sense only when flag OptimizeFileSize is set.
Public enumerationPdfFormatConversionOptionsSegmentAlignStrategy
Describes strategies used to align document text segments. Now only strategy to restore segments to original bounds is supported. In future another strategies could be added.
Public enumerationPermissions
This enum represents user's permissions for a pdf.
Public enumerationPrintDuplex
The paper handling option to use when printing the file from the print dialog..
Public enumerationProgressEventType
This enum describes possible progress event types that can occure during conversion
Public enumerationReturnAction
Enum represented a program workflow action in case of invoking the Warning(WarningInfo) method.
Public enumerationRotation
Enumeration of possible rotation values.
Public enumerationSaveFormat
Specifies format
Public enumerationSaveOptionsHtmlBorderLineType
Represents line types that can be used in result document for drawing borders or another lines
Public enumerationSaveOptionsNodeLevelResourceType
enumerates possible types of saved external resources
Public enumerationSvgLoadOptionsConversionEngines
Enumerates conversion engines that can be used for conversion
Public enumerationSvgSaveOptionsSvgExternalImageType
enumerates possible types of image files that can be saved as external resources during during Pdf to SVG conversion
Public enumerationTableBroken
Enumerates the table broken.
Public enumerationTabOrder
Tab order on the page
Public enumerationVerticalAlignment
Enumeration of possible vertical alignment values.
Public enumerationWarningType
Enum represented warning type.
Public enumerationXmpFieldType
This enum represents types of a XMP field.
Public enumerationXmpPdfAExtensionCategoryType
Property category: internal or external.
Public enumerationXslFoLoadOptionsParsingErrorsHandlingTypes
Source XSLFO document can contain formatting errors. This enum enumerates possible strategies of handling of such formatting errors