Aspose.Pdf.Operators Namespace |
Class | Description | |
BasicSetColorAndPatternOperator |
Base operator for all Set Color operators.
| |
BasicSetColorOperator |
Base class for set color operators.
| |
class representing BDC operator (Begin marked-content sequence)
| |
BI |
Class representing BI operator (Begin inline image obect).
| |
BlockTextOperator |
Abstract base class for text block operators i.e. Begin and End text operators (BT/ET)
| |
Class representing BMC operator (Begin marked-content sequence).
| |
BT |
Class representing BT operator (Begin of text block).
| |
BX |
Class representing BX operator (begin compatibility section).
| |
Clip |
Class representing W operator (set clipping path using non-zero winding rule).
| |
ClosePath |
Class representing h operator (close path).
| |
ClosePathEOFillStroke |
Class representing b* operator (close, fill and stroke path using even-odd rule).
| |
ClosePathFillStroke |
Class representing b operator (close, fill and stroke path with nonzer winding rule).
| |
ClosePathStroke |
Class representing s operator (Close and stroke path).
| |
ConcatenateMatrix |
Class representing cm operator (concatenate matrix to current transformation matrix).
| |
CurveTo |
Class representing c operator (append curve to path).
| |
CurveTo1 |
Class representing v operator (append curve to path, initial point replicated).
| |
CurveTo2 |
Class representing y operator (append curve to path, final point replicated).
| |
Do |
Class representing Do operator (Invoke XObject).
| |
DP |
Class represeting DP operator (designamte marked content point).
| |
EI |
Class representing EI operator (End inline image object).
| |
Clsss representing EMC oeprator (End of marked-content sequence).
| |
EndPath |
Class representing n operator (end path without filling or stroking).
| |
EOClip |
Class representing W* operator (set clipping path using even-odd rule).
| |
EOFill |
Class representing f* operator (fill path using even-odd rule).
| |
EOFillStroke |
Class representing B* operator (fill and stroke path usign even-odd rule).
| |
ET |
Class representing operator ET (End of text block).
| |
EX |
Class representing EX operator (End of compatibility section).
| |
Fill |
Class representing f operator (fill path with nonzero winding number rule).
| |
FillStroke |
Class representing B operator (fill and stroke path using nonzero winding rule)
| |
GlyphPosition |
Class describes text and position to use with operator TJ (set glyph with position)
| |
GRestore |
Class representing Q operator (restore graphics state).
| |
GS |
Class representing gs operator (set parameters from graphic state parameter dictionary).
| |
GSave |
Class representing q operator (save graphics state).
| |
ID |
Class representing ID operator (Begin inline image data).
| |
LineTo |
Class representing l operator (add line to the path).
| |
MoveTextPosition |
Class representing Td operator (move text position).
| |
MoveTextPositionSetLeading |
Class representing TD operator (move position and set leading).
| |
MoveTo |
Class representing m operator (move to and begin new subpath).
| |
MoveToNextLine |
Class representing T* operator (Move to start of the next line).
| |
MoveToNextLineShowText |
Class representing ' operator (move to next line and show text).
| |
MP |
Class representing MP operator (define marked-content point).
| |
ObsoleteFill |
Class representing F oeprator (fill path using nonzero winding rule).
| |
Re |
Class representing re operator (add rectangle to the path).
| |
SelectFont |
Class representing Tf operator (set text font and size).
| |
SetAdvancedColor |
Class representing scn operator (set color for non-stroking operations).
| |
SetAdvancedColorStroke |
Class representing SCN operator (set color for stroking operations).
| |
SetCharacterSpacing |
Class representing Tc operator (set character spacing).
| |
SetCharWidth |
Class representing d0 operator (set glyph width).
| |
SetCharWidthBoundingBox |
Class representing d1 operator (set glyph and bounding box).
| |
SetCMYKColor |
Class representing k operator (set CMYK color for non-stroknig operations).
| |
SetCMYKColorStroke |
Class representing K operator (set CMYK color for stroking operations).
| |
SetColor |
Represents class for sc operator (set color for non-stroknig operations).
| |
SetColorOperator |
Class representing set color operation.
| |
SetColorRenderingIntent |
Class representing ri operator (set color rendering intent).
| |
SetColorSpace |
Class representing cs operator (set colorspace for non-stroking operations)
| |
SetColorSpaceStroke |
Class representing CS operator (set color for stroking operations).
| |
SetColorStroke |
Class representing SC operator set color for stroking color operators.
| |
SetDash |
Class representing d operator (set line dash pattern).
| |
SetFlat |
Class representing i operator (set flatness tolerance).
| |
SetGlyphsPositionShowText |
Class representing TJ operator (show text with glyph positioning).
| |
SetGray |
Set gray level for non-stroking operations.
| |
SetGrayStroke |
Class representing gray level for stroking operations.
| |
SetHorizontalTextScaling |
Class representing Tz operator (set horizontal text scaling).
| |
SetLineCap |
Class representing J operator (set line cap style).
| |
SetLineJoin |
Class representing j operator (set line join style).
| |
SetLineWidth |
Class representing w operator (set line width).
| |
SetMiterLimit |
Class representing M operator (set miter limit).
| |
SetRGBColor |
Class representing rg operator (set RGB color for non-stroknig operators).
| |
SetRGBColorStroke |
Class representing RG operator (set RGB color for stroking operators).
| |
SetSpacingMoveToNextLineShowText |
Class representing " operator (set word and character spacing, move to the next line and show text).
| |
SetTextLeading |
Class represenging TL operator (set text leading).
| |
SetTextMatrix |
Class representig Tm operator (set text matrix).
| |
SetTextRenderingMode |
Class representing Tr operator (set text rendering mode).
| |
SetTextRise |
Class representing Ts operator (set text rise).
| |
SetWordSpacing |
Class representing Tw operator (set word spacing).
| |
ShFill |
Class representing sh operator (paint area with shadeing pattern).
| |
ShowText |
Class representing Tj operator (show text).
| |
Stroke |
Class representing S operator (stroke path).
| |
TextOperator |
Abstract base class for text-related operators (TJ, Tj, Tm, BT, ET, etc).
| |
TextPlaceOperator |
Abstract base class for operators which changes text position (Tm, Td, etc).
| |
TextShowOperator |
Abvstract base class for all operators which used to out text (Tj, TJ, etc).
| |
TextStateOperator |
Abstract base class for operators which changes current text state (Tc, Tf, TL, etc).