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Aspose.Pdf.LogicalStructure Namespace
The Aspose.Pdf.Tagged.LogicalStructure is a namespace for PDF Logical Structure classes.
Public classAnnotationElement
Represents a base class for annotation structure elements in logical structure.
Public classAnnotElement
Represents Annot structure element in logical structure.
Public classArtElement
Represents Art structure element in logical structure.
Public classAttributeKey
Represents Standard Attribute Keys.
Public classAttributeName
Represents class for Attribute Name Values.
Public classAttributeOwnerStandard
Represents Standard Attribute Owners.
Public classBibEntryElement
Represents BibEntry structure element in logical structure.
Public classBlockQuoteElement
Represents BlockQuote structure element in logical structure.
Public classBLSElement
Represents a base class for block-level structure elements in logical structure.
Public classBLSTextElement
Represents a base class for block-level text structure elements in logical structure.
Public classCaptionElement
Represents Caption structure element in logical structure.
Public classCodeElement
Represents Code structure element in logical structure.
Public classDivElement
Represents Div structure element in logical structure.
Public classDocumentElement
Represents Document structure element in logical structure.
Public classElement
Represents a base class for element in logical structure.
Public classElementList
Represents an ordered collection of elements.
Public classFigureElement
Represents Figure structure element in logical structure.
Public classFormElement
Represents Form structure element in logical structure.
Public classFormulaElement
Represents Formula structure element in logical structure.
Public classGroupingElement
Represents a base class for grouping structure elements in logical structure.
Public classHeaderElement
Represents Header structure element in logical structure.
Public classIllustrationElement
Represents a base class for illustration structure elements in logical structure.
Public classILSElement
Represents a base class for inline-level structure elements in logical structure.
Public classILSTextElement
Represents a base class for inline-level text structure elements in logical structure.
Public classIndexElement
Represents Index structure element in logical structure.
Public classLinkElement
Represents Link structure element in logical structure.
Public classListChildElement
Represents a base class for children elements of the List in logical structure.
Public classListElement
Represents List structure element in logical structure.
Public classListLblElement
Represents Lbl structure element in logical structure of the list.
Public classListLBodyElement
Represents LBody structure element in logical structure of the list.
Public classListLIElement
Represents LI structure element in logical structure of the list.
Public classMCRElement
Represents marked-content reference object in logical structure.
Public classNonStructElement
Represents NonStruct structure element in logical structure.
Public classNoteElement
Represents Note structure element in logical structure.
Public classOBJRElement
Represents object reference entity in logical structure.
Public classParagraphElement
Represents Paragraph structure element in logical structure.
Public classPartElement
Represents Part structure element in logical structure.
Public classPrivateElement
Represents Private structure element in logical structure.
Public classQuoteElement
Represents Quote structure element in logical structure.
Public classReferenceElement
Represents Reference structure element in logical structure.
Public classRubyChildElement
Represents a base class for children elements of the Ruby in logical structure.
Public classRubyElement
Represents Ruby structure element in logical structure.
Public classRubyRBElement
Represents RB structure element in logical structure of the Ruby.
Public classRubyRPElement
Represents RP structure element in logical structure of the Ruby.
Public classRubyRTElement
Represents RT structure element in logical structure of the Ruby.
Public classSectElement
Represents Sect structure element in logical structure.
Public classSpanElement
Represents Span structure element in logical structure.
Public classStructTreeRootElement
Represents StructTreeRoot object in logical structure.
Public classStructureAttribute
Represents attribute of structure element.
Public classStructureAttributeCollection
Represents collection of attributes of structure elements.
Public classStructureAttributes
Represents attributes of structure element for standard attribute owners.
Public classStructureElement
Represents a base class for structure elements in logical structure.
Public classStructureTextState
Represents text state settings for Text Structure Elements and TaggedContent (ITextElement, ITaggedContent)
Public classStructureTypeCategory
Represents Categories of Standard Structure Types.
Public classStructureTypeStandard
Represents Standard Structure Types.
Public classTableCellElement
Represents a base class for table cell elements (TH and TD) in logical structure.
Public classTableChildElement
Represents a base class for children elements of the Table in logical structure.
Public classTableElement
Represents Table structure element in logical structure.
Public classTableRowCollectionElement
Represents a base class for children elements of the Table Head, Body and Foot in logical structure.
Public classTableTBodyElement
Represents TBody structure element in logical structure of the table.
Public classTableTDElement
Represents TD structure element in logical structure of the table.
Public classTableTFootElement
Represents TFoot structure element in logical structure of the table.
Public classTableTHeadElement
Represents THead structure element in logical structure of the table.
Public classTableTHElement
Represents TH structure element in logical structure of the table.
Public classTableTRElement
Represents TR structure element in logical structure of the table.
Public classTOCElement
Represents TOC structure element in logical structure.
Public classTOCIElement
Represents TOCI structure element in logical structure.
Public classWarichuChildElement
Represents a base class for children elements of the Warichu in logical structure.
Public classWarichuElement
Represents Warichu structure element in logical structure.
Public classWarichuWPElement
Represents WP structure element in logical structure of the Warichu.
Public classWarichuWTElement
Represents WT structure element in logical structure of the Warichu.
Public interfaceITextElement
Interface for presenting text structure elements.