




Package com.aspose.pdf

The com.aspose.pdf is a root package for all classes of Aspose.PDF for Java library which are either directly in it like Document or indirectly through several subpackages.

See: Description

Package com.aspose.pdf Description

The com.aspose.pdf is a root package for all classes of Aspose.PDF for Java library which are either directly in it like Document or indirectly through several subpackages.

1) classes for almost all types of annotations document can have.

2) classes which describes forms (standard, static, dynamic) and various types of fields like text box, list box, radio button etc.

3) classes which help to work with a logical structure of a document which presents the organization of the document into chapters and sections or the identification of special elements such as figures, tables, and footnotes.

4) classes that allow to extract text, add text, manipulate existing text of a document. It also contain classes that allow to extract, replace, substitute fonts of a document.

5) classes for working with various types of actions, destinations and other features of document which traditionally called as interactive providing means user can intercommunicate with it.

6) classes that allow to alternate behavior of text extraction and manipulation functionality. Package com.aspose.pdf.text have additional classes for it.

7) additional support classes for DOM.

8) classes for PDF/A conversion options.