is a root package for all classes of Aspose.PDF for Java library
which are either directly in it like Document
or indirectly through several
subpackages.See: Description
Interface | Description |
Document.CallBackGetHocr |
The call back procedure for hocr recognize.
Document.IDocumentFontUtilities |
Holds functionality to tune fonts
IAnnotationVisitor |
Defines Visitor for visiting different document annotations.
IAppointment |
Represents general interface for actions and destinations.
IColorSpaceConversionStrategy |
Interface for color space conversion strategies.
IDocument |
interface representing PDF document
IFontOptions |
Useful properties to tune Font behavior
IIndexBitmapConverter |
This interface declared for customization algorithms of quantization.
IIndexBitmapConverterInternal |
This interface declared for customization algorithms of quantization.
ILicenseProvider | |
IOperatorSelector |
Defines Visitor for visiting different pdf operators.
IPageSetOptions |
Defines conversion options related to a set of pages to convert.
IPipelineOptions |
Defines conversion options related to pipeline configuration.
IResourceLoadingCallback |
Resource loading callback.
ITableElement |
This interface represents an element of existing table extracted by TableAbsorber.
LoadOptions.ResourceLoadingStrategy |
Sometimes it's necessary to avoid usage of internal loader of external resources(like images
or CSSes) and supply custom method, that will get requested resources from somewhere.
MemoryExtender.CallBackPageImage |
The call back procedure for manipulating the cache.
SvgSaveOptions.EmbeddedImagesSavingStrategy |
To property of such type You can assign delegate created from custom method that implements
processing of external saving of image that was extracted from SVG created from PDF and must
be saved as external resource during conversion of PDF to HTML.
Class | Description |
AbsorbedCell |
Represents cell of table that exist on the page
AbsorbedColumn |
Represents column of table that exist on the page
AbsorbedRow |
Represents row of table that exist on the page
AbsorbedTable |
Represents table that exist on the page
ActionCollection |
Collection of actions
Annotation |
Class representing annotation object.
AnnotationActionCollection |
Represents the collection of annotation actions.
AnnotationCollection |
Class representing annotation collection.
AnnotationFlags |
A set of flags specifying various characteristics of the annotation.
AnnotationSelector |
This class is used for selecting annotations using Visitor template idea.
AnnotationState |
The enumeration of states to which the original annotation can be set.
AnnotationStateModel |
The state model corresponding to state of annotation.
AnnotationType |
Enumeration of annotation types.
AnnotationTypeConverter |
Represents AnnotationTypeConverter class
AppearanceDictionary |
Annotation appearance dictionary specifying how the annotation shall be presented visually on the
ApsToExcelConverter |
APS to Excel Conversion
ApsUsingConverter |
Class for Internal usage only.
ApsUsingConverter.ImportResourceLoader | |
Artifact |
Class represetns PDF Artifact object.
Artifact.ArtifactSubtype |
Enumeration of possible artifacts subtype.
Artifact.ArtifactType |
Enumeration of possuble artifact types.
ArtifactCollection |
Class represents artifact collection.
BackgroundArtifact |
Class descibes background artifact.
BarcodeField |
Class represents barcode field.
BaseActionCollection |
Class encapsulates basic actions with page/annotation/field interactive actions
BaseOperatorCollection |
Represents base class for operator collection.
BaseParagraph |
Represents a abstract base object can be added to the page(doc.Paragraphs.Add()).
BlendMode |
The blend modes enumeration.
Border |
Class representing characteristics of annotation border.
BorderCornerStyle |
Enumerates the border corner styles for border.
BorderEffect |
Describes effect which should be applied to the border of the annotations.
BorderInfo |
This class represents border for graphics elements.
BorderSide |
Enumerates the border sides.
BorderStyle |
Describes style of the annotation border.
BorderStyleConverter |
Represents BorderStyleConverter class
BoxStyle |
Represents styles of check box
Brush |
This class represents abstract brush
BuildVersionInfo |
This class provides information about current product build.
ButtonField |
Class represents push button field.
CapStyle |
Style of line ending of Ink annotation line.
CaptionPosition |
Enumeration of the annotation's caption positioning.
CaretAnnotation |
Class representing Caret annotation.
CaretSymbol |
A symbol to be associated with the caret.
CaretSymbolConverter |
Represents CaretSymbolConverter class
Cell |
Represents a cell of the table's row.
Cells |
Represents a cells collection of row.
CgmImportOptions |
Import option for import from Computer Graphics Metafile(CGM) format.
CgmLoadOptions |
Contains options for loading/importing CGM file into pdf document.
Characteristics |
Represents annotation characteristics
CharInfo |
Represents a character info object.
CharInfoCollection |
Represents CharInfo objects collection.
CheckboxField |
Class representing checkbox field
ChoiceField |
Represents base class for choice fields.
CircleAnnotation |
Class representing Circle annotation.
Collection |
Represents class for Collection(12.3.5 Collections).
Color |
Represents class for color value which can be expressed in different color space.
ColorSpace |
The color spaces enumeration.
ColorType |
Specifies color type of elements on page.
ColumnAdjustment |
Enumerates column adjustment types.
ColumnInfo |
This class represents a columns info.
ComboBoxField |
Class representing Combobox field of the form.
ComHelper |
Provides methods for COM clients to load a document into Aspose.PDF.
CommonFigureAnnotation |
Abstract class representing common figure annotation.
CompositingParameters |
Represents an object containing graphics compositing parameters of current graphics state.
ContentDisposition |
MIME protocol Content-Disposition header.
ContentsAppender |
Performs contents modifications in APPEND mode only.
ConvertErrorAction |
This class represents action for conversion errors.
ConvertTransparencyAction |
This class represents action for conversion of transparency.
Copier |
Class for coping object
CryptoAlgorithm |
Represent type of cryptographic algorithm that used in encryption/decryption routines.
CustomExplicitDestination |
Represents custom explicit destination.
Dash |
Class representing line dash pattern.
DefaultAppearance |
Describes default appearance of field (font, text size and color).
DefaultDirectory |
Specifies default path for some purpose
DestinationCollection |
Class represents the collection of all destinations (a name tree mapping name strings to
destinations (see, "Named Destinations") and (see 7.7.4, "Name Dictionary")) in the pdf
DestinationFactory |
Represents DestinationFactory class
Direction |
Text direction.
DocMDPAccessPermissions |
The access permissions granted for this document.
DocMDPSignature |
Represents the class of document MDP (modification detection and prevention) signature type.
DocSaveOptions |
Save options for export to Doc format
DocSaveOptions.DocFormat |
Allows to specify .doc or .docx file format.
DocSaveOptions.RecognitionMode |
Allows to control how a PDF document is converted into a word processing document.
Document |
Class representing PDF document
Document.OptimizationOptions | Deprecated
This class is obsolete.
DocumentActionCollection |
Class describes actions performed on some actions with document
DocumentFactory |
Class which allows to create/load documents of different types.
DocumentInfo |
Represents meta information of PDF document.
DocumentWeb |
Represents DocumentWeb class
Element |
Class representing base element of logical structure.
EmbeddedFileCollection |
Class representing embedded files collection.
EpubLoadOptions |
Contains options for loading/importing EPUB file into pdf document.
EpubSaveOptions |
Save options for export to EPUB format
EpubSaveOptions.RecognitionMode |
When PDF file (that usually has fixed layout) is being converted, the conversion engine tries
to perform grouping and multi-level analysis to restore the original document author's intent
and produce result in flow layout.
ExcelSaveOptions |
Save options for export to Excel format
ExcelSaveOptions.ConversionEngines |
Enumerates conversion engines that can be used for conversion
ExcelSaveOptions.ExcelFormat |
Allows to specify .xls/xml or .xlsx file format.
ExplicitDestination |
Represents the base class for explicit destinations in PDF document.
ExplicitDestinationType |
Enumerates the types of explicit destinations.
ExplicitDestinationTypeConverter |
Represents ExplicitDestinationTypeConverter class
ExtendedBoolean |
Represents boolean type that supports Undefined value.
ExternalSignature |
Creates a detached PKCS#7Detached signature using a X509Certificate2.
ExtractImageMode |
Defines different modes which can be used while extracting images from documents.
Field |
Base class for acro form fields.
FigureElement |
Class representing logical structure figure.
FileAttachmentAnnotation |
Class describes file attachment annotation.
FileEncoding |
Encoding of the attached file.
FileFontSource |
Represents single font file source.
FileHyperlink |
Represents file hyperlink object.
FileIcon |
An icon to be used in displaying the annotation.
FileIconConverter |
Represents FileIconConverter class
FileParams |
Defines an embedded file parameter dictionary that shall contain additional file-specific
FileSelectBoxField |
Field for file select box element.
FileSpecification |
Class representing embedded file.
FitBExplicitDestination |
Represents explicit destination that displays the page with its contents magnified just enough to
fit its bounding box entirely within the window both horizontally and vertically.
FitBHExplicitDestination |
Represents explicit destination that displays the page with the vertical coordinate top
positioned at the top edge of the window and the contents of the page magnified just enough to
fit the entire width of its bounding box within the window.
FitBVExplicitDestination |
Represents explicit destination that displays the page with the horizontal coordinate left
positioned at the left edge of the window and the contents of the page magnified just enough to
fit the entire height of its bounding box within the window.
FitExplicitDestination |
Represents explicit destination that displays the page with its contents magnified just enough to
fit the entire page within the window both horizontally and vertically.
FitHExplicitDestination |
Represents explicit destination that displays the page with the vertical coordinate top
positioned at the top edge of the window and the contents of the page magnified just enough to
fit the entire width of the page within the window.
FitRExplicitDestination |
Represents explicit destination that displays the page with its contents magnified just enough to
fit the rectangle specified by the coordinates left, bottom, right, and topentirely within the
window both horizontally and vertically.
FitVExplicitDestination |
Represents explicit destination that displays the page with the horizontal coordinate left
positioned at the left edge of the window and the contents of the page magnified just enough to
fit the entire height of the page within the window.
FixedPrint |
Represent Fixed print data of Watermark Annotation.
FloatingBox |
Represents a FloatingBox in a Pdf document.
FolderFontSource |
Represents the folder that contains font files.
Font |
Represents font object.
FontAbsorber |
Represents an absorber object of fonts.
FontCollection |
Represents font collection.
FontEmbeddingOptions |
PDF/A standard requires, that all fonts must be embedded into document.
FontRepository |
Performs font search.
FontSource |
Represents a base class fot font source.
FontStyles |
Specifies style information applied to text.
FontSubsetStrategy |
enumerates strategies for font subsetting
FooterArtifact |
Describes footer artifact.
Form |
Class representing form object.
Form.FlattenSettings |
Class which describes settings for Form flattening procedure.
Form.SignDependentElementsRenderingModes |
Forms can contain signing information and can be signed or unsigned.
FormattedFragment |
Represents abstract formatted fragment.
FormType |
Enumeration of posible types of Acro Form.
FreeTextAnnotation |
Represents a free text annotation that displays text directly on the page.
FreeTextIntent |
Enumerates the intents of the free text annotation.
GoToAction |
Represents a go-to action that changes the view to a specified destination (page, location, and
magnification factor).
GoToRemoteAction |
Represents a remote go-to action that is similar to an ordinary go-to action but jumps to a
destination in another PDF file instead of the current file.
GoToURIAction |
Represents a URI action causes a URI to be resolved.
GraphInfo |
Represents graphics info.
Group |
A group attributes class specifying the attributes of the page’s page group for use in the
transparent imaging model.
Hackers | |
HeaderArtifact |
Class describes Heaader artifact.
HeaderFooter |
Class represents header or footer pdf page.
Heading |
Represents heading.
HideAction |
Represents a hide action that hides or shows one or more annotations on the screen by setting or clearing their Hidden flags.
HighlightAnnotation |
Represents a highlight annotation that highlights a range of text in the document.
HighlightingMode |
Enumerates the annotation's highlighting mode, the visual effect to be used when the mouse button
is pressed or held down inside its active area.
HorizontalAlignment |
Describes horizontal alignment.
HtmlDocumentType |
Represents enumeration of the Html document types.
HtmlFragment |
Represents html fragment.
HtmlLoadOptions |
Represents options for loading/importing html file into pdf document.
HtmlMediaType |
Specifies possible media types used during rendering.
HtmlSaveOptions |
Save options for export to Html format
HtmlSaveOptions.AntialiasingProcessingType |
This enum describes possible antialiasing measures during conversion
HtmlSaveOptions.CssSavingInfo |
This class represents set of data that related to custom saving of CSS during conversion of
PDF to HTML format
HtmlSaveOptions.CssSavingStrategy |
You can assign to this property custom strategy that implements processing or/and saving of
one CSS's part that was created during conversion of PDF to HTML .
HtmlSaveOptions.CssUrlMakingStrategy |
You can assign to this property delegate created from custom method that implements creation
of URL of CSS referenced in generated HTML document.
HtmlSaveOptions.CssUrlRequestInfo |
Represents set of data that related to request from converter to custom code aimed to get
desirable URL (or URL template)of subject CSS
HtmlSaveOptions.FontEncodingRules |
This enumeration defines rules which tune encoding logic
HtmlSaveOptions.FontSavingModes |
Enumerates modes that can be used for saving of fonts referenced in saved PDF
HtmlSaveOptions.HtmlImageSavingInfo |
This class represents set of data that related to external resource image file's saving
during PDF to HTML conversion.
HtmlSaveOptions.HtmlImageType |
enumerates possible types of image files that can be saved as external resources during Pdf
to Html conversion
HtmlSaveOptions.HtmlMarkupGenerationModes |
Sometimes specific reqirments to created HTML are present.
HtmlSaveOptions.HtmlPageMarkupSavingInfo |
If SplitToPages property of HtmlSaveOptions, then several HTML-files (one HTML file per
converted page) are created during conversion of PDF to HTML.
HtmlSaveOptions.HtmlPageMarkupSavingStrategy |
Result of conversion can contain one or several HTML-pages ( that also can reference external
files like images or fonts) You can assign to this property delegate created from custom
method that implements processing of got HTML-page(HTML itself) that was created during
HtmlSaveOptions.ImageParentTypes |
Enumerates possible types of image's parents Image can pertain to HTML page or to SVG parent
HtmlSaveOptions.PartsEmbeddingModes |
This enum enumerates possible modes of embedding of files referenced in HTML It allows to
control whether referenced files (HTML, Fonts,Images, CSSes) will be embedded into main HTML
file or will be generated as apart binary entities
HtmlSaveOptions.RasterImagesSavingModes |
Converted PDF can contain raster images(.png, *.jpeg etc.)
HtmlSaveOptions.ResourceSavingStrategy |
To this property You can assign delegate created from custom method that implements
processing of external resource(Font or Image) that was extracted from PDF and must be saved
as external resource during conversion of PDF to HTML.
Hyperlink |
Represents abstract hyperlink.
IconCaptionPosition |
Describes position of icon.
IconFit |
Describes how the widget annotation's icon shall be displayed within its annotation rectangle.
Id |
Represents file identifier structure.
Image |
Represents image.
ImageDeleteAction |
Action which performed with image object when image is removed from collection.
ImageFileType |
Enumerates the image file types.
ImageFilterType |
Enumeration representing image filter type.
ImagePlacement |
Represents characteristics of an image placed to Pdf document page.
ImagePlacementAbsorber |
Represents an absorber object of image placement objects.
ImagePlacementCollection |
Represents an image placements collection
ImageStamp |
Reresents graphic stamp.
ImageType |
Represents image format types.
ImportDataAction |
Upon invocation of an import-data action, Forms Data Format (FDF) data shall be imported into the document’s interactive form from a specified file.
ImportFormat |
Specifies import format.
ImportOptions |
ImportOptions type hold level of abstraction on individual import options.
InkAnnotation |
Represents a freehand "scribble" composed of one or more disjoint paths.
InternalHelper |
Internal class
InternalHelper.InternalLogic | |
InternalHelper.InternalLogic.ForbidenFunctionalityForReleasedProduct | |
InternalHelper.InternalLogic.TestHelper | |
InternalHelper.InternalLogic.TestUnitFunctional | |
InternalHelper.XfaMergeWrapper | |
InternalPageGenerator | |
JavascriptAction |
Class representing javascript action.
JavaScriptCollection |
This class represents collection of JavaScript
Justification |
Enumerates the forms of quadding (justification) to be used in displaying the annotation's text.
LatexFragment |
Represents LaTeX fragment.
LatexLoadOptions |
Represents options for loading/importing TeX file into PDF document.
LaTeXSaveOptions |
Save options for export to TeX format
LaunchAction |
Represents a launch action that launches an application or opens or prints a document.
LaunchActionOperation |
Enumerates the operations to perform with document during launch action executing.
Layer |
Represents page layer.
LettersPositioningMethods |
It enumerates possible modes of positioning of letters in words in result HTML
LevelFormat |
Represents format of the table of contents.
License |
Provides methods to license the component.
LightingSchemeType |
Enum LightingSchemeType: set of lighting scheme types.
LightweightOperatorCollection |
Lightweight operator collection.
LineAnnotation |
Class representing line annotation.
LineEnding |
Enumerates the line ending styles to be used in drawing the line.
LineEndingConverter |
Represents LineEndingConverter class
LineEndingsDrawer |
Draws line endings for annotations.
LineIntent |
Enumerates the intents of the line annotation.
LinkAnnotation |
Represents either a hypertext link to a destination elsewhere in the document or an action to be
ListBoxField |
Class represents ListBox field.
LoadFormat |
Specifies load format.
LoadOptions |
LoadOptions type holds level of abstraction on individual load options
LoadOptions.MarginsAreaUsageModes |
Represents mode of usage of margins area during conversion (like HTML, EPUB etc), defines
treatement of instructions of imported format related to usage of margins.
LoadOptions.PageSizeAdjustmentModes |
LoadOptions.ResourceLoadingResult |
Result of custom loading of resource
LocaleOptions |
LocaleOptions type specifies locale configuration for Aspose.PDF.
LocalHyperlink |
Represents local hyperlink object.
MarginInfo |
This class represents a margin for different objects.
MarkupAnnotation |
Abstract class representing markup annotation.
MarkupParagraph |
Represents a paragraph.
MarkupSection |
Represents a markup section - the rectangular region of a page that contains text and can be visually divided from another text blocks.
Matrix |
Class represents transformation matrix.
Matrix3D |
Class represents transformation matrix.
MdLoadOptions |
Load options for MArkdown format conversion.
Measure |
Class which describes Measure coordinate system.
Measure.NumberFormat |
Number format for measure.
Measure.NumberFormat.FractionStyle |
Value which indicates in which manner fraction values are displayed.
Measure.NumberFormatList |
Represents list of number formats.
MediaClip |
Class describes medi clip object of rendition.
MediaClipData |
Class describes media clip data.
MediaClipSection |
This class descibes Media clip section.
MediaRendition |
Class describes media rendition.
MemoryCleaner |
Represents MemoryCleaner class
MemoryExtender |
Represents MemoryExtender class Using large files on a system with limited heap memory, can be
enabled to use disk space as a temporary swap memory.
MemoryFontSource |
Represents single font file source.
Metadata |
Provides access to XMP metadata stream.
Metered |
Provides methods to set metered key.
MhtLoadOptions |
Represents options for loading/importing of .mht-file into pdf document.
MobiXmlSaveOptions |
Save options for export to Xml format
MovieAnnotation |
Represents a movie annotation that contains animated graphics and sound to be presented on the
computer screen and through the speakers.
NamedAction |
Represents named actions that PDF viewer applications are expected to support.
NamedDestination |
Instead of being defined directly with the explicit syntax, a destination may be referred to
indirectly by means of a name object or a byte string.
Note |
This class represents generator paragraph note.
NumberingStyle |
Enumeration of supported page numbering style for PageLabel class.
NumberTree |
Class representing Number tree structure of PDF file. 7.9.7Number Trees
Operator |
Abstract class representing operator.
OperatorCollection |
Class represents collection of operators
OperatorSelector |
This class is used for selecting operators using Visitor template idea.
Opi |
Represents The Open Prepress Interface (OPI) is a mechanism for creating low-resolution
placeholders, or proxies, for such high-resolution images.
Option |
Class represents option of choice field.
OptionCollection |
Class representing collection of options of the choice field.
OutlineCollection |
Represents document outline hierarchy.
OutlineItemCollection |
Represents outline entry in outline hierarchy of PDF document.
Outlines |
Class describes collection of outlines.
Page |
Class representing page of PDF document.
Page.BeforePageGenerate |
Procedure for customize header and footer.
PageActionCollection |
This class describes page actions
PageCollection |
Collection of PDF document pages.
PageCoordinateType |
Describes page coordinate type.
PageInfo |
Represents the page information for pdf generator.
PageLabel |
Class representing Page Label range.
PageLabelCollection |
Class represeingting page label collection.
PageLayout |
Descibes page layout.
PageMarkup |
Page markup represented by collections of
MarkupSection and MarkupParagraph . |
PageMode |
Class descibes used components of the document page.
PageNumberStamp |
Represents page number stamp and used to number pages.
PageSize |
Class representing size of page in PDF document.
ParagraphAbsorber |
Represents an absorber object of page structure objects such as sections and paragraphs.
Paragraphs |
This class represents paragraph collection.
PasswordBoxField |
Class descibes text field for entering password.
PasswordType |
This enum represents known password types used for password protected pdf documents.
PclLoadOptions |
Represents options for loading(import) PCL file into pdf document.
PclLoadOptions.ConversionEngines |
Enumerates conversion engines that can be used for conversion
PDF3DActivation |
Enum PDF3DActivation: set of 3D annotation activation mode.
PDF3DAnnotation |
Class PDF3DAnnotation.
PDF3DArtwork |
Class PDF3DArtwork.
PDF3DContent |
Class PDF3DContent.
PDF3DCrossSection |
Class PDF3DCrossSection.
PDF3DCrossSectionArray |
Class PDF3DCrossSectionArray.
PDF3DCuttingPlaneOrientation |
Class PDF3DCuttingPlaneOrientation.
PDF3DLightingScheme |
Class PDF3DLightingScheme.
PDF3DRenderMode |
Class PDF3DRenderMode.
PDF3DStream |
Class PDF3DStream.
PDF3DView |
Class PDF3DView.
PDF3DViewArray |
Class PDF3DViewArray.
PdfAction |
Represents Action in PDF document
PdfActionCollection |
Class describes list of actions.
PdfASymbolicFontEncodingStrategy |
This class describes rules which can be used to tune process of copy encoding data for cases when
TrueType symbolic font has more than one encoding.
PdfASymbolicFontEncodingStrategy.QueueItem |
Specifies encoding subtable.
PdfASymbolicFontEncodingStrategy.QueueItem.CMapEncodingTableType |
Declares set of some known encoding subtables
PdfEvent<T extends> |
Class representing events
PdfFormat |
This class represents an pdf format.
PdfFormatConversionOptions |
represents set of options for convert PDF document
PdfFormatConversionOptions.PdfANonSpecificationFlags | |
PdfFormatConversionOptions.PuaProcessingStrategy |
Some PDF documents have special unicode symbols, which are belonged to Private Use Area
(PUA), see description at
PdfFormatConversionOptions.RemoveFontsStrategy |
Some documens have large size after converison into PDF/A format.
PdfFormatConversionOptions.SegmentAlignStrategy |
Describes strategies used to align document text segments.
PdfPageStamp |
Class represents stamp which uses PDF page as stamp.
PdfSaveOptions |
Save options for export to Pdf format
Permissions |
This enum represents user's permissions for a pdf.
Represents signature object regarding PKCS#1 standard.
Represents the PKCS#7 object that conform to the PKCS#7 specification in Internet RFC 2315, PKCS
#7: Cryptographic Message Syntax, Version 1.5.
PKCS7Detached |
Represents the PKCS#7 object that conform to the PKCS#7 specification in Internet RFC 2315, PKCS
#7: Cryptographic Message Syntax, Version 1.5.
Point |
Represent point with fractional coordinates.
Point3D |
Represent point with fractional coordinates.
PolyAnnotation |
Abstract base class for poly-annotations.
PolygonAnnotation |
Class representing polygon annotation.
PolyIntent |
Enumerates the intents of the polygon or polyline annotation.
PolylineAnnotation |
Represents polyline annotation that is similar to polygon, except that the first and last vertex
are not implicitly connected.
PopupAnnotation |
Represents the pop-up annotation that displays text in a pop-up window for entry and editing.
Position |
Represents a position object
PptxSaveOptions |
Save options for export to SVG format
PredefinedAction |
Defines different actions which can be triggered from a PDF file.
PrintController |
Represents print controller.
PrintDuplex |
The paper handling option to use when printing the file from the print dialog..
ProgressEventType |
This enum describes possible progress event types that can occure during conversion
PsLoadOptions |
Represents options for loading/importing of .mht-file into pdf document.
RadioButtonField |
Class representing radio button field.
RadioButtonOptionField |
Class represents item of RadioButton field.
Rectangle |
Class represents rectangle.
Redaction |
For internal usage only
RedactionAnnotation |
Represents Redact annotation.
RenderingOptions |
Represents rendering options
RenderModeType |
Enum RenderModeType: set of render mode types
Rendition |
Class which describes rendition object of RendtionAnnotation.
RenditionAction |
A rendition action that controls the playing of multimedia content.
RenditionOperation |
The operation to perform when the action is triggered.
RenditionType |
Enumeration describes possible types of Rendition.
ReplyType |
Enumerates the kinds of the relationships (the “reply type”) between the annotation and one
specified by InReplyTo.
ResourceLoadingEventArgs |
Represents resource loading event arguments.
ResourceLoadingResult |
Represents resource loading result object.
Resources |
Class representing page resources.
RgbToDeviceGrayConversionStrategy |
Represents rgb to device gray color spaces conversion strategy.
RichMediaAnnotation |
Class describes RichMediaAnnotation which allows embed video/audio data into PDF document.
RichMediaAnnotation.ActivationEvent |
Event which activates annotation.
RichMediaAnnotation.ContentType |
Type of the multimedia.
RichTextBoxField |
Class describes rich text editor component.
RootElement |
Root structure element.
Rotation |
Enumeration of possible rotation values.
Row |
Represents a row of the table.
Rows |
Represents a rows collection of table.
SaveFormat |
Specifies format
SaveOptions |
SaveOptions type hold level of abstraction on individual save options
SaveOptions.BorderInfo |
Instance of this class represents information about border That can be drown on some result
SaveOptions.BorderPartStyle |
Represents information of one part of border(top, botom, left side or right side)
SaveOptions.HtmlBorderLineType |
Represents line types that can be used in result document for drawing borders or another
SaveOptions.MarginInfo |
Instance of this class represents information about page margin
That can be drown on some result document.
SaveOptions.MarginPartStyle |
Represents information of one part of margin(top, botom, left side or right side)
SaveOptions.NodeLevelResourceType |
enumerates possible types of saved external resources
SaveOptions.ResourceSavingInfo |
This class represents set of data that related to external resource file's saving that
occures during conversion of PDF to some other format (f.e.
ScalingMode |
The type of scaling that shall be used.
ScalingReason |
The circumstances under which the icon shall be scaled inside the annotation rectangle.
ScreenAnnotation |
A screen annotation that specifies a region of a page upon which media clips may be played.
SelectorRendition |
Class describes selector rendition.
Signature |
An abstract class which represents signature object in the pdf document.
SignatureCustomAppearance |
An abstract class which represents signature custon appearance object.
SignatureField |
Represents signature form field.
SoundAnnotation |
Represents a sound annotation that contains sound recorded from the computer's microphone or
imported from a file.
SoundData |
Represents a sound data defining the sound to be played when the annotation is activated.
SoundEncoding |
The encoding format for the sample data.
SoundIcon |
Enumerates the icons to be used in displaying the annotation.
SoundIconConverter |
Represents SoundIconConverter class
SoundSampleData |
Represents additional entries specific to a sound object (Section 9.2 PDF1-7)
SoundSampleDataEncodingFormat |
The encoding format for the sound sample data.
SquareAnnotation |
Class representing square annotation.
SquigglyAnnotation |
Represents the squiggly annotation that appears as a jagged underline in the text of a document.
Stamp |
An abstract class for various kinds of stamps which come as descendants.
StampAnnotation |
Represents rubber stamp annotation.
StampIcon |
Enumerates the icons to be used in displaying the annotation.
StampIconConverter |
Represents StampIconConverter class
StrikeOutAnnotation |
Represents a strikeout annotation that appears as a strikeout in the text of the document.
StructElement |
General structure element.
SubmitFormAction |
Class which describes submit-form action.
SvgLoadOptions |
Represents options for loading/importing SVG file into pdf document.
SvgLoadOptions.ConversionEngines |
Enumerates conversion engines that can be used for conversion
SvgSaveOptions |
Save options for export to SVG format
SvgSaveOptions.SvgExternalImageType |
enumerates possible types of image files that can be saved as external resources during
during Pdf to SVG conversion
SvgSaveOptions.SvgImageSavingInfo |
This class represents set of data that related to external resource image file's saving
during PDF to HTML conversion.
Symbology |
A (Barcode) Symbology defines the technical details of a particular type of barcode: the width of
the bars, character set, method of encoding, checksum specifications, etc.
SystemFontSource |
Represents all fonts installed to the system.
TabAlignmentType |
Enumerates the tab alignment types.
Table |
Represents a table that can be added to the page.
TableAbsorber |
Represents an absorber object of table elements.
TabLeaderType |
Enumerates the tab leader types.
TableBroken |
Enumerates the table broken.
TableElementCollection<T1 extends ITableElement> |
Represents a collection of elements absorbed from existing table
T : Instance of type implementing ITableElement
TabOrder |
Tab order on the page
TabStop |
Represents a custom Tab stop position in a paragraph.
TabStops |
Represents a collection of
TabStop objects. |
TextAbsorber |
Represents an absorber object of a text.
TextAlignment |
Alignment of text in annotation.
TextAnnotation |
Represents a text annotation that is a "sticky note" attached to a point in the PDF document.
TextBoxField |
Class representing text box field.
TextBuilder |
Appends text object to Pdf page.
TextEditOptions |
Descubes options of text edit operations.
TextEditOptions.ClippingPathsProcessingMode |
Clipping path processing modes
TextEditOptions.FontReplace |
Font replacement behavior.
TextEditOptions.LanguageTransformation |
Language transformation modes
TextEditOptions.NoCharacterAction |
Action to perform if font does not contain required character
TextElement |
General text element of document logical structure.
TextEncodingInternal | |
TextExtractionError |
Describes the text extraction error has appeared in the PDF document.
TextExtractionErrorLocation |
Represents the location in the PDF document where text extraction error has appeared.
TextExtractionOptions |
Represents text extraction options
TextExtractionOptions.TextFormattingMode |
Defines different modes which can be used while converting pdf document into text.
TextFormattingOptions |
Represents text formatting options
TextFormattingOptions.LineSpacingMode |
Defines line spacing specifics
TextFormattingOptions.WordWrapMode |
Defines word wrapping strategies
TextFragment |
Represents fragment of Pdf text.
TextFragmentAbsorber |
Represents an absorber object of text fragments.
TextFragmentCollection |
Represents a text fragments collection
TextFragmentState |
Represents a text state of a text fragment.
TextIcon |
Enumerates the icons to be used in displaying the annotation.
TextIconConverter |
Represents TextIconConverter class
TextMarkupAnnotation |
Abstract base class for text markup annotations.
TextOptions |
Represents text processing options
TextParagraph |
Represents text paragraphs as multiline text object.
TextParagraph.TextBackgroundMode |
Background mode for TextParagraph
TextParagraphAbsorber |
Represents an absorber object of text paragraphs.
TextParagraphCollection |
Represents a text paragraphs collection
TextRenderingMode |
The text rendering mode, Tmode, determines whether showing text shall cause glyph outlines to be
stroked, filled, used as a clipping boundary, or some combination of the three.
TextReplaceOptions |
Represents text replace options
TextReplaceOptions.ReplaceAdjustment |
Determines action that will be done after replace of text fragment to more short.
TextReplaceOptions.Scope |
Scope where replace text operation is applied REPLACE_FIRST by default This obsolete option
was kept for compatibility.
TextSearchOptions |
Represents text search options
TextSegment |
Represents segment of Pdf text.
TextSegmentCollection |
Represents a text segments collection
TextStamp |
Reresents textual stamp.
TextState |
Represents a text state of a text
TextStyle |
Class representing checkbox field
TimestampSettings |
Represents the ocsp settings using during signing process.
TocInfo |
Represents table of contents info.
ToUnicodeProcessingRules |
This class describes rules which can be used to solve Adobe Preflight error
"Text cannot be mapped to Unicode".
UnderlineAnnotation |
Represents an underline annotation that appears as an underline in the text of the document.
UnifiedSaveOptions |
This class represents saving options for saving that uses unified conversion way (with unified
internal document model)
UnifiedSaveOptions.ConversionProgressEventHandler |
Represents class with abstract method that usually supplied by calling side and handles progress events that
comes from converter.
UnifiedSaveOptions.ProgressEventHandlerInfo |
This class represents information about conversion progress that can be used in external
application to show conversion progress to end user
VerticalAlignment |
Enumeration of possible vertical alignment values.
WarningCallback |
Interface for user's callback mechanism support.
WarningInfo |
Immutable object for encapsulating warning information.
WarningType |
Enum represented warning type.
Watermark |
Represents a watermark of the page.
WatermarkAnnotation | |
WatermarkArtifact |
Class describes watermark artifact.
WebHyperlink |
Represents web hyperlink object.
WidgetAnnotation |
Class representing widget annotation.
Represents XML form regarding XML Forms Architecture (XFA).
XfaParserOptions |
class to handle related data encapsulation
XfdfReader |
Class which peroformes reading of XFDF format.
XfdfWriter |
Aggregates methods of writing annotations and fields to XFDF file format
XForm |
Class represent XForm
XFormCollection |
Class represents collection of XFormCollection.
XImage |
Class representing image X-Object.
XImage.RawParameters |
Class representing image raw XImage parameters.
XImageCollection |
Class representing XImage collection.
XmlLoadOptions |
Represents options for loading/importing XML file into pdf document.
XmlSaveOptions |
Save options for export to Xml format
XmpField |
Represents XMP field.
XmpFieldType |
This enum represents types of a XMP field.
XmpPdfAExtensionCategoryType |
Property category: internal or external.
XmpPdfAExtensionField |
This schema describes a field in a structured type.
XmpPdfAExtensionObject |
Represents the base class for field, property, value type instances.
XmpPdfAExtensionProperty |
Describes a single property.
XmpPdfAExtensionSchema |
Describes the XMP extension schema which is provided by PDF/A-1.
XmpPdfAExtensionSchemaDescription |
Represents the description of XMP extension schema which is provided by PDF/A-1.
XmpPdfAExtensionValueType |
The PDF/A ValueType schema is required for all property value types which are not defined in the
XMP 2004 specification, i.e. for value types outside of the following list: - Array types (these
are container types which may contain one or more fields): Alt, Bag, Seq - Basic value types:
Boolean, (open and closed) Choice, Date, Dimensions, Integer, Lang Alt, Locale, MIMEType,
ProperName, Real, Text, Thumbnail, URI, URL, XPath - Media Management value types: AgentName,
RenditionClass, ResourceEvent, ResourceRef, Version - Basic Job/Workflow value type: Job - EXIF
schema value types: Flash, CFAPattern, DeviceSettings, GPSCoordinate, OECF/SFR, Rational Schema
namespace URI: Required schema namespace prefix: pdfaType
XmpValue |
Represents XMP value
XpsLoadOptions |
Represents options for loading/importing xps file into pdf document.
XpsSaveOptions |
Save options for export to Xps format
XslFoLoadOptions |
Represents options for loading/importing XSL-FO file into pdf document.
XslFoLoadOptions.ParsingErrorsHandlingTypes |
Source XSLFO document can contain formatting errors.
XYZExplicitDestination |
Represents explicit destination that displays the page with the coordinates (left, top)
positioned at the upper-left corner of the window and the contents of the page magnified by the
factor zoom.
Enum | Description |
ReturnAction |
Enum represented a program workflow action in case of invoking the
IWarningCallback.Warning(WarningInfo) method. |
WarningCallback.ReturnAction |
Exception | Description |
InvalidFormTypeOperationException |
The exception that is thrown when an operation with form type is not valid.
The com.aspose.pdf
is a root package for all classes of Aspose.PDF for Java library
which are either directly in it like Document
or indirectly through several
1) classes for almost all types of annotations document can have.
2) classes which describes forms (standard, static, dynamic) and various types of fields like text box, list box, radio button etc.
3) classes which help to work with a logical structure of a document which presents the organization of the document into chapters and sections or the identification of special elements such as figures, tables, and footnotes.
4) classes that allow to extract text, add text, manipulate existing text of a document. It also contain classes that allow to extract, replace, substitute fonts of a document.
5) classes for working with various types of actions, destinations and other features of document which traditionally called as interactive providing means user can intercommunicate with it.
6) classes that allow to alternate behavior of text extraction and manipulation functionality. Package com.aspose.pdf.text have additional classes for it.
7) additional support classes for DOM.
8) classes for PDF/A conversion options.