




Uses of Class

  • Packages that use XForm 
    Package Description
    The com.aspose.pdf is a root package for all classes of Aspose.PDF for Java library which are either directly in it like Document or indirectly through several subpackages.
    The com.aspose.pdf.facades package provides classes originally came from Aspose.Pdf.Kit.
    • Uses of XForm in com.aspose.pdf

      Methods in com.aspose.pdf that return XForm 
      Modifier and Type Method and Description
      static XForm XForm.createNewForm( trailerable)
      Creates new XForm in the document.
      static XForm XForm.createNewForm(Page source, IDocument document)
      Creates XForm which duplicates contents of the page.
      static XForm InternalHelper.createNewForm(Page source, trailerable, Copier copier) 
      static XForm XForm.createNewForm(Page source, trailerable, Copier copier) 
      XForm XFormCollection.get_Item(int index)
      Returns XForm by index.
      XForm AppearanceDictionary.get_Item(String key)
      Represents convenient form for getting appearance streams.
      XForm XFormCollection.get_Item(String name)
      Returns XForm by its name.
      XForm AppearanceDictionary.get(Object key)
      XForm ButtonField.getAlternateIcon()
      Gets alternate icon which shall be displayed when the mouse button is pressed within its active area.
      XForm Artifact.getForm()
      Gets XForm of the artifact (if XForm is used).
      XForm TextFragment.getForm()
      Gets form object that contains the TextFragment
      The value can be null in case the TextFragment object doesn't belong to a form.
      XForm Annotation.getNormalAppearance()
      Gets normal appearance.
      XForm ButtonField.getNormalIcon()
      Gets normal icon of the button which shall be displayed when it is not interacting with the user.
      XForm ButtonField.getRolloverIcon()
      Gets rollover icon of the button which shall be displayed when the user rolls the cursor into its active area without pressing the mouse button.
      Methods in com.aspose.pdf that return types with arguments of type XForm 
      Modifier and Type Method and Description
      List<XForm> AppearanceDictionary.getValues_()
      Gets the list of the dictionary values.<XForm> AppearanceDictionary.getValues()
      Gets the list of the dictionary values.<<String,XForm>> AppearanceDictionary.iterator__Rename_Namesake()
      Enumerator for the collection.<<String,XForm>> AppearanceDictionary.iterator()
      Returns an IDictionaryEnumerator object for the dictionary.
      Iterator<XForm> XFormCollection.iterator()
      Returns collection enumerator.
      Methods in com.aspose.pdf with parameters of type XForm 
      Modifier and Type Method and Description
      void XFormCollection.add(XForm xform)
      Adds new XForm into collection.
      void AppearanceDictionary.addItem(String key, XForm value)
      Add X form for specifed key.
      boolean XFormCollection.contains(XForm item)
      Determines whether the collection contains a specific value.
      void AppearanceDictionary.copyTo(XForm[] array, int index)
      Copies the elements of the dictionary to an Array, starting at a particular Array index.
      void XFormCollection.copyTo(XForm[] array, int index)
      Copies XFormCollection into collection.
      String XFormCollection.getFormName(XForm form)
      Returns name of the form in this form collection
      static Resources InternalHelper.getResourcesFor(XForm xForm) 
      static void Redaction.redactText(XForm form, Rectangle rect)
      Removes text which is in requried rectangle
      boolean XFormCollection.remove(XForm item)
      Deletes specified item from collection.
      void AppearanceDictionary.set_Item(String key, XForm value) 
      void AppearanceDictionary.set(Object key, XForm value)
      void ButtonField.setAlternateIcon(XForm value)
      Sets alternate icon which shall be displayed when the mouse button is pressed within its active area.
      void ButtonField.setNormalIcon(XForm value)
      Sets normal icon of the button which shall be displayed when it is not interacting with the user.
      void ButtonField.setRolloverIcon(XForm value)
      Sets rollover icon of the button which shall be displayed when the user rolls the cursor into its active area without pressing the mouse button.
      void TextAbsorber.visit(XForm form)
      Extracts text on the specified XForm.
      void TextFragmentAbsorber.visit(XForm xForm)
      Performs search on the specified form object.
      Method parameters in com.aspose.pdf with type arguments of type XForm 
      Modifier and Type Method and Description
      void AppearanceDictionary.addItem(<String,XForm> item)
      Adds pair with key and value into the dictionary.
      boolean AppearanceDictionary.containsItem(<String,XForm> item)
      Checks does specified key-value pair is contained in the dictionary.
      boolean AppearanceDictionary.removeItem(<String,XForm> item)
      Removes key/value pair from the collection.
      Constructors in com.aspose.pdf with parameters of type XForm 
      Constructor and Description
      ContentsAppender(XForm form)
      Initializes new instanse of the contets appender with Form XObject.
      Opi(XForm xform)
      The constructor.
    • Uses of XForm in com.aspose.pdf.facades

      Methods in com.aspose.pdf.facades that return XForm 
      Modifier and Type Method and Description
      XForm StampInfo.getForm()
      Gets XForm of the stamp.