Aspose::Pdf::Operators Namespace Reference


class  BasicSetColorAndPatternOperator
 Base operator for all Set Color operators. More...
class  BasicSetColorOperator
 Base class for set color operators. More...
class  BDC
 class representing BDC operator (Begin marked-content sequence) More...
class  BI
 Class representing BI operator (Begin inline image obect). More...
class  BlockTextOperator
 Abstract base class for text block operators i.e. Begin and End text operators (BT/ET) More...
class  BMC
 Class representing BMC operator (Begin marked-content sequence). More...
class  BT
 Class representing BT operator (Begin of text block). More...
class  BX
 Class representing BX operator (begin compatibility section). More...
class  Clip
 Class representing W operator (set clipping path using non-zero winding rule). More...
class  ClosePath
 Class representing h operator (close path). More...
class  ClosePathEOFillStroke
 Class representing b* operator (close, fill and stroke path using even-odd rule). More...
class  ClosePathFillStroke
 Class representing b operator (close, fill and stroke path with nonzer winding rule). More...
class  ClosePathStroke
 Class representing s operator (Close and stroke path). More...
class  ConcatenateMatrix
 Class representing cm operator (concatenate matrix to current transformation matrix). More...
class  CurveTo
 Class representing c operator (append curve to path). More...
class  CurveTo1
 Class representing v operator (append curve to path, initial point replicated). More...
class  CurveTo2
 Class representing y operator (append curve to path, final point replicated). More...
class  Do
 Class representing Do operator (Invoke XObject). More...
class  DP
 Class represeting DP operator (designamte marked content point). More...
class  EI
 Class representing EI operator (End inline image object). More...
class  EMC
 Clsss representing EMC oeprator (End of marked-content sequence). More...
class  EndPath
 Class representing n operator (end path without filling or stroking). More...
class  EOClip
 Class representing W* operator (set clipping path using even-odd rule). More...
class  EOFill
 Class representing f* operator (fill path using even-odd rule). More...
class  EOFillStroke
 Class representing B* operator (fill and stroke path usign even-odd rule). More...
class  ET
 Class representing operator ET (End of text block). More...
class  EX
 Class representing EX operator (End of compatibility section). More...
class  Fill
 Class representing f operator (fill path with nonzero winding number rule). More...
class  FillStroke
 Class representing B operator (fill and stroke path using nonzero winding rule) More...
class  GlyphPosition
 Class describes text and position to use with operator TJ (set glyph with position) More...
class  GRestore
 Class representing Q operator (restore graphics state). More...
class  GS
 Class representing gs operator (set parameters from graphic state parameter dictionary). More...
class  GSave
 Class representing q operator (save graphics state). More...
class  ID
 Class representing ID operator (Begin inline image data). More...
class  LineTo
 Class representing l operator (add line to the path). More...
class  MoveTextPosition
 Class representing Td operator (move text position). More...
class  MoveTextPositionSetLeading
 Class representing TD operator (move position and set leading). More...
class  MoveTo
 Class representing m operator (move to and begin new subpath). More...
class  MoveToNextLine
 Class representing T* operator (Move to start of the next line). More...
class  MoveToNextLineShowText
 Class representing ' operator (move to next line and show text). More...
class  MP
 Class representing MP operator (define marked-content point). More...
class  ObsoleteFill
 Class representing F oeprator (fill path using nonzero winding rule). More...
class  Re
 Class representing re operator (add rectangle to the path). More...
class  SelectFont
 Class representing Tf operator (set text font and size). More...
class  SetAdvancedColor
 Class representing scn operator (set color for non-stroking operations). More...
class  SetAdvancedColorStroke
 Class representing SCN operator (set color for stroking operations). More...
class  SetCharacterSpacing
 Class representing Tc operator (set character spacing). More...
class  SetCharWidth
 Class representing d0 operator (set glyph width). More...
class  SetCharWidthBoundingBox
 Class representing d1 operator (set glyph and bounding box). More...
class  SetCMYKColor
 Class representing k operator (set CMYK color for non-stroknig operations). More...
class  SetCMYKColorStroke
 Class representing K operator (set CMYK color for stroking operations). More...
class  SetColor
 Represents class for sc operator (set color for non-stroknig operations). More...
class  SetColorOperator
 Class representing set color operation. More...
class  SetColorRenderingIntent
 Class representing ri operator (set color rendering intent). More...
class  SetColorSpace
 Class representing cs operator (set colorspace for non-stroking operations) More...
class  SetColorSpaceStroke
 Class representing CS operator (set color for stroking operations). More...
class  SetColorStroke
 Class representing SC operator set color for stroking color operators. More...
class  SetDash
 Class representing d operator (set line dash pattern). More...
class  SetFlat
 Class representing i operator (set flatness tolerance). More...
class  SetGlyphsPositionShowText
 Class representing TJ operator (show text with glyph positioning). More...
class  SetGray
 Set gray level for non-stroking operations. More...
class  SetGrayStroke
 Class representing gray level for stroking operations. More...
class  SetHorizontalTextScaling
 Class representing Tz operator (set horizontal text scaling). More...
class  SetLineCap
 Class representing J operator (set line cap style). More...
class  SetLineJoin
 Class representing j operator (set line join style). More...
class  SetLineWidth
 Class representing w operator (set line width). More...
class  SetMiterLimit
 Class representing M operator (set miter limit). More...
class  SetRGBColor
 Class representing rg operator (set RGB color for non-stroknig operators). More...
class  SetRGBColorStroke
 Class representing RG operator (set RGB color for stroking operators). More...
class  SetSpacingMoveToNextLineShowText
 Class representing " operator (set word and character spacing, move to the next line and show text). More...
class  SetTextLeading
 Class represenging TL operator (set text leading). More...
class  SetTextMatrix
 Class representig Tm operator (set text matrix). More...
class  SetTextRenderingMode
 Class representing Tr operator (set text rendering mode). More...
class  SetTextRise
 Class representing Ts operator (set text rise). More...
class  SetWordSpacing
 Class representing Tw operator (set word spacing). More...
class  ShFill
 Class representing sh operator (paint area with shadeing pattern). More...
class  ShowText
 Class representing Tj operator (show text). More...
class  Stroke
 Class representing S operator (stroke path). More...
class  TextOperator
 Abstract base class for text-related operators (TJ, Tj, Tm, BT, ET, etc). More...
class  TextPlaceOperator
 Abstract base class for operators which changes text position (Tm, Td, etc). More...
class  TextShowOperator
 Abvstract base class for all operators which used to out text (Tj, TJ, etc). More...
class  TextStateOperator
 Abstract base class for operators which changes current text state (Tc, Tf, TL, etc). More...