






Class KnownColor

  • java.lang.Object
        • com.aspose.imaging.KnownColor

  • public final class KnownColor

    Specifies the known system colors.

    • Nested Class Summary

      • Nested classes/interfaces inherited from class,,,
    • Field Summary

      Modifier and Type Field and Description
      static int AliceBlue
      A system-defined color.
      static int AntiqueWhite
      A system-defined color.
      static int Aqua
      A system-defined color.
      static int Aquamarine
      A system-defined color.
      static int Azure
      A system-defined color.
      static int Beige
      A system-defined color.
      static int Bisque
      A system-defined color.
      static int Black
      A system-defined color.
      static int BlanchedAlmond
      A system-defined color.
      static int Blue
      A system-defined color.
      static int BlueViolet
      A system-defined color.
      static int Brown
      A system-defined color.
      static int BurlyWood
      A system-defined color.
      static int CadetBlue
      A system-defined color.
      static int Chartreuse
      A system-defined color.
      static int Chocolate
      A system-defined color.
      static int Coral
      A system-defined color.
      static int CornflowerBlue
      A system-defined color.
      static int Cornsilk
      A system-defined color.
      static int Crimson
      A system-defined color.
      static int Cyan
      A system-defined color.
      static int DarkBlue
      A system-defined color.
      static int DarkCyan
      A system-defined color.
      static int DarkGoldenrod
      A system-defined color.
      static int DarkGray
      A system-defined color.
      static int DarkGreen
      A system-defined color.
      static int DarkKhaki
      A system-defined color.
      static int DarkMagenta
      A system-defined color.
      static int DarkOliveGreen
      A system-defined color.
      static int DarkOrange
      A system-defined color.
      static int DarkOrchid
      A system-defined color.
      static int DarkRed
      A system-defined color.
      static int DarkSalmon
      A system-defined color.
      static int DarkSeaGreen
      A system-defined color.
      static int DarkSlateBlue
      A system-defined color.
      static int DarkSlateGray
      A system-defined color.
      static int DarkTurquoise
      A system-defined color.
      static int DarkViolet
      A system-defined color.
      static int DeepPink
      A system-defined color.
      static int DeepSkyBlue
      A system-defined color.
      static int DimGray
      A system-defined color.
      static int DodgerBlue
      A system-defined color.
      static int Firebrick
      A system-defined color.
      static int FloralWhite
      A system-defined color.
      static int ForestGreen
      A system-defined color.
      static int Fuchsia
      A system-defined color.
      static int Gainsboro
      A system-defined color.
      static int GhostWhite
      A system-defined color.
      static int Gold
      A system-defined color.
      static int Goldenrod
      A system-defined color.
      static int Gray
      A system-defined color.
      static int Green
      A system-defined color.
      static int GreenYellow
      A system-defined color.
      static int Honeydew
      A system-defined color.
      static int HotPink
      A system-defined color.
      static int IndianRed
      A system-defined color.
      static int Indigo
      A system-defined color.
      static int Ivory
      A system-defined color.
      static int Khaki
      A system-defined color.
      static int Lavender
      A system-defined color.
      static int LavenderBlush
      A system-defined color.
      static int LawnGreen
      A system-defined color.
      static int LemonChiffon
      A system-defined color.
      static int LightBlue
      A system-defined color.
      static int LightCoral
      A system-defined color.
      static int LightCyan
      A system-defined color.
      static int LightGoldenrodYellow
      A system-defined color.
      static int LightGray
      A system-defined color.
      static int LightGreen
      A system-defined color.
      static int LightPink
      A system-defined color.
      static int LightSalmon
      A system-defined color.
      static int LightSeaGreen
      A system-defined color.
      static int LightSkyBlue
      A system-defined color.
      static int LightSlateGray
      A system-defined color.
      static int LightSteelBlue
      A system-defined color.
      static int LightYellow
      A system-defined color.
      static int Lime
      A system-defined color.
      static int LimeGreen
      A system-defined color.
      static int Linen
      A system-defined color.
      static int Magenta
      A system-defined color.
      static int Maroon
      A system-defined color.
      static int MediumAquamarine
      A system-defined color.
      static int MediumBlue
      A system-defined color.
      static int MediumOrchid
      A system-defined color.
      static int MediumPurple
      A system-defined color.
      static int MediumSeaGreen
      A system-defined color.
      static int MediumSlateBlue
      A system-defined color.
      static int MediumSpringGreen
      A system-defined color.
      static int MediumTurquoise
      A system-defined color.
      static int MediumVioletRed
      A system-defined color.
      static int MidnightBlue
      A system-defined color.
      static int MintCream
      A system-defined color.
      static int MistyRose
      A system-defined color.
      static int Moccasin
      A system-defined color.
      static int NavajoWhite
      A system-defined color.
      static int Navy
      A system-defined color.
      static int OldLace
      A system-defined color.
      static int Olive
      A system-defined color.
      static int OliveDrab
      A system-defined color.
      static int Orange
      A system-defined color.
      static int OrangeRed
      A system-defined color.
      static int Orchid
      A system-defined color.
      static int PaleGoldenrod
      A system-defined color.
      static int PaleGreen
      A system-defined color.
      static int PaleTurquoise
      A system-defined color.
      static int PaleVioletRed
      A system-defined color.
      static int PapayaWhip
      A system-defined color.
      static int PeachPuff
      A system-defined color.
      static int Peru
      A system-defined color.
      static int Pink
      A system-defined color.
      static int Plum
      A system-defined color.
      static int PowderBlue
      A system-defined color.
      static int Purple
      A system-defined color.
      static int Red
      A system-defined color.
      static int RosyBrown
      A system-defined color.
      static int RoyalBlue
      A system-defined color.
      static int SaddleBrown
      A system-defined color.
      static int Salmon
      A system-defined color.
      static int SandyBrown
      A system-defined color.
      static int SeaGreen
      A system-defined color.
      static int SeaShell
      A system-defined color.
      static int Sienna
      A system-defined color.
      static int Silver
      A system-defined color.
      static int SkyBlue
      A system-defined color.
      static int SlateBlue
      A system-defined color.
      static int SlateGray
      A system-defined color.
      static int Snow
      A system-defined color.
      static int SpringGreen
      A system-defined color.
      static int SteelBlue
      A system-defined color.
      static int Tan
      A system-defined color.
      static int Teal
      A system-defined color.
      static int Thistle
      A system-defined color.
      static int Tomato
      A system-defined color.
      static int Transparent
      A system-defined color.
      static int Turquoise
      A system-defined color.
      static int Violet
      A system-defined color.
      static int Wheat
      A system-defined color.
      static int White
      A system-defined color.
      static int WhiteSmoke
      A system-defined color.
      static int Yellow
      A system-defined color.
      static int YellowGreen
      A system-defined color.
      • Fields inherited from class

    • Method Summary

      • Methods inherited from class

        Clone, CloneTo, format, format, get_Caption, get_Value, getName, getName, getNames, getNames, getNames, getUnderlyingType, getUnderlyingType, getValue, getValues, getValues, getValues, isDefined, isDefined, isDefined, isDefined, parse, parse, parse, parse, register, toObject, toString