


Class MotionWienerFilterOptions

  • public class MotionWienerFilterOptions
    extends DeconvolutionFilterOptions

    Deconvolution filter options deblur motion

    Code example:

    The following example applies various types of filters to a raster image.

    String dir = "c:\\temp\\";
    com.aspose.imaging.Image image = com.aspose.imaging.Image.load(dir + "sample.png");
    try {
        com.aspose.imaging.RasterImage rasterImage = (com.aspose.imaging.RasterImage) image;
        // Apply a median filter with a rectangle size of 5 to the entire image.
        rasterImage.filter(rasterImage.getBounds(), new com.aspose.imaging.imagefilters.filteroptions.MedianFilterOptions(5)); + "sample.MedianFilter.png");
    } finally {
    image = com.aspose.imaging.Image.load(dir + "sample.png");
    try {
        com.aspose.imaging.RasterImage rasterImage = (com.aspose.imaging.RasterImage) image;
        // Apply a bilateral smoothing filter with a kernel size of 5 to the entire image.
        rasterImage.filter(rasterImage.getBounds(), new com.aspose.imaging.imagefilters.filteroptions.BilateralSmoothingFilterOptions(5)); + "sample.BilateralSmoothingFilter.png");
    } finally {
    image = com.aspose.imaging.Image.load(dir + "sample.png");
    try {
        com.aspose.imaging.RasterImage rasterImage = (com.aspose.imaging.RasterImage) image;
        // Apply a Gaussian blur filter with a radius of 5 and a sigma value of 4.0 to the entire image.
        rasterImage.filter(rasterImage.getBounds(), new com.aspose.imaging.imagefilters.filteroptions.GaussianBlurFilterOptions(5, 4.0)); + "sample.GaussianBlurFilter.png");
    } finally {
    image = com.aspose.imaging.Image.load(dir + "sample.png");
    try {
        com.aspose.imaging.RasterImage rasterImage = (com.aspose.imaging.RasterImage) image;
        // Apply a Gauss-Wiener filter with a radius of 5 and a smooth value of 4.0 to the entire image.
        rasterImage.filter(rasterImage.getBounds(), new com.aspose.imaging.imagefilters.filteroptions.GaussWienerFilterOptions(5, 4.0)); + "sample.GaussWienerFilter.png");
    } finally {
    image = com.aspose.imaging.Image.load(dir + "sample.png");
    try {
        com.aspose.imaging.RasterImage rasterImage = (com.aspose.imaging.RasterImage) image;
        // Apply a motion wiener filter with a length of 5, a smooth value of 4.0 and an angle of 90.0 degrees to the entire image.
        rasterImage.filter(rasterImage.getBounds(), new com.aspose.imaging.imagefilters.filteroptions.MotionWienerFilterOptions(10, 1.0, 90.0)); + "sample.MotionWienerFilter.png");
    } finally {
    image = com.aspose.imaging.Image.load(dir + "sample.png");
    try {
        com.aspose.imaging.RasterImage rasterImage = (com.aspose.imaging.RasterImage) image;
        // Apply a sharpen filter with a kernel size of 5 and a sigma value of 4.0 to the entire image.
        rasterImage.filter(rasterImage.getBounds(), new com.aspose.imaging.imagefilters.filteroptions.SharpenFilterOptions(5, 4.0)); + "sample.SharpenFilter.png");
    } finally {

    • Constructor Detail

      • MotionWienerFilterOptions

        public MotionWienerFilterOptions(int length,
                                         double smooth,
                                         double angle)

        Initializes a new instance of the MotionWienerFilterOptions class.

        length - The length.
        smooth - The smooth.
        angle - The angle in gradus.
    • Method Detail

      • getLength

        public int getLength()

        Gets or sets the length.

        Value: The length.
      • setLength

        public void setLength(int value)

        Gets or sets the length.

        Value: The length.
      • getSmooth

        public double getSmooth()

        Gets or sets the smooth.

        Value: The smooth.
      • setSmooth

        public void setSmooth(double value)

        Gets or sets the smooth.

        Value: The smooth.
      • getAngle

        public double getAngle()

        Gets or sets the angle in gradus.

        Value: The angle.
      • setAngle

        public void setAngle(double value)

        Gets or sets the angle in gradus.

        Value: The angle.