


Class WmfPolygon

  • All Implemented Interfaces:

    public class WmfPolygon
    extends WmfObject

    The polygon object

    • Constructor Detail

      • WmfPolygon

        public WmfPolygon()
    • Method Detail

      • getNumberOfPoint

        public short getNumberOfPoint()

        Gets or sets the number of point. A 16-bit signed integer that defines the number of points in the array.

        Value: The number of point.
      • setNumberOfPoint

        public void setNumberOfPoint(short value)

        Gets or sets the number of point. A 16-bit signed integer that defines the number of points in the array.

        Value: The number of point.
      • getAPoints

        public Point[] getAPoints()

        Gets or sets the points. A NumberOfPoints array of 32-bit PointS Objects (section, in logical units.

        Value: The points.
      • setAPoints

        public void setAPoints(Point[] value)

        Gets or sets the points. A NumberOfPoints array of 32-bit PointS Objects (section, in logical units.

        Value: The points.