


Class GifFrameBlock

    • Field Detail


        public static final int EXTENSION_LABEL

        Block extension label.

        See Also:
        Constant Field Values

        public static final int IMAGE_DESCRIPTOR_SIZE

        The image descriptor size.

        See Also:
        Constant Field Values
    • Constructor Detail

      • GifFrameBlock

        public GifFrameBlock(int width,
                             int height)

        Initializes a new instance of the GifFrameBlock class.

        width - The image width.
        height - The image height.
        Code example:

        The following example shows how to compose an animated GIF image from individual GIF blocks.

        String dir = "c:\\temp\\";
        // Create a GIF image 100 x 100 px.
        // The first block is fully black by default.
        com.aspose.imaging.fileformats.gif.blocks.GifFrameBlock firstBlock = new com.aspose.imaging.fileformats.gif.blocks.GifFrameBlock(100, 100);
        com.aspose.imaging.fileformats.gif.GifImage gifImage = new com.aspose.imaging.fileformats.gif.GifImage(firstBlock);
        try {
            // The first circle is red
            com.aspose.imaging.brushes.SolidBrush brush1 = new com.aspose.imaging.brushes.SolidBrush(com.aspose.imaging.Color.getRed());
            // The second circle is black
            com.aspose.imaging.brushes.SolidBrush brush2 = new com.aspose.imaging.brushes.SolidBrush(com.aspose.imaging.Color.getBlack());
            // Gradually increase the angle of the red arc shape.
            for (int angle = 10; angle <= 360; angle += 10) {
                com.aspose.imaging.fileformats.gif.blocks.GifFrameBlock block = new com.aspose.imaging.fileformats.gif.blocks.GifFrameBlock(100, 100);
                com.aspose.imaging.Graphics gr = new com.aspose.imaging.Graphics(block);
                gr.fillPie(brush1, block.getBounds(), 0, angle);
            // Gradually increase the angle of the black arc and wipe out the red arc.
            for (int angle = 10; angle <= 360; angle += 10) {
                com.aspose.imaging.fileformats.gif.blocks.GifFrameBlock block = new com.aspose.imaging.fileformats.gif.blocks.GifFrameBlock(100, 100);
                com.aspose.imaging.Graphics gr = new com.aspose.imaging.Graphics(block);
                gr.fillPie(brush2, block.getBounds(), 0, angle);
                gr.fillPie(brush1, block.getBounds(), angle, 360 - angle);
   + "animated_radar.gif");
        } finally {

      • GifFrameBlock

        public GifFrameBlock(int left,
                             int top,
                             int width,
                             int height)

        Initializes a new instance of the GifFrameBlock class.

        left - The left image position.
        top - The top image position.
        width - The image width.
        height - The image height.
      • GifFrameBlock

        public GifFrameBlock(int left,
                             int top,
                             int width,
                             int height,
                             IColorPalette colorPalette,
                             boolean isPaletteSorted,
                             boolean isGifFrameInterlaced,
                             byte bitsPerPixel)

        Initializes a new instance of the GifFrameBlock class.

        left - The left image position.
        top - The top image position.
        width - The image Width.
        height - The image Height.
        colorPalette - The color palette.
        isPaletteSorted - if set to true the color palette is sorted.
        isGifFrameInterlaced - if set to true the GIF frame is interlaced.
        bitsPerPixel - The bits per pixel.
      • GifFrameBlock

        public GifFrameBlock(RasterImage image)

        Initializes a new instance of the GifFrameBlock class.

        image - The image to initialize frame pixel and palette data with.
      • GifFrameBlock

        public GifFrameBlock(RasterImage image,
                             int left,
                             int top)

        Initializes a new instance of the GifFrameBlock class.

        image - The image to initialize frame pixel and palette data with.
        left - The left image position.
        top - The top image position.
      • GifFrameBlock

        public GifFrameBlock(RasterImage image,
                             int left,
                             int top,
                             boolean isPaletteSorted,
                             boolean isGifFrameInterlaced,
                             byte lzwCodeSize)

        Initializes a new instance of the GifFrameBlock class.

        image - The image to initialize frame pixel and palette data with.
        left - The left image position.
        top - The top image position.
        isPaletteSorted - if set to true the color palette is sorted.
        isGifFrameInterlaced - if set to true the GIF frame is interlaced.
        lzwCodeSize - The bits per pixel.
      • GifFrameBlock

        public GifFrameBlock(InputStream stream)

        Initializes a new instance of the GifFrameBlock class.

        stream - The stream to load an image from and initialize frame pixel and palette data with.
      • GifFrameBlock

        public GifFrameBlock( stream)
      • GifFrameBlock

        public GifFrameBlock(InputStream stream,
                             int left,
                             int top)

        Initializes a new instance of the GifFrameBlock class.

        stream - The stream to load an image from and initialize frame pixel and palette data with.
        left - The left image position.
        top - The top image position.
      • GifFrameBlock

        public GifFrameBlock(InputStream stream,
                             int left,
                             int top,
                             boolean isPaletteSorted,
                             boolean isGifFrameInterlaced,
                             byte lzwCodeSize)

        Initializes a new instance of the GifFrameBlock class.

        stream - The stream to load an image from and initialize frame pixel and palette data with.
        left - The left image position.
        top - The top image position.
        isPaletteSorted - if set to true the color palette is sorted.
        isGifFrameInterlaced - if set to true the GIF frame is interlaced.
        lzwCodeSize - The bits per pixel.
      • GifFrameBlock

        public GifFrameBlock(String path)

        Initializes a new instance of the GifFrameBlock class.

        path - The path to load an image from and initialize frame pixel and palette data with.
      • GifFrameBlock

        public GifFrameBlock(String path,
                             int left,
                             int top)

        Initializes a new instance of the GifFrameBlock class.

        path - The path to load an image from and initialize frame pixel and palette data with.
        left - The left image position.
        top - The top image position.
      • GifFrameBlock

        public GifFrameBlock(String path,
                             int left,
                             int top,
                             boolean isPaletteSorted,
                             boolean isGifFrameInterlaced,
                             byte lzwCodeSize)

        Initializes a new instance of the GifFrameBlock class.

        path - The path to load an image from and initialize frame pixel and palette data with.
        left - The left image position.
        top - The top image position.
        isPaletteSorted - if set to true the color palette is sorted.
        isGifFrameInterlaced - if set to true the GIF frame is interlaced.
        lzwCodeSize - The bits per pixel.
    • Method Detail

      • getColorPalette

        public static IColorPalette getColorPalette(IColorPalette framePalette,
                                                    IColorPalette containerPalette)

        Gets the associated color palette.

        framePalette - The frame palette.
        containerPalette - The container palette.
        The color palette.
      • createFlags

        public static byte createFlags(IColorPalette colorPalette,
                                       boolean isPaletteSorted,
                                       boolean isGifFrameInterlaced)

        Creates the flags.

        colorPalette - The color palette.
        isPaletteSorted - if set to true the colors in color palette are sorted.
        isGifFrameInterlaced - if set to true the GIF frame image is interlaced.
        The created flags.
      • getFileFormat

        public long getFileFormat()

        Gets a value of file format

        getFileFormat in class Image
      • getBitsPerPixel

        public int getBitsPerPixel()

        Gets the image bits per pixel count.

        Specified by:
        getBitsPerPixel in class Image
        The image bits per pixel count.
      • getFrameTime

        public final int getFrameTime()

        Gets the duration.

        Value: The duration. <autogeneratedoc></autogeneratedoc>
        Specified by:
        getFrameTime in interface IAnimationFrame
        the duration.
      • getInterlaced

        public boolean getInterlaced()

        Gets or sets a value indicating whether this GifFrameBlock is interlaced.

        true if interlaced; otherwise, false.
      • setInterlaced

        public void setInterlaced(boolean value)

        Gets or sets a value indicating whether this GifFrameBlock is interlaced.

        value - true if interlaced; otherwise, false.
      • isPaletteSorted

        public boolean isPaletteSorted()

        Gets or sets a value indicating whether color palette is sorted.

        true if color palette is sorted; otherwise, false.
      • setPaletteSorted

        public void setPaletteSorted(boolean value)

        Gets or sets a value indicating whether color palette is sorted.

        value - true if color palette is sorted; otherwise, false.
      • getGifFrameBitsPerPixel

        public byte getGifFrameBitsPerPixel()

        Gets or sets the GIF frame bits per pixel.

        The GIF frame bits per pixel.
      • setGifFrameBitsPerPixel

        public void setGifFrameBitsPerPixel(byte value)

        Gets or sets the GIF frame bits per pixel.

        value - The GIF frame bits per pixel.
      • getLeft

        public int getLeft()

        Gets or sets the left image location.

        The left image location.
      • setLeft

        public void setLeft(int value)

        Gets or sets the left image location.

        value - The left image location.
      • getTop

        public int getTop()

        Gets or sets the top image location.

        The top image location.
      • setTop

        public void setTop(int value)

        Gets or sets the top image location.

        value - The top image location.
      • getFrameTop

        public final int getFrameTop()

        Converts to p.

        Value: The top. <autogeneratedoc></autogeneratedoc>
        Specified by:
        getFrameTop in interface IAnimationFrame
      • getFrameLeft

        public final int getFrameLeft()

        Gets the left.

        Value: The left. <autogeneratedoc></autogeneratedoc>
        Specified by:
        getFrameLeft in interface IAnimationFrame
        the left.
      • getFlags

        public byte getFlags()

        Gets or sets the flags.

        The flags.
      • setFlags

        public void setFlags(byte value)

        Gets or sets the flags.

        value - The flags.
      • getControlBlock

        public GifGraphicsControlBlock getControlBlock()

        Gets the graphics control block associated with this block.

        The control block.
      • hasTransparentColor

        public boolean hasTransparentColor()

        Gets a value indicating whether frame block has transparent color.

        hasTransparentColor in class RasterImage
      • setTransparentColor

        public void setTransparentColor(boolean value)

        Gets a value indicating whether frame block has transparent color.

        setTransparentColor in class RasterImage
      • adjustBrightness

        public void adjustBrightness(int brightness)

        Adjust of a brightness for image.

        adjustBrightness in class RasterCachedImage
        brightness - Brightness value.
      • replaceColor

        public void replaceColor(int oldColorArgb,
                                 byte oldColorDiff,
                                 int newColorArgb)

        Replaces one color to another with allowed difference and preserves original alpha value to save smooth edges.

        replaceColor in class RasterImage
        oldColorArgb - Old color ARGB value to be replaced.
        oldColorDiff - Allowed difference in old color to be able to widen replaced color tone.
        newColorArgb - New color ARGB value to replace old color with.
      • replaceNonTransparentColors

        public void replaceNonTransparentColors(int newColorArgb)

        Replaces all non-transparent colors with new color and preserves original alpha value to save smooth edges. Note: if you use it on images without transparency, all colors will be replaced with a single one.

        replaceNonTransparentColors in class RasterImage
        newColorArgb - New color ARGB value to replace non transparent colors with.