


Class MetaImage

    • Constructor Detail

      • MetaImage

        public MetaImage()
    • Method Detail

      • getRecords

        public MetaObjectList getRecords()

        Gets the records.

        The records.
        Code example:

        This example shows how to load a EMF image from a file and list all of its records.

        String dir = "c:\\temp\\";
        // Using Aspose.Imaging.Image.Load is a unified way to load all types of images including WMF.
        com.aspose.imaging.fileformats.emf.EmfImage emfImage = (com.aspose.imaging.fileformats.emf.EmfImage) com.aspose.imaging.Image.load(dir + "test.emf");
        try {
            // Cache data to load all records.
            System.out.println("The total number of records: " + emfImage.getRecords().size());
            // The key is a record type, the value is number of records of that type in the WMF image.
            java.util.HashMap<Class, Integer> types =
                    new java.util.HashMap<>();
            // Gather statistics
            for (Object obj : emfImage.getRecords()) {
                com.aspose.imaging.fileformats.emf.emf.records.EmfRecord record = (com.aspose.imaging.fileformats.emf.emf.records.EmfRecord) obj;
                Class objType = record.getClass();
                if (!types.containsKey(objType)) {
                    types.put(objType, 1);
                } else {
                    int n = types.get(objType);
                    types.put(objType, n + 1);
            // Print statistics
            System.out.println("Record Type                              Count");
            for (java.util.Map.Entry<Class, Integer> entry : types.entrySet()) {
                String objectType = entry.getKey().getSimpleName();
                int numberOfEntrances = entry.getValue();
                // Align output with spaces
                int alignmentPos = 40;
                char[] chars = new char[alignmentPos - objectType.length()];
                java.util.Arrays.fill(chars, ' ');
                String gap = new String(chars);
                System.out.println(objectType + ":" + gap + numberOfEntrances);
        } finally {
        //The output may look like this:
        //The total number of records: 1188
        //Record Type                              Count
        //EmfMetafileHeader:                       1
        //EmfSetBkMode:                            1
        //EmfSetTextAlign:                         1
        //EmfSetRop2:                              1
        //EmfSetWorldTransform:                    1
        //EmfExtSelectClipRgn:                     1
        //EmfCreateBrushIndirect:                  113
        //EmfSelectObject:                         240
        //EmfCreatePen:                            116
        //EmfSetPolyFillMode:                      1
        //EmfBeginPath:                            120
        //EmfMoveToEx:                             122
        //EmfPolyBezierTo16:                       36
        //EmfLineTo:                               172
        //EmfCloseFigure:                          14
        //EmfEndPath:                              120
        //EmfStrokeAndFillPath:                    113
        //EmfStrokePath:                           7
        //EmfSetTextColor:                         2
        //EmfExtCreateFontIndirectW:               2
        //EmfExtTextOutW:                          2
        //EmfStretchBlt:                           1
        //EmfEof:                                  1

      • setRecords

        public void setRecords(MetaObjectList value)

        Sets the records.

        value - The records.
      • getUsedFonts

        public abstract String[] getUsedFonts()

        Returns the list of font which used inside metafile.

        The font list
        Code example:

        The following example shows how to print information about used and missed fonts in WMF/EMF images.

        String dir = "c:\\aspose.imaging\\java\\issues\\1429\\";
        String[] files = {
        // To make all fonts inaccessible
        String[] fontDirectories = com.aspose.imaging.FontSettings.getFontsFolders();
        try {
            for (String file : files) {
                System.out.println("Testing the file: " + file);
                final com.aspose.imaging.fileformats.emf.MetaImage image = (com.aspose.imaging.fileformats.emf.MetaImage) Image.load(dir + file);
                try {
                    System.out.println("Used fonts:");
                    String[] used = image.getUsedFonts();
                    for (String it : used) {
                        System.out.println("Used font: " + it);
                    System.out.println("Missed fonts:");
                    String[] missed = image.getMissedFonts();
                    for (String it : missed) {
                        System.out.println("Missed font: " + it);
                } finally {
        } finally {
            com.aspose.imaging.FontSettings.setFontsFolders(fontDirectories, true);
        // The STDOUT log may look like this:
        //        Testing the file: TestWmfText.wmf
        //        Used fonts:
        //        Used font: Garamond
        //        Used font: Arial
        //        Used font: Bookman Old Style
        //        Used font: Comic Sans MS
        //        Used font: Courier
        //        Used font: Courier New
        //        Used font: Impact
        //        Used font: Modern
        //        Used font: MS Sans Serif
        //        Used font: MS Serif
        //        Used font: Small Fonts
        //        Used font: Symbol
        //        Used font: Tahoma
        //        Used font: Times New Roman
        //        Used font: Verdana
        //        Used font: Wingdings
        //        Missed fonts:
        //        Missed font: Garamond
        //        Missed font: Arial
        //        Missed font: Bookman Old Style
        //        Missed font: Comic Sans MS
        //        Missed font: Courier
        //        Missed font: Courier New
        //        Missed font: Impact
        //        Missed font: Modern
        //        Missed font: MS Sans Serif
        //        Missed font: MS Serif
        //        Missed font: Small Fonts
        //        Missed font: Symbol
        //        Missed font: Tahoma
        //        Missed font: Verdana
        //        Missed font: Wingdings
        //        Testing the file: TestEmfFonts.emf
        //        Used fonts:
        //        Used font: Arial
        //        Used font: Verdana
        //        Used font: Times New Roman
        //        Used font: Symbol
        //        Missed fonts:
        //        Missed font: Arial
        //        Missed font: Verdana
        //        Missed font: Symbol
        //        Testing the file: TestEmfPlusFonts.emf
        //        Used fonts:
        //        Used font: MICROSOFT SANS SERIF
        //        Missed fonts:
        //        Missed font: MICROSOFT SANS SERIF

      • getMissedFonts

        public final String[] getMissedFonts()

        Returns the list of fonts which used inside metafile but not found.

        The font list
        Code example:

        The following example shows how to print information about used and missed fonts in WMF/EMF images.

        String dir = "c:\\aspose.imaging\\java\\issues\\1429\\";
        String[] files = {
        // To make all fonts inaccessible
        String[] fontDirectories = com.aspose.imaging.FontSettings.getFontsFolders();
        try {
            for (String file : files) {
                System.out.println("Testing the file: " + file);
                final com.aspose.imaging.fileformats.emf.MetaImage image = (com.aspose.imaging.fileformats.emf.MetaImage) Image.load(dir + file);
                try {
                    System.out.println("Used fonts:");
                    String[] used = image.getUsedFonts();
                    for (String it : used) {
                        System.out.println("Used font: " + it);
                    System.out.println("Missed fonts:");
                    String[] missed = image.getMissedFonts();
                    for (String it : missed) {
                        System.out.println("Missed font: " + it);
                } finally {
        } finally {
            com.aspose.imaging.FontSettings.setFontsFolders(fontDirectories, true);
        // The STDOUT log may look like this:
        //        Testing the file: TestWmfText.wmf
        //        Used fonts:
        //        Used font: Garamond
        //        Used font: Arial
        //        Used font: Bookman Old Style
        //        Used font: Comic Sans MS
        //        Used font: Courier
        //        Used font: Courier New
        //        Used font: Impact
        //        Used font: Modern
        //        Used font: MS Sans Serif
        //        Used font: MS Serif
        //        Used font: Small Fonts
        //        Used font: Symbol
        //        Used font: Tahoma
        //        Used font: Times New Roman
        //        Used font: Verdana
        //        Used font: Wingdings
        //        Missed fonts:
        //        Missed font: Garamond
        //        Missed font: Arial
        //        Missed font: Bookman Old Style
        //        Missed font: Comic Sans MS
        //        Missed font: Courier
        //        Missed font: Courier New
        //        Missed font: Impact
        //        Missed font: Modern
        //        Missed font: MS Sans Serif
        //        Missed font: MS Serif
        //        Missed font: Small Fonts
        //        Missed font: Symbol
        //        Missed font: Tahoma
        //        Missed font: Verdana
        //        Missed font: Wingdings
        //        Testing the file: TestEmfFonts.emf
        //        Used fonts:
        //        Used font: Arial
        //        Used font: Verdana
        //        Used font: Times New Roman
        //        Used font: Symbol
        //        Missed fonts:
        //        Missed font: Arial
        //        Missed font: Verdana
        //        Missed font: Symbol
        //        Testing the file: TestEmfPlusFonts.emf
        //        Used fonts:
        //        Used font: MICROSOFT SANS SERIF
        //        Missed fonts:
        //        Missed font: MICROSOFT SANS SERIF

      • crop

        public void crop(int leftShift,
                         int rightShift,
                         int topShift,
                         int bottomShift)

        Crop image with shifts.

        leftShift - The left shift.
        rightShift - The right shift.
        topShift - The top shift.
        bottomShift - The bottom shift.
      • crop

        public void crop(Rectangle rectangle)

        Crops the specified rectangle.

        rectangle - The rectangle.
      • resizeCanvas

        public abstract void resizeCanvas(Rectangle newRectangle)

        Resizes the canvas.

        newRectangle - The new rectangle.
        Code example:

        The following example shows how to add a border with the specified margins around a metafile (WMF and EMF).

        String baseFolder = "c:\\temp\\";
        int borderLeft = 50;
        int borderTop = 50;
        int borderRight = 50;
        int borderBottom = 50;
        String[] files = new String[]{"image1.emf", "image2.wmf"};
        for (String fileName : files) {
            String inputFile = baseFolder + fileName;
            String outputFile = baseFolder + "Border_" + fileName;
            com.aspose.imaging.fileformats.emf.MetaImage image = (com.aspose.imaging.fileformats.emf.MetaImage) com.aspose.imaging.Image.load(inputFile);
            try {
                image.resizeCanvas(new com.aspose.imaging.Rectangle(-borderLeft, -borderTop, image.getWidth() + borderLeft + borderRight, image.getHeight() + borderTop + borderBottom));
            } finally {