ShadowRoot Properties

The ShadowRoot type exposes the following members.

Public propertyAttributes
A NamedNodeMap containing the attributes of this node (if it is an Element) or null otherwise.
(Inherited from Node.)
Public propertyBaseURI
The absolute base URI of this node or null if the implementation wasn't able to obtain an absolute URI.
(Inherited from Node.)
Public propertyChildElementCount
Returns the current number of element nodes that are children of this element. 0 if this element has no child nodes that are of nodeType 1.
(Inherited from DocumentFragment.)
Public propertyChildNodes
A NodeList that contains all children of this node. If there are no children, this is a NodeList containing no nodes..
(Inherited from Node.)
Public propertyChildren
Returns the child elements of current element.
(Inherited from DocumentFragment.)
Public propertyFirstChild
The first child of this node. If there is no such node, this returns null.
(Inherited from Node.)
Public propertyFirstElementChild
Returns the first child element node of this element. null if this element has no child elements.
(Inherited from DocumentFragment.)
Public propertyHost
Host is an element which contains this ShadowRoot.
Public propertyInnerHTML
Returns a fragment of HTML or XML that represents the element's contents. Can be set, to replace the contents of the element with nodes parsed from the given string.
(Inherited from DocumentFragment.)
Public propertyLastChild
The last child of this node. If there is no such node, this returns null.
(Inherited from Node.)
Public propertyLastElementChild
Returns the last child element node of this element. null if this element has no child elements.
(Inherited from DocumentFragment.)
Public propertyLocalName
Returns the local part of the qualified name of this node. For nodes of any type other than ELEMENT_NODE and ATTRIBUTE_NODE and nodes created with a DOM Level 1 method, such as Document.createElement(), this is always null.
(Inherited from Node.)
Public propertyMode
Mode in which this ShadowRoot operates.
Public propertyNamespaceURI
The namespace URI of this node, or null if it is unspecified.
(Inherited from Node.)
Public propertyNextElementSibling
Returns the next sibling element node of this element. null if this element has no element sibling nodes that come after this one in the document tree.
(Inherited from DocumentFragment.)
Public propertyNextSibling
The node immediately following this node. If there is no such node, this returns null.
(Inherited from Node.)
Public propertyNodeName
The name of this node, depending on its type.
(Inherited from DocumentFragment.)
Public propertyNodeType
A code representing the type of the underlying object.
(Inherited from DocumentFragment.)
Public propertyNodeValue
The value of this node, depending on its type.
(Inherited from Node.)
Public propertyOuterHTML
Returns a fragment of HTML or XML that represents the element and its contents. Can be set, to replace the element with nodes parsed from the given string.
(Inherited from DocumentFragment.)
Public propertyOwnerDocument
The Document object associated with this node. This is also the Document object used to create new nodes. When this node is a Document or a DocumentType which is not used with any Document yet, this is null.
(Inherited from Node.)
Public propertyParentElement
Gets the parent Element of this node.
(Inherited from Node.)
Public propertyParentNode
The parent of this node. All nodes, except Attr, Document, DocumentFragment, Entity, and Notation may have a parent. However, if a node has just been created and not yet added to the tree, or if it has been removed from the tree, this is null.
(Inherited from Node.)
Public propertyPrefix
The namespace prefix of this node, or null if it is unspecified. When it is defined to be null, setting it has no effect
(Inherited from Node.)
Public propertyPreviousElementSibling
Returns the previous sibling element node of this element. null if this element has no element sibling nodes that come before this one in the document tree.
(Inherited from DocumentFragment.)
Public propertyPreviousSibling
The node immediately preceding this node. If there is no such node, this returns null.
(Inherited from Node.)
Public propertyTextContent
This attribute returns the text content of this node and its descendants. When it is defined to be null, setting it has no effect. On setting, any possible children this node may have are removed and, if it the new string is not empty or null, replaced by a single Text node containing the string this attribute is set to.
(Inherited from DocumentFragment.)
See Also