IElementTraversal Interface
The ElementTraversal interface is a set of read-only attributes which allow an author to easily navigate between elements in a document. In conforming implementations of Element Traversal, all objects that implement Element must also implement the ElementTraversal interface.

Namespace: Aspose.Html.Dom.Traversal
Assembly: Aspose.HTML (in Aspose.HTML.dll) Version: 20.3
public interface IElementTraversal

The IElementTraversal type exposes the following members.

Public propertyChildElementCount
Returns the current number of element nodes that are children of this element. 0 if this element has no child nodes that are of nodeType 1.
Public propertyFirstElementChild
Returns the first child element node of this element. null if this element has no child elements.
Public propertyLastElementChild
Returns the last child element node of this element. null if this element has no child elements.
Public propertyNextElementSibling
Returns the next sibling element node of this element. null if this element has no element sibling nodes that come after this one in the document tree.
Public propertyPreviousElementSibling
Returns the previous sibling element node of this element. null if this element has no element sibling nodes that come before this one in the document tree.
See Also