PostGisOptions Properties

The PostGisOptions type exposes the following members.

Public propertyLinearizationTolerance
A tolerance to use to linearize curve geometries.
(Inherited from DriverOptions.)
Public propertyMPrecisionModel
A PrecisionModel that will be applied to M coordinate when geometries are added to the VectorLayer or when they are read from the VectorLayer. The default value is Exact.
(Inherited from DriverOptions.)
Public propertySpatialReferenceSystemMode
Determines how the unknown geometries' SRS for the database should be handle when they are added to the layer. The default value is ThrowException.
(Inherited from DatabaseDriverOptions.)
Public propertyValidateGeometriesOnWrite
Determines if geometries should be validated when they are added to the layer. If set to , IsValid is called for each geometry when it's added to the layer, and if validation fails (IsValid is ), GisException is thrown.
(Inherited from DriverOptions.)
Public propertyXYPrecisionModel
A PrecisionModel that will be applied to X and Y coordinates when geometries are added to the VectorLayer or when they are read from the VectorLayer. The default value is Exact.
(Inherited from DriverOptions.)
Public propertyZPrecisionModel
A PrecisionModel that will be applied to Z coordinate when geometries are added to the VectorLayer or when they are read from the VectorLayer. The default value is Exact.
(Inherited from DriverOptions.)
See Also