MailPrinter Properties

The MailPrinter type exposes the following members.

Public propertyCultureName
Gets or sets the culture name in the format languagecode2-country/regioncode2.
Public propertyDpiX
Gets or sets the horizontal DPI.
Public propertyDpiY
Gets or sets the vertical DPI.
Public propertyFormattingFlags
Gets or sets the printer options.
Public propertyMarginBottom
Gets or sets the bottom margin.
Public propertyMarginLeft
Gets or sets the left margin.
Public propertyMarginRight
Gets or sets the right margin.
Public propertyMarginTop
Gets or sets the top margin.
Public propertyPageHeight
Gets or sets the height of the page.
Public propertyPageUnit
Gets or sets the page unit.
Public propertyPageWidth
Gets or sets the width of the page.
See Also