VCardContact Class

Represents a vCard contact
Inheritance Hierarchy

Namespace:  Aspose.Email.PersonalInfo.VCard
Assembly:  Aspose.Email (in Aspose.Email.dll) Version: 20.2
public sealed class VCardContact

The VCardContact type exposes the following members.

Public methodVCardContact
Initializes a new instance of the VCardContact class
Public propertyDeliveryAddresses
Gets or sets a delivery addresses
Public propertyEmails
Gets or sets a contact's email addresses
Public propertyExplanatoryInfo
Gets or sets a vCard explanatory information
Public propertyExtendedProperties
Gets or sets an extended properties
Public propertyGeo
Gets or sets a global positioning
Public propertyIdentificationInfo
Gets or sets an identification properties
Public propertyMailer
Gets or sets a mailer
Public propertyOrganization
Gets or sets an organization information
Public propertySecurity
Gets or sets a security properites
Public propertyTelephoneNumbers
Gets or sets a contact's telephone numbers
Public propertyTimeZone
Gets or sets a timeZone
Public methodEquals (Inherited from Object.)
Public methodGetHashCode (Inherited from Object.)
Public methodGetType (Inherited from Object.)
Public methodStatic memberLoad(Stream)
Reads VCardContact from the specified stream containing vCard. The supported vCard versions are 2.1 and 3.0
Public methodStatic memberLoad(String)
Reads VCardContact from the specified vCard file The supported vCard versions are 2.1 and 3.0
Public methodStatic memberLoad(Stream, Encoding)
Reads VCardContact from the specified stream containing vCard. The supported vCard versions are 2.1 and 3.0
Public methodStatic memberLoad(String, Encoding)
Reads VCardContact from the specified vCard file The supported vCard versions are 2.1 and 3.0
Public methodSave(Stream)
Saves this MapiContact into the given stream with vCard format. The supported vCard version is 2.1
Public methodSave(String)
Saves this MapiContact to the vCard file with a default options. The supported vCard version is 2.1
Public methodSave(Stream, ContactSaveFormat)
Saves this MapiContact to the given stream with a format using the default options. The supported save format is vCard
Public methodSave(Stream, ContactSaveOptions)
Saves this MapiContact to the given stream using specified save options. The supported save options is VCardSaveOptions
Public methodSave(String, ContactSaveFormat)
Saves this MapiContact to the specified file with a format using the default options. The supported save format is vCard.
Public methodSave(String, ContactSaveOptions)
Saves this MapiContact into file using specified save options. The supported save options is VCardSaveOptions
Public methodToString (Inherited from Object.)
See Also