MapiTaskFlags Enumeration |
Contains indication flags of the Task object.
Aspose.Email (in Aspose.Email.dll) Version: 20.2
Syntax [FlagsAttribute]
public enum MapiTaskFlags
Public Enumeration MapiTaskFlags
public enum class MapiTaskFlags
type MapiTaskFlags
| Member name | Value | Description |
| Complete | 1 |
Indicates whether the task has been completed.
| Accepted | 2 |
Indicates whether a task assignee has replied
to a task request for this Task object.
| Updates | 4 |
Indicates whether the task assignee has been requested
to send a task update when the assigned Task object changes.
| Recurring | 8 |
Indicates whether the task includes a recurrence pattern.
| StatusOnComplete | 16 |
Indicates whether the task assignee has been requested to
send an e-mail message update when the task assignee completes the assigned task.
| DeadOccurrence | 32 |
Indicates whether new occurrences
remain to be generated.
| ResetReminder | 64 |
Indicates whether future instances
of recurring tasks need reminders.
See Also