SwayAuditOperation Enumeration

Sway audit operation

Namespace:  Aspose.Email.Clients.Activity
Assembly:  Aspose.Email (in Aspose.Email.dll) Version: 20.2
public enum SwayAuditOperation
  Member nameValueDescription
Create1 The user creates a Sway.
Delete2 The user deletes a Sway.
View3 The user views a Sway.
Edit4 The user edits a Sway.
Duplicate5 The user duplicates a Sway.
Share7 The user initiates sharing a Sway. This event captures the user action of clicking on a specific share destination within the Sway share menu. The event does not indicate whether the user actually follows through and completes the share action.
ChangeShareLevel8 The user changes the share level of a Sway. This event captures the user changing the scope of sharing associated with a Sway. For example, public as compared to from within the organization.
RevokeShare9 The user stops sharing a Sway by revoking access. Revoking access changes the links associated with a Sway.
EnableDuplication10 The user enables duplication of a Sway (on by default).
DisableDuplication11 The user disables duplication of a Sway (off by default).
ServiceOn12 The user enables Sway for the entire organization via the Office 365 admin center (on by default).
ServiceOff13 The user disables Sway for the entire organization via the Office 365 admin center (off by default).
ExternalSharingOn14 The user enables external sharing for the entire organization via the Office 365 admin center.
ExternalSharingOff15 The user disables external sharing for the entire organization via the Office 365 admin center.
See Also