IActivityClient Interface

Represents the interface for Exchange REST client.

Namespace:  Aspose.Email.Clients.Activity
Assembly:  Aspose.Email (in Aspose.Email.dll) Version: 20.2
public interface IActivityClient : IDisposable

The IActivityClient type exposes the following members.

Public propertyMultipleServicesTokenProvider
Gets or sets an object allows to retrieve OAuth access token.
Public propertyProxy
Gets or sets data to proxy access to Exchange server.
Public propertyResourceId
Gets or sets resource id. For instance for users it may be user principal name (UPN) or user id
Public propertyTenantId
Gets or sets tenant identifier
Public propertyTimeout
Gets or sets the number of milliseconds to wait before the operation times out. The default value is 100,000 milliseconds (100 seconds).
Public propertyTokenProvider
Gets or sets an object allows to retrieve OAuth access token.
Public methodDispose (Inherited from IDisposable.)
Public methodFetchContent
This operation fetches content currently available for retrieval for the specified content id.
Public methodListContent(String)
This operation lists the content currently available for retrieval for the specified content type. The content is an aggregation of actions and events harvested from multiple servers across multiple datacenters. The content will be listed in the order in which the aggregations become available, but the events and actions within the aggregations are not guaranteed to be sequential. By default, when startTime and endTime are omitted, then the content available in the last 24 hours is returned.
Public methodListContent(String, NullableDateTime, NullableDateTime)
This operation lists the content currently available for retrieval for the specified content type. The content is an aggregation of actions and events harvested from multiple servers across multiple datacenters. The content will be listed in the order in which the aggregations become available, but the events and actions within the aggregations are not guaranteed to be sequential.
Public methodListFriendlyNames
This operation retrieves friendly names for objects in the data feed identified by guids.
Public methodListSubscriptions
This operation returns a collection of the current subscriptions together with the associated webhooks.
Public methodStartSubscription
Starts a subscription to the specified content type. If a subscription to the specified content type already exists, this operation is used to: - update the properties of an active webhook - enable a webhook that was disabled because of excessive failed notifications - re-enable an expired webhook by specifying a later or null expiration date - remove a webhook
Public methodStopSubscription
This operation stops a subscription to the specified content type. When a subscription is stopped, you will no longer receive notifications and you will not be able to retrieve available content. If the subscription is later restarted, you will have access to new content from that point forward. You will not be able to retrieve content that was available between the time the subscription was stopped and restarted.
See Also