



Class MailQueryBuilder

    • Constructor Detail

      • MailQueryBuilder

        public MailQueryBuilder()

        Initializes a new instance of the MailQueryBuilder class.

      • MailQueryBuilder

        public MailQueryBuilder(Charset defaultEncoding)

        Initializes a new instance of the MailQueryBuilder class.

        defaultEncoding - Contains default encoding (charset) for query builder.
    • Method Detail

      • getTo

        public final StringComparisonField getTo()

        Gets the field that allows to find messages that contain the specified string in the envelope structure's TO field.

        Value: The DateComparisonField that represents TO search field.
      • getText

        public final StringComparisonField getText()

        Gets the field that allows to find the messages that contain the specified string in the header or body of the message.

        Value: The DateComparisonField that represents text header or body search fields.
      • getBcc

        public final StringComparisonField getBcc()

        Gets the field that allows to find messages that contain the specified string in the envelope structure's BCC field.

        Value: The DateComparisonField that represents BCC search field.
      • getBody

        public final StringComparisonField getBody()

        Gets the field that allows to find messages that contain the specified string in the body of the message.

        Value: The DateComparisonField that represents body search field.
      • getCc

        public final StringComparisonField getCc()

        Gets the field that allows to find messages that contain the specified string in the envelope structure's CC field.

        Value: The DateComparisonField that represents cc search field.
      • getFrom

        public final StringComparisonField getFrom()

        Gets the field that allows to find messages that contain the specified string in the envelope structure's FROM field.

        Value: The DateComparisonField that represents from search field.
      • getSubject

        public final StringComparisonField getSubject()

        Gets the field that allows to find messages that contain the specified string in the envelope structure's SUBJECT field.

        Value: The DateComparisonField that represents subject search field.
      • getDefaultEncoding

        public final Charset getDefaultEncoding()

        Gets default encoding (charset) for query builder

      • getInternalDate

        public final DateComparisonField getInternalDate()

        Gets the field that allows to find messages by internal date.

        Value: The DateComparisonField that represents internal date search field.
      • getSentDate

        public final DateComparisonField getSentDate()

        Gets the field that allows to find messages by sent date.

        Value: The DateComparisonField that represents sent date search field.
      • or

        public final MailQuery or(MailQuery query1,
                   MailQuery query2)

        Search messages that match either search key. Provides disjunction between two expressions (OR).

        query1 - The query1.
        query2 - The query2.
        MailQuery that represents search query (one searching criterion).
      • getQuery

        public final MailQuery getQuery()

        Gets the query.

        MailQuery that represents search query.