



Class ExtendedCalendar

  • public class ExtendedCalendar
    extends Calendar

    A set of extended metadata, such as a colors, for a single calendar.

    • Field Detail


        public static final String EXTENDED_CALENDAR_KIND

        Type of the resource 'calendar#calendarListEntry'.

      • LIST_KIND

        public static final String LIST_KIND

        Type of the resources list 'calendar#calendarList'.

    • Constructor Detail

      • ExtendedCalendar

        public ExtendedCalendar()

        Initializes a new instance of the ExtendedCalendar class.

      • ExtendedCalendar

        public ExtendedCalendar(String summary)

        Initializes a new instance of the ExtendedCalendar class.

        summary - Title of the calendar.
      • ExtendedCalendar

        public ExtendedCalendar(String id,
                        String summary)

        Initializes a new instance of the ExtendedCalendar class.

        id - Identifier of the resource.
        summary - Title of the calendar.
      • ExtendedCalendar

        public ExtendedCalendar(String summary,
                        String description,
                        String location,
                        String timeZone)

        Initializes a new instance of the ExtendedCalendar class.

        summary - Title of the calendar.
        description - Description of the calendar.
        location - Geographic location of the calendar as free-form text.
        timeZone - The time zone of the calendar.
      • ExtendedCalendar

        public ExtendedCalendar(String id,
                        String summary,
                        String description,
                        String location,
                        String timeZone)

        Initializes a new instance of the ExtendedCalendar class.

        id - Identifier of the resource.
        summary - Title of the calendar.
        description - Description of the calendar.
        location - Geographic location of the calendar as free-form text.
        timeZone - The time zone of the calendar.
      • ExtendedCalendar

        public ExtendedCalendar(String id,
                        String summary,
                        String description,
                        String location,
                        String timeZone,
                        String summaryOverride,
                        String colorId,
                        String backgroundColor,
                        String foregroundColor,
                        boolean hidden,
                        boolean selected,
                        int accessRole,
              <Integer,Integer>[] defaultReminders,
                        boolean primary)

        Initializes a new instance of the ExtendedCalendar class.

        id - Identifier of the resource.
        summary - Title of the calendar.
        description - Description of the calendar.
        location - Geographic location of the calendar as free-form text.
        timeZone - The time zone of the calendar.
        summaryOverride - The summary that the authenticated user has set for this calendar.
        colorId - The color of the calendar. This is an ID referring to an entry in the 'calendar' section of the colors definition (see the 'colors' endpoint).
        backgroundColor - The main color of the calendar in the format '#0088aa'. This property supersedes the index-based colorId property.
        foregroundColor - The foreground color of the calendar in the format '#ffffff'. This property supersedes the index-based colorId property.
        hidden - Whether the calendar has been hidden from the list. The default is False.
        selected - Whether the calendar content shows up in the calendar UI. The default is False.
        accessRole - The effective access role that the authenticated user has on the calendar. Read-only. Possible values are:
        defaultReminders - The default reminders that the authenticated user has for this calendar.
        primary - Whether the calendar is the primary calendar of the authenticated user. Read-only. The default is False.
      • ExtendedCalendar

        public ExtendedCalendar(String id,
                        String eTag,
                        String summary,
                        String description,
                        String location,
                        String timeZone,
                        String summaryOverride,
                        String colorId,
                        String backgroundColor,
                        String foregroundColor,
                        boolean hidden,
                        boolean selected,
                        int accessRole,
              <Integer,Integer>[] defaultReminders,
                        boolean primary)

        Initializes a new instance of the ExtendedCalendar class.

        id - Identifier of the resource.
        eTag - An entity tag
        summary - Title of the calendar.
        description - Description of the calendar.
        location - Geographic location of the calendar as free-form text.
        timeZone - The time zone of the calendar.
        summaryOverride - The summary that the authenticated user has set for this calendar.
        colorId - The color of the calendar. This is an ID referring to an entry in the 'calendar' section of the colors definition (see the 'colors' endpoint).
        backgroundColor - The main color of the calendar in the format '#0088aa'. This property supersedes the index-based colorId property.
        foregroundColor - The foreground color of the calendar in the format '#ffffff'. This property supersedes the index-based colorId property.
        hidden - Whether the calendar has been hidden from the list. The default is False.
        selected - Whether the calendar content shows up in the calendar UI. The default is False.
        accessRole - The effective access role that the authenticated user has on the calendar. Read-only. Possible values are:
        defaultReminders - The default reminders that the authenticated user has for this calendar.
        primary - Whether the calendar is the primary calendar of the authenticated user. Read-only. The default is False.
    • Method Detail

      • getSummaryOverride

        public String getSummaryOverride()

        The summary that the authenticated user has set for this calendar.

      • setSummaryOverride

        public void setSummaryOverride(String value)

        The summary that the authenticated user has set for this calendar.

      • getColorId

        public String getColorId()

        The color of the calendar. This is an ID referring to an entry in the 'calendar' section of the colors definition (see the 'colors' endpoint).

      • setColorId

        public void setColorId(String value)

        The color of the calendar. This is an ID referring to an entry in the 'calendar' section of the colors definition (see the 'colors' endpoint).

      • getBackgroundColor

        public String getBackgroundColor()

        The main color of the calendar in the format '#0088aa'. This property supersedes the index-based colorId property.

      • setBackgroundColor

        public void setBackgroundColor(String value)

        The main color of the calendar in the format '#0088aa'. This property supersedes the index-based colorId property.

      • getForegroundColor

        public String getForegroundColor()

        The foreground color of the calendar in the format '#ffffff'. This property supersedes the index-based colorId property.

      • setForegroundColor

        public void setForegroundColor(String value)

        The foreground color of the calendar in the format '#ffffff'. This property supersedes the index-based colorId property.

      • getHidden

        public boolean getHidden()

        Whether the calendar has been hidden from the list. The default is False.

      • setHidden

        public void setHidden(boolean value)

        Whether the calendar has been hidden from the list. The default is False.

      • getSelected

        public boolean getSelected()

        Whether the calendar content shows up in the calendar UI. The default is False.

      • setSelected

        public void setSelected(boolean value)

        Whether the calendar content shows up in the calendar UI. The default is False.

      • getAccessRole

        public int getAccessRole()

        The effective access role that the authenticated user has on the calendar. Read-only. Possible values are:

      • getDefaultReminders

        public<Integer,Integer>[] getDefaultReminders()

        The default reminders that the authenticated user has for this calendar.

      • setDefaultReminders

        public void setDefaultReminders(<Integer,Integer>[] value)

        The default reminders that the authenticated user has for this calendar.

      • getNotificationSettings

        public<Integer,Integer>[] getNotificationSettings()

        The notifications that the authenticated user is receiving for this calendar.

      • setNotificationSettings

        public void setNotificationSettings(<Integer,Integer>[] value)

        The notifications that the authenticated user is receiving for this calendar.

      • getPrimary

        public boolean getPrimary()

        Whether the calendar is the primary calendar of the authenticated user. Read-only. The default is False.

      • setPrimary

        public void setPrimary(boolean value)

        Whether the calendar is the primary calendar of the authenticated user. Read-only. The default is False.

      • toString

        public String toString()

        Returns a string which represents the object instance.

        toString in class Calendar
        Returns a string which represents the object instance.