



Class ContentDisposition

  • public class ContentDisposition
    extends Object

    Represents a Content-Disposition header.

    • Constructor Detail

      • ContentDisposition

        public ContentDisposition()

        Initializes a new instance of the ContentDisposition class.

      • ContentDisposition

        public ContentDisposition(String disposition)

        Initializes a new instance of the ContentDisposition class.

        disposition - A value that contains the disposition.
    • Method Detail

      • getDispositionType

        public final String getDispositionType()

        Gets or sets the type of the disposition.

        Value: The String that contains the disposition type.
      • setDispositionType

        public final void setDispositionType(String value)

        Gets or sets the type of the disposition.

        Value: The String that contains the disposition type.
      • getParameters

        public final TrackingStringDictionary getParameters()

        Gets the parameters.

        Value: A StringDictionary that contains parameter name/value pairs.
      • getFileName

        public final String getFileName()

        Gets or sets the file name for an attachment.

        Value: The name of the file.
      • setFileName

        public final void setFileName(String value)

        Gets or sets the file name for an attachment.

        Value: The name of the file.
      • getCreationDate

        public final Date getCreationDate()

        Gets or sets the creation date.

        Value: A DateTime value that indicates the file creation date; otherwise, MinValue if no date was specified.
      • setCreationDate

        public final void setCreationDate(Date value)

        Gets or sets the creation date.

        Value: A DateTime value that indicates the file creation date; otherwise, MinValue if no date was specified.
      • getModificationDate

        public final Date getModificationDate()

        Gets or sets the modification date.

        Value: A DateTime value that indicates the file modification date; otherwise, MinValue if no date was specified.
      • setModificationDate

        public final void setModificationDate(Date value)

        Gets or sets the modification date.

        Value: A DateTime value that indicates the file modification date; otherwise, MinValue if no date was specified.
      • getInline

        public final boolean getInline()

        Gets or sets a value that determines the disposition type.

        Value: true if content in the attachment is presented inline; otherwise, false.
      • setInline

        public final void setInline(boolean value)

        Gets or sets a value that determines the disposition type.

        Value: true if content in the attachment is presented inline; otherwise, false.
      • getReadDate

        public final Date getReadDate()

        Gets or sets the read date.

        Value: A DateTime value that indicates the file read date; otherwise, MinValue if no date was specified.
      • setReadDate

        public final void setReadDate(Date value)

        Gets or sets the read date.

        Value: A DateTime value that indicates the file read date; otherwise, MinValue if no date was specified.
      • getSize

        public final long getSize()

        Gets or sets the size of a file attachment.

        Value: A Int32 that specifies the number of bytes in the file attachment.
      • setSize

        public final void setSize(long value)

        Gets or sets the size of a file attachment.

        Value: A Int32 that specifies the number of bytes in the file attachment.
      • toString

        public String toString()

        Returns a String that represents this instance.

        toString in class Object
        A String that represents this instance.
      • equals

        public boolean equals(Object obj)

        Determines whether the specified Object is equal to this instance.

        equals in class Object
        obj - The Object to compare with this instance.
        true if the specified Object is equal to this instance; otherwise, false.
      • hashCode

        public int hashCode()

        Returns a hash code for this instance.

        hashCode in class Object
        A hash code for this instance, suitable for use in hashing algorithms and data structures like a hash table.