class | AlternateView |
| Represents the format to view a message. More...
class | AlternateViewRemovedEventArgs |
| Provides data for the AlternateViewCollection::AlternateViewRemoved event. More...
class | Attachment |
| Represents an e-mail attachment. More...
class | AttachmentBase |
| Base class for mail attachment. More...
class | Details_AsposeArgumentException |
| The exception that is thrown when one of the arguments provided to a method is not valid.
class | Details_AsposeArgumentNullException |
| The ArgumentException is thrown when an argument is null when it shouldn't be.
class | Details_AsposeArgumentOutOfRangeException |
| The exception that is thrown when one of the arguments provided to a method is out of range.
class | Details_AsposeBadServerResponceException |
| Represents errors that occur during server operation execution.
class | Details_AsposeException |
| Base exception type for Aspose.Email Represents errors that occur during application execution.
class | Details_AsposeInvalidDataException |
| The exception that is thrown when one of the arguments provided to a method is not valid.
class | Details_AsposeInvalidEnumArgumentException |
| Base exceptioon type for Aspose.Email Represents errors that occur during application execution.
class | Details_AsposeInvalidOperationException |
| Exception class for denoting an object was in a state that made calling a method illegal.
class | Details_AsposeNotSupportedException |
| The exception that is thrown when an invoked method or parameter is not supported, or when there is an attempt to read, seek, or write to a stream that does not support the invoked functionality.
class | Details_ElementProcessingException |
| The exception that is thrown when one of many elements failed with exception.
class | Details_ExchangeException |
| Thrown if there is a MS Exchange communication failure.
class | Details_FileCorruptedException |
| Exception that is thrown during file reading, when the file appears to be corrupted and impossible to read.
class | Details_FormatNotSupportedException |
| Exception that is thrown during document load, when the document format is not recognized or not supported by the component.
class | Details_GoogleClientException |
| Represents errors that occur during ActiveSync protocol execution.
class | Details_ImapException |
| Represents the exception that is thrown when the ImapClient is not able to complete an operation.
class | Details_MailException |
| Represents the exception that is thrown when the mail message processing.
class | Details_Pop3Exception |
| Represents the exception that is thrown when the Pop3Client is not able to complete an operation.
class | Details_SmtpException |
| Represents the exception that is thrown when the SmtpClient is not able to complete an operation.
class | Details_SSPIException |
| Represents errors that occur during SSPI execution.
class | Details_TimeoutException |
| Represents the exception that is thrown when the time for operation has expired.
class | EmlLoadOptions |
| Allows to specify additional options when loading MailMessage from Eml format. More...
class | EmlSaveOptions |
| Allows to specify additional options when saving MailMessage to Eml and Emlx format. More...
class | EmlxLoadOptions |
| Allows to specify additional options when loading MailMessage from Eml format. More...
class | FileFormatInfo |
| Contains data returned by FileFormatUtil file format detection methods. More...
class | FINAL |
| Represents a collection of AlternateView objects.
class | HtmlLoadOptions |
| Allows to specify additional options when loading MailMessage from Html format. More...
class | HtmlSaveOptions |
| Allows to specify additional options when saving MailMessage to Html format. More...
class | IAttachment |
| Represents a common attachment interface More...
class | IMailAddress |
| Represents a common mail address interface More...
class | IMessage |
| Represents a common message interface More...
class | IMessageFormatter |
| Provides a mechanism for retrieving an object to Message formatting. More...
class | IPreferredTextEncodingProvider |
| Defines a interface for objects that can define PreferredTextEncoding. More...
class | License |
| Provides methods to license the component. More...
class | LinkedResource |
| Represents an embedded resource in a message. More...
class | LinkedResourceRemovedEventArgs |
class | LoadOptions |
| This is an abstract base class for classes that allow the user to specify additional options when loading a MailMessage from a particular format. More...
class | MailAddress |
| Represents the address of a message. More...
class | MailAddressCollection |
| Represents a collection of MailAddress objects. More...
class | MailMessage |
| Represents an e-mail message. It allows to access message properties, ex. subject, body, sender and recipients addreses, etc. Also it can be sent and delivered by means of supported mail protocols. More...
class | MailMessageCollection |
| Represents a collection of MailMessage objects. More...
class | Metered |
| Provides methods to set metered key. More...
class | MeteredBillingService |
| This internal class is used to handle customer's matered state More...
class | MhtmlLoadOptions |
| Allows to specify additional options when loading MailMessage from Mhtml format. More...
class | MhtSaveOptions |
| Allows to specify additional options when saving MailMessage to Mhtml format. More...
class | MhtTemplateName |
| Defines well known names of headers for Mhtml formatting. More...
class | MsgLoadOptions |
| Allows to specify additional options when loading MailMessage from Msg format. More...
class | MsgSaveOptions |
| This class allows the user to specify additional settings when saving a MailMessage in the Msg(ASCII) and Msg(Unicode) format. More...
class | ObjectIdentifier |
| Contains object identification information More...
class | ProgressEventHandlerInfo |
| This class represents information about conversion progress that can be used in external applicatuion to show conversion progress to end user. More...
class | SaveOptions |
| This is an abstract base class for classes that allow the user to specify additional options when saving a MailMessage into a particular format. More...
class | TnefLoadOptions |
| Allows to specify additional options when loading MailMessage from Tnef format. More...
enum | ContactFieldsSet {
ContactFieldsSet::None = 0,
ContactFieldsSet::NameInfo = 1,
ContactFieldsSet::PersonalInfo = 2,
ContactFieldsSet::ProfessionalInfo = 4,
ContactFieldsSet::PhysicalAddresses = 8,
ContactFieldsSet::Telephones = 0x10,
ContactFieldsSet::ElectronicAddresses = 0x20,
ContactFieldsSet::Events = 0x40,
ContactFieldsSet::OtherFields = 0x80,
ContactFieldsSet::AllExisting = 0x100
} |
| Enumerates the groups of Contact fields that will be included in resultant mhtml file. More...
enum | DeliveryNotificationOptions {
DeliveryNotificationOptions::None = 0,
DeliveryNotificationOptions::OnSuccess = 1,
DeliveryNotificationOptions::OnFailure = 2,
DeliveryNotificationOptions::Delay = 4,
DeliveryNotificationOptions::Never = 0x08000000
} |
| Specifies delivery notifications. More...
enum | EmlValidationErrorType { EmlValidationErrorType::MessageStructureError,
} |
| Enumerates the types of the eml validation errors. More...
enum | FileCompatibilityMode { FileCompatibilityMode::None = 0,
FileCompatibilityMode::AllowCROnly = 1,
FileCompatibilityMode::PreserveTnefAttachments = 2
} |
| Defines inner conversions, that are necessarily to be done when loading or saving a message. By default CR is not replaces by CRLF, Tnef-attachment is not saved. More...
enum | HtmlFormatOptions {
HtmlFormatOptions::None = 0,
HtmlFormatOptions::WriteHeader = 1,
HtmlFormatOptions::WriteCompleteEmailAddress = 2,
HtmlFormatOptions::WriteCompleteToEmailAddress = 4,
HtmlFormatOptions::WriteCompleteFromEmailAddress = 8,
HtmlFormatOptions::WriteCompleteCcEmailAddress = 0x10,
HtmlFormatOptions::WriteCompleteBccEmailAddress = 0x20,
HtmlFormatOptions::DisplayAsOutlook = 0x40
} |
| Enumerates the Html format options. More...
enum | MailPriority { MailPriority::Normal = 0,
MailPriority::Low = 1,
MailPriority::High = 2
} |
| Represents the mail priopity More...
enum | MailSensitivity {
} |
| Specifies the sensitivity of a MailMessage. More...
enum | MeteredState { MeteredState::Evaluation,
} |
| Represents possible metered states. More...
enum | MhtFormatOptions {
MhtFormatOptions::None = 0,
MhtFormatOptions::WriteHeader = 1,
MhtFormatOptions::WriteOutlineAttachments = 2,
MhtFormatOptions::WriteCompleteEmailAddress = 4,
MhtFormatOptions::NoEncodeCharacters = 8,
MhtFormatOptions::HideExtraPrintHeader = 0x10,
MhtFormatOptions::WriteCompleteToEmailAddress = 0x20,
MhtFormatOptions::WriteCompleteFromEmailAddress = 0x40,
MhtFormatOptions::WriteCompleteCcEmailAddress = 0x80,
MhtFormatOptions::WriteCompleteBccEmailAddress = 0x100,
MhtFormatOptions::RenderCalendarEvent = 0x200,
MhtFormatOptions::SkipByteOrderMarkInBody = 0x400,
MhtFormatOptions::RenderVCardInfo = 0x800,
MhtFormatOptions::DisplayAsOutlook = 0x1000,
MhtFormatOptions::RenderTaskFields = 0x2000
} |
| Enumerates the Mht format options More...
enum | ParticipationStatus {
} |
| Identifies the participation status for the calendar user. More...
enum | ProgressEventType { ProgressEventType::MimeStructureCreated,
} |
| Type of progress event that occured. More...
enum | FileFormatType {
} |
| Enumerates file format types. More...