
Class ShapeShdwShowValue

  • java.lang.Object
    • com.aspose.diagram.ShapeShdwShowValue
public class ShapeShdwShowValue 
extends java.lang.Object

Utility class containing constants. Specifies the type of shadow for a shape.

Field Summary
static final intHAS_GEOM_SHOW
Specifies that the shadow effect set is displayed only if the shape has a Geometry Section_Type.
static final intTOP_LEVEL_SHOW
Specifies that the shadow effect set is displayed only if the shape has a Geometry Section_Type and the shape is a top-level shape.
static final intALWAYS_SHOW
Specifies that the shadow effect set is always displayed.
static final intUNDEFINED

    • Field Detail


        public static final int HAS_GEOM_SHOW
        Specifies that the shadow effect set is displayed only if the shape has a Geometry Section_Type.

        public static final int TOP_LEVEL_SHOW
        Specifies that the shadow effect set is displayed only if the shape has a Geometry Section_Type and the shape is a top-level shape.

        public static final int ALWAYS_SHOW
        Specifies that the shadow effect set is always displayed.

        public static final int UNDEFINED