
Class VbaProjectReferenceType

  • java.lang.Object
    • com.aspose.cells.VbaProjectReferenceType
public class VbaProjectReferenceType 
extends java.lang.Object

Utility class containing constants. Represents the type of VBA project reference.

Field Summary
static final intREGISTERED
Specifies a reference to an Automation type library.
static final intCONTROL
Specifies a reference to a twiddled type library and its extended type library.
static final intPROJECT
Specifies a reference to an external VBA project.

    • Field Detail


        public static final int REGISTERED
        Specifies a reference to an Automation type library.
      • CONTROL

        public static final int CONTROL
        Specifies a reference to a twiddled type library and its extended type library.
      • PROJECT

        public static final int PROJECT
        Specifies a reference to an external VBA project.