
Class TimePeriodType

  • java.lang.Object
    • com.aspose.cells.TimePeriodType
public class TimePeriodType 
extends java.lang.Object

Utility class containing constants. Used in a FormatConditionType.TimePeriod conditional formatting rule. These are dynamic time periods, which change based on the date the conditional formatting is refreshed / applied.

Field Summary
static final intTODAY
Today's date.
static final intYESTERDAY
Yesterday's date.
static final intTOMORROW
Tomorrow's date.
static final intLAST_7_DAYS
A date in the last seven days.
static final intTHIS_MONTH
A date occuring in this calendar month.
static final intLAST_MONTH
A date occuring in the last calendar month.
static final intNEXT_MONTH
A date occuring in the next calendar month.
static final intTHIS_WEEK
A date occuring this week.
static final intLAST_WEEK
A date occuring last week.
static final intNEXT_WEEK
A date occuring next week.
static final intTHIS_YEAR
A date occuring this year. Only for .ods.
static final intLAST_YEAR
A date occuring last year. Only for .ods.
static final intNEXT_YEAR
A date occuring next year. Only for .ods.

    • Field Detail

      • TODAY

        public static final int TODAY
        Today's date.

        public static final int YESTERDAY
        Yesterday's date.
      • TOMORROW

        public static final int TOMORROW
        Tomorrow's date.
      • LAST_7_DAYS

        public static final int LAST_7_DAYS
        A date in the last seven days.
      • THIS_MONTH

        public static final int THIS_MONTH
        A date occuring in this calendar month.
      • LAST_MONTH

        public static final int LAST_MONTH
        A date occuring in the last calendar month.
      • NEXT_MONTH

        public static final int NEXT_MONTH
        A date occuring in the next calendar month.
      • THIS_WEEK

        public static final int THIS_WEEK
        A date occuring this week.
      • LAST_WEEK

        public static final int LAST_WEEK
        A date occuring last week.
      • NEXT_WEEK

        public static final int NEXT_WEEK
        A date occuring next week.
      • THIS_YEAR

        public static final int THIS_YEAR
        A date occuring this year. Only for .ods.
      • LAST_YEAR

        public static final int LAST_YEAR
        A date occuring last year. Only for .ods.
      • NEXT_YEAR

        public static final int NEXT_YEAR
        A date occuring next year. Only for .ods.