
Class FilterOperatorType

  • java.lang.Object
    • com.aspose.cells.FilterOperatorType
public class FilterOperatorType 
extends java.lang.Object

Utility class containing constants. InnerCustom Filter operator type.

Field Summary
static final intLESS_OR_EQUAL
Represents LessOrEqual operator.
static final intLESS_THAN
Represents LessThan operator.
static final intEQUAL
Represents Equal operator.
static final intGREATER_THAN
Represents GreaterThan operator.
static final intNOT_EQUAL
Represents NotEqual operator.
static final intGREATER_OR_EQUAL
Represents GreaterOrEqual operator.
static final intNONE
Represents no comparision.
static final intBEGINS_WITH
Begins with the text.
static final intENDS_WITH
Ends with the text.
static final intCONTAINS
Contains the text.
static final intNOT_CONTAINS
Doese not contains the text.

    • Field Detail


        public static final int LESS_OR_EQUAL
        Represents LessOrEqual operator.
      • LESS_THAN

        public static final int LESS_THAN
        Represents LessThan operator.
      • EQUAL

        public static final int EQUAL
        Represents Equal operator.

        public static final int GREATER_THAN
        Represents GreaterThan operator.
      • NOT_EQUAL

        public static final int NOT_EQUAL
        Represents NotEqual operator.

        public static final int GREATER_OR_EQUAL
        Represents GreaterOrEqual operator.
      • NONE

        public static final int NONE
        Represents no comparision.

        public static final int BEGINS_WITH
        Begins with the text.
      • ENDS_WITH

        public static final int ENDS_WITH
        Ends with the text.
      • CONTAINS

        public static final int CONTAINS
        Contains the text.

        public static final int NOT_CONTAINS
        Doese not contains the text.