
Class DynamicFilterType

  • java.lang.Object
    • com.aspose.cells.DynamicFilterType
public class DynamicFilterType 
extends java.lang.Object

Utility class containing constants. Dynamic filter type.

Field Summary
static final intABOVE_AVERAGE
Shows values that are above average.
static final intBELOW_AVERAGE
Shows values that are below average.
static final intLAST_MONTH
Shows last month's dates.
static final intLAST_QUARTER
Shows last quarter's dates.
static final intLAST_WEEK
Shows last week's dates.
static final intLAST_YEAR
Shows last year's dates.
static final intJANUARY
Shows the dates that are in January, regardless of year.
static final intOCTOBER
Shows the dates that are in October, regardless of year.
static final intNOVEMBER
Shows the dates that are in November, regardless of year.
static final intDECEMBER
Shows the dates that are in December, regardless of year.
static final intFEBRURAY
Shows the dates that are in Februray, regardless of year.
static final intMARCH
Shows the dates that are in March, regardless of year.
static final intAPRIL
Shows the dates that are in April, regardless of year.
static final intMAY
Shows the dates that are in May, regardless of year.
static final intJUNE
Shows the dates that are in June, regardless of year.
static final intJULY
Shows the dates that are in July, regardless of year.
static final intAUGUST
Shows the dates that are in August, regardless of year.
static final intSEPTEMBER
Shows the dates that are in September, regardless of year.
static final intNEXT_MONTH
Shows next month's dates.
static final intNEXT_QUARTER
Shows next quarter's dates.
static final intNEXT_WEEK
Shows next week's dates.
static final intNEXT_YEAR
Shows next year's dates.
static final intNONE
static final intQUARTER_1
Shows the dates that are in the 1st quarter, regardless of year.
static final intQUARTER_2
Shows the dates that are in the 2nd quarter, regardless of year.
static final intQUARTER_3
Shows the dates that are in the 3rd quarter, regardless of year.
static final intQUARTER_4
Shows the dates that are in the 4th quarter, regardless of year.
static final intTHIS_MONTH
Shows this month's dates.
static final intTHIS_QUARTER
Shows this quarter's dates.
static final intTHIS_WEEK
Shows this week's dates.
static final intTHIS_YEAR
Shows this year's dates.
static final intTODAY
Shows today's dates.
static final intTOMORROW
Shows tomorrow's dates.
static final intYEAR_TO_DATE
Shows the dates between the beginning of the year and today, inclusive.
static final intYESTERDAY
Shows yesterday's dates.

    • Field Detail


        public static final int ABOVE_AVERAGE
        Shows values that are above average.

        public static final int BELOW_AVERAGE
        Shows values that are below average.
      • LAST_MONTH

        public static final int LAST_MONTH
        Shows last month's dates.

        public static final int LAST_QUARTER
        Shows last quarter's dates.
      • LAST_WEEK

        public static final int LAST_WEEK
        Shows last week's dates.
      • LAST_YEAR

        public static final int LAST_YEAR
        Shows last year's dates.
      • JANUARY

        public static final int JANUARY
        Shows the dates that are in January, regardless of year.
      • OCTOBER

        public static final int OCTOBER
        Shows the dates that are in October, regardless of year.
      • NOVEMBER

        public static final int NOVEMBER
        Shows the dates that are in November, regardless of year.
      • DECEMBER

        public static final int DECEMBER
        Shows the dates that are in December, regardless of year.
      • FEBRURAY

        public static final int FEBRURAY
        Shows the dates that are in Februray, regardless of year.
      • MARCH

        public static final int MARCH
        Shows the dates that are in March, regardless of year.
      • APRIL

        public static final int APRIL
        Shows the dates that are in April, regardless of year.
      • MAY

        public static final int MAY
        Shows the dates that are in May, regardless of year.
      • JUNE

        public static final int JUNE
        Shows the dates that are in June, regardless of year.
      • JULY

        public static final int JULY
        Shows the dates that are in July, regardless of year.
      • AUGUST

        public static final int AUGUST
        Shows the dates that are in August, regardless of year.

        public static final int SEPTEMBER
        Shows the dates that are in September, regardless of year.
      • NEXT_MONTH

        public static final int NEXT_MONTH
        Shows next month's dates.

        public static final int NEXT_QUARTER
        Shows next quarter's dates.
      • NEXT_WEEK

        public static final int NEXT_WEEK
        Shows next week's dates.
      • NEXT_YEAR

        public static final int NEXT_YEAR
        Shows next year's dates.
      • NONE

        public static final int NONE
      • QUARTER_1

        public static final int QUARTER_1
        Shows the dates that are in the 1st quarter, regardless of year.
      • QUARTER_2

        public static final int QUARTER_2
        Shows the dates that are in the 2nd quarter, regardless of year.
      • QUARTER_3

        public static final int QUARTER_3
        Shows the dates that are in the 3rd quarter, regardless of year.
      • QUARTER_4

        public static final int QUARTER_4
        Shows the dates that are in the 4th quarter, regardless of year.
      • THIS_MONTH

        public static final int THIS_MONTH
        Shows this month's dates.

        public static final int THIS_QUARTER
        Shows this quarter's dates.
      • THIS_WEEK

        public static final int THIS_WEEK
        Shows this week's dates.
      • THIS_YEAR

        public static final int THIS_YEAR
        Shows this year's dates.
      • TODAY

        public static final int TODAY
        Shows today's dates.
      • TOMORROW

        public static final int TOMORROW
        Shows tomorrow's dates.
      • YEAR_TO_DATE

        public static final int YEAR_TO_DATE
        Shows the dates between the beginning of the year and today, inclusive.

        public static final int YESTERDAY
        Shows yesterday's dates.