
Class DataLablesSeparatorType

  • java.lang.Object
    • com.aspose.cells.DataLablesSeparatorType
public class DataLablesSeparatorType 
extends java.lang.Object

Utility class containing constants. Represents the separator type of DataLables.

Field Summary
static final intAUTO
Represents automatic separator
static final intSPACE
Represents space(" ")
static final intCOMMA
Represents comma(",")
static final intSEMICOLON
Represents semicolon(";")
static final intPERIOD
Represents period(".")
static final intNEW_LINE
Represents newline("\n")
static final intCUSTOM
Represents custom separator

    • Field Detail

      • AUTO

        public static final int AUTO
        Represents automatic separator
      • SPACE

        public static final int SPACE
        Represents space(" ")
      • COMMA

        public static final int COMMA
        Represents comma(",")

        public static final int SEMICOLON
        Represents semicolon(";")
      • PERIOD

        public static final int PERIOD
        Represents period(".")
      • NEW_LINE

        public static final int NEW_LINE
        Represents newline("\n")
      • CUSTOM

        public static final int CUSTOM
        Represents custom separator